Chapter 225 Cave Mansion

Xu Changsheng now feels a little hard to understand why there are so many immortal cultivators here. After all, he has experienced several dimensions before and it is difficult to meet other immortal cultivators, and the resources there are also very good. If it weren't for Xu Changsheng's powerful strength and various special methods, he would not have been able to discover the other layer of space hidden in those spaces.

In this way, he can finally obtain those benefits. However, there is a very obvious gap between the space that Xu Changsheng is in now and other spaces. That is, the scope here is wider, and there are so many immortal cultivators exploring, which means that this place has long been unknown. It has been explored by many immortal cultivators.

Then the information learned here will be more detailed than before, and it also means that there will be more resources here, so Xu Changsheng decided to collect some specific information about this space here before deciding to set off. After all, he When he first came here, he didn't know anything about it at all. Even though most of the immortal cultivators he teamed up with were disciples in the foundation-building stage who came here from different forces.

In fact, the immortal cultivators in this realm are not that powerful, and their exploration experience is not rich enough, so they still feel very afraid. It is for this reason that they choose to be in the same realm as others Only in this way will the immortal cultivators form a team. Only in this way will they feel safer and at least be able to cooperate with each other to deal with the corresponding troubles when they encounter problems.

Of course, if they are unable to defeat their opponents, these so-called team members can also delay time for them. Only if they run faster than other team members, then they have a chance to survive, so there is actually no relationship between them. There is no such emotion as trust. Because of this, Xu Changsheng chose to join these teams.

Because only in this way can he use them as tools for him to explore other environments without any psychological burden, because once problems arise, Xu Changsheng will abandon them without hesitation and leave. Although these immortal cultivators The strength is not strong, but it is still very good for exploring the road. After all, no one knows what they will encounter while moving forward.

Xu Changsheng will never think that he can ignore any environment because of his current strength. After all, the degree of danger in some environments can even have a corresponding effect on immortal cultivators above the god transformation stage. Fortunately, he and Xu Changsheng formed a These members of the exploration team arrived earlier than Xu Changsheng, so they have already collected some corresponding information.

After Xu Changsheng joined them, they could share this information. Xu Changsheng soon learned that the reason why the space he was in was so special was because it was once the inheritance place left by a powerful immortal cultivator. There is even a cave he left behind, and the strength of the immortal cultivator who left behind the inheritance has been directly improved to the level of overcoming the tribulation, which means that he is not far away from becoming an immortal.

However, such a powerful immortal cultivator died in the process of passing through the thunder tribulation. From this, we can see that the kind of thunder tribulation that is the last step to become an immortal is very dangerous. It is not that you want to Those who have raised their cultivation level to the highest level in this interface will definitely be able to become immortals, because the final success is still a very small part. The strong ones who can raise their cultivation level all the way to the highest level can only mean that they have the ability to become immortals. It’s just opportunities and qualifications.

But it does not mean that you will definitely be able to practice and become an immortal. Therefore, many practitioners just continue to explore in the process of practice. At the same time, there is also an element of luck, because if they are not strong enough and not lucky enough, even if they practice to the end, , it is very likely that he will get nothing, and Xu Changsheng cannot guarantee that he will be able to achieve the final victory in the end, because he has not survived the final lightning tribulation of immortality, so he does not know how powerful such a thunder tribulation is.

Fortunately, Xu Changsheng no longer has such worries. That is because he has completely transformed his body into an immortal body by absorbing the energy of the immortal spirits before, and his recovery and vitality are also very strong. With the Yimu Immortal Body, Xu Changsheng dared to say that even if he faced a more dangerous thunder tribulation, he could survive it safely. Therefore, after there is no such danger, the most important thing Xu Changsheng needs to do now is to improve his cultivation level as soon as possible.

Until you can overcome the calamity and become an immortal, then you can directly prepare to become an immortal without any preparation. However, because of the various powerful secret techniques that Xu Changsheng has practiced, he needs a lot of cultivation resources. In this Under such circumstances, naturally he has higher requirements for treasures, so he will come to this advanced interface and continue to search in this dangerous secret world, just to allow himself to have more cultivation resources, and then Use this to improve your own cultivation.

However, Xu Changsheng also knows that if his secret is known by other powerful immortal cultivators, it will not be of any benefit to him and he will always be in danger, so he will try his best to hide his information, and then only when Only after you have truly reached the pinnacle state of this world will your information be revealed.

And even if a strong person suspects that he has a powerful treasure in his hands, he will not be able to pose any threat to him. Xu Changsheng feels that only by keeping a low profile can he finally solve all the troubles safely and finally become an immortal, although he has some control. With powerful subordinates, more training resources can be collected for him.

But Xu Changsheng does not have such strength now, because he knows very well that in such a high-level interface, the god-level immortal cultivators are not yet able to suppress all the strong ones. This is mainly because Xu Changsheng is aware that outsiders want to use the current It is actually not that simple to truly control a force based on your cultivation level, especially with Xu Changsheng's current perspective, he is only interested in those forces that are above the first-class level.

However, it is impossible for the human world to make Xu Changsheng their actual controller immediately. After all, there is a huge gap between them and Xu Changsheng. It is not easy for Xu Changsheng to gain the trust of those powerful high-level officials because it requires a large number of people. It takes time to prove that he can do it, and for Xu Changsheng, what he needs most is time, because only by improving his strength in a short period of time can he truly feel at ease to do what he wants to do.

If Xu Changsheng directly reveals his true cultivation level and then chooses to join a super force, he will probably not get the corresponding benefits and will be controlled by the other party. In the end, if something dangerous happens, he will come out to fight. , This is completely contrary to Xu Changsheng's original idea. Under such circumstances, Xu Changsheng could not let other powerful immortal cultivators know his true situation, so he finally chose the safest way.

That is, he can first join a powerful cultivation force, and then continue to practice in it. While improving his cultivation, he can also control those practitioners with very good talents and status through the powerful control methods he has mastered. , in addition to letting them borrow the power of their own forces to collect various useful information and resources for Xu Changsheng, as long as Xu Changsheng controls enough cultivators, he will also obtain a lot of precious resources.

At the same time, he himself will also look for high-level resources that can help him in these powerful secret realms. Because these dangerous secret realms can form powerful rules, they have serious consequences for the immortal cultivators who come in to explore them. It is restricted by the realm. In this case, no immortal cultivators who are too powerful will dare to come here to explore. Because it is very dangerous and not cost-effective for them. In this case, why don't they let the immortal cultivators in their own forces come to explore this secret world and collect various needed resources for them. This is not only safe, but also convenient for them. It can also save a lot of time when doing things, but the problem is that if those cultivators who are exploring really encounter those very good and high-level resources, how can they easily take them out and give them to those It is used by high-ranking immortal cultivators.

It is very likely that these precious treasures will be digested directly in the secret realm, and some of the treasures cannot be taken out. This severely limits the level of treasures that these cultivators can obtain, so Xu Changsheng needs to sign. When he comes in to explore, he will not look forward and backward like those cultivators who have been cultivating for many years.

Although Xu Changsheng cherishes his life very much, he also understands that if he wants to get more benefits, there is nothing he will not take risks. Moreover, the interface Xu Changsheng is currently in has many secret worlds. Many people have difficulty explaining what resources they are, and there are also some secret worlds that are completely separated from those higher-end interfaces.

Therefore, the benefits obtained from it are very unpredictable. Maybe you can directly obtain those treasures that only real immortals can possess. Xu Changsheng also obtained some benefits that he could not have imagined during the exploration process. I originally thought that no matter how high the level of the treasures in these secret worlds was, they would not reach the level of immortals.

But Xu Changsheng now realizes that he was completely wrong. During his exploration here, he would not be surprised if he encountered high-level treasures. Moreover, the more advanced the treasures he encountered, the greater the benefits he would gain. As soon as he joined the team, he had already chosen the route to explore next. Because this space had already been explored by many immortal cultivators, some routes were safe, and they could know in advance which route to take. Roads, but the problem is the treasures on those extremely safe roads.

It has already been obtained by the immortal cultivators who explored before, so even if they explore, they will not get much precious resources. In this case, they can only go as close as possible to the areas that have not yet been explored, because Only in this way can we obtain some more precious resources, but these practitioners are also ready to evacuate at any time, because no matter what treasure it is, it cannot be as important as their lives.

Therefore, in the process of exploration, their own life safety is the first priority. Otherwise, even if they encounter any treasures, they will not be able to use them and will get nothing in the end. He was also very satisfied with the stable style of the immortal cultivators he formed a team with, because only such teammates could not hold him back.

There are many precious resources in this world, but those practitioners who explore, once they encounter these resources, they will not think about whether they have the ability to obtain these resources, and they will blindly obtain the results without getting any benefits. , and also lost his own life. Only those cultivators who can truly control themselves can go further.

Because they are so stable, they can survive longer in the end. If they cannot live for a longer period of time, then it is impossible to break through to a higher realm. The location of Xu Changsheng's exploration this time is exactly where the powerful The edge of the cave where the cultivators of immortality stayed. Although it is very dangerous now, you can still ensure your safety if you are careful. If you are lucky, you may be able to get some unexpected benefits.

In fact, this entire space can be regarded as a treasured inheritance left by a very powerful immortal cultivator, but the most valuable thing among them must be the cave in the center, which must have been left by that immortal cultivator. Various powerful inheritances may have countless precious resources, but the problem is that there are many dangerous environments there, not to mention the powerful monsters guarding the cave nearby, but also the powerful magic circle restrictions deployed nearby. All difficult to deal with.

As long as outsiders dare to approach there, they will immediately be severely attacked. Many immortal cultivators were wiped out by the powerful tools there during the exploration process. This also makes many people who come to explore very fearful. Dare to go deeper into the core area. So far, the areas that these immortal cultivators who come to explore can reach are only the outermost areas of the cave.

Moreover, Xu Changsheng discovered that the only thing in the entire space that was attractive to him now was the cave. As for other areas outside the cave, they had actually been explored countless times by other immortal cultivators, so even if there were Some resources are definitely not very precious. So far, all the immortal cultivators who have come to explore understand that the cave is the most valuable existence.

However, they did not have the ability to open it, so they could only continue to explore here to see if there was a way to open the restriction here. When Xu Changsheng and his team members temporarily joined the team and arrived at the edge of the cave. , he saw many immortal cultivators trying various methods to break the restrictions here. At the same time, some immortal cultivators gathered together to use powerful methods to eliminate the powerful monsters that came out of it.

The purpose of this is to prevent those monsters from interfering with their process of opening the ban. These immortal cultivators seem to have a very tacit understanding of cooperation with each other, which makes Xu Changsheng a little surprised, but he also understands that they are all In order to be able to completely open the restriction here as soon as possible and then enter it for exploration, what kind of benefits can be obtained in the end depends entirely on the means they have.

Xu Changsheng just observed it and was a little surprised by the methods of the immortal cultivators in these interfaces, because what he didn't expect was that these immortal cultivators had very good abilities, especially in opening magic circles. With unique methods and insights, Xu Changsheng also began to observe the powerful restrictions shrouded nearby. He found that the power of the restrictions here was somewhat similar to the structure of the ancient restrictions he knew.

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(End of this chapter)

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