Mortal cultivation begins with immortality

Chapter 226 Breaking the Formation

Chapter 226 Breaking the Formation

Xu Changsheng discovered that the formation that completely enveloped this cave was not that powerful, because it could be broken by just sending out a cultivator at the level of the God Transformation. But the problem was that the formation in this secret world was not that powerful. The power of the rules is very strong, and the most powerful strength that all the strong men here can exert cannot exceed the peak Nascent Soul level.

In other words, if you want to break the forbidden power here, you can only rely on the immortal cultivators who have entered this secret realm to do it yourself, and those elders who have reached the level of Nascent Soul outside will not be willing to come in to help these disciples. This is because they themselves are very cautious.

Moreover, it is not easy to cultivate to the level of Nascent Soul. They are not willing to take risks by entering this secret world. This is destined that the strength of the immortal cultivators who explore this space will not be much stronger. Go, so they can only open the forbidden circle here through other means.

Xu Changsheng observed it and found that these immortal cultivators have now thought of two ways. One is to find those formation masters who have very high attainments in magic formations and let them study the power of these magic formations here. See See if you can find a way to open the magic circle.

The remaining method is to collect more immortal cultivators as quickly as possible, and then gather all their forces together, and finally form a powerful attack force to destroy the magic circle. But the problem is that although the immortal cultivators gathered here There are many in number, but their strength is uneven.

It is very difficult for them to gather together, trust each other, and then attack the magic circle together. Moreover, if you want to gather them together to form the ultimate destructive power that can only be achieved by the realm of gods, you need a low-level The number of immortal cultivators is very large.

If anything goes wrong during their attack, it will cause irreversible damage to those cultivators. In this case, it is basically impossible for those cultivators to completely achieve the purpose of unified cooperation. Realized, which is why when Xu Changsheng came to explore this space, he found that there were many formation masters standing here, trying every means to break the restrictions here.

It's just that Xu Changsheng himself has very high attainments in formations and has reached an extremely high level, so Xu Changsheng can judge how powerful the forbidden power that envelopes the entire cave is by just looking at it. There is also the fact that the level of these formation mages gathered here is very limited.

After all, the vision and control of formation masters have a great relationship with their own cultivation and strength. In addition, the ancient restrictions arranged here are very complicated and powerful, even if Xu Changsheng wants to It will take some time to completely crack them.

However, after Xu Changsheng arrived here, he did not take action blindly, because he knew very well that there were too many immortal cultivators gathered nearby. If he showed any other behavior, he would probably be immediately criticized by those cultivators. If you pay attention, then his actual identity may not be concealed.

It's just that Xu Changsheng has never encountered any useful resources for him since he entered this space. That's because he discovered along the way that these resources have already been taken away by many immortal cultivators. They had no idea how much time they spent exploring here, so it was strange to find something good here.

However, Xu Changsheng didn't feel too depressed. That's because he knew very well that the more precious treasures were located, the more dangerous they were, so the cave he saw in front of him must contain the most precious treasures in this space. The location of the treasure, so if Xu Changsheng can obtain the treasure of this cave, then his trip to explore this space will not be in vain.

But the problem is that Xu Changsheng cannot wait here forever, and then watch these immortal cultivators here thinking about how to break the magic circle here, but Xu Changsheng is temporarily starting to interact with the team members he has joined. These immortal cultivators exchanged some treasures among themselves.

After all, the level of the treasures they obtained during the exploration process is not very high, but it is still very good if they can be exchanged for some useful treasures for themselves, and in the inheritance space left over from ancient times, there must be some Although the treasure looks very ordinary, its level and value are very high.

But the immortal cultivators who own these treasures are not able to discover the value of such treasures, so this is the so-called picking up leaks. Although Xu Changsheng is now suppressed by the power of rules in the space where he is, his spiritual will is still Level of transformation into gods.

Therefore, Xu Changsheng wanted to discover that the treasures that contained real blessings might be much higher than those of other immortal cultivators. In the process of trading with other immortal cultivators, Xu Changsheng indeed discovered a few items of very good quality. The treasure can be regarded as a small profit.

But next, he needs to focus on the caves left by immortal cultivators in ancient times. Although the level of the array masters gathered here is not very high, so many people are constantly and carefully accumulating There were still some gains during the experiment, but they have been unable to break this powerful magic circle.

Xu Changsheng also felt very helpless, because he had been observing here and found a way to open the restriction here, but the problem is that it is not that simple to enter this cave, because it requires a lot of energy support, and once The movement caused by him activating the magic circle here was still very loud, and it was impossible for him to hide it.

In this case, Xu Changsheng must directly reveal his identity as an array master, and then he can participate in discussing with these cultivators how to open the restriction here. At that time, Xu Changsheng can use what he has Tell them how to open it.

This can save you a lot of time. As for whether you can get corresponding benefits after entering this residence in advance, it depends on whether the strength of each other can grab the treasures. As expected, Xu Changsheng joined these After becoming an Array Master, he inadvertently told the immortal cultivators present some of his experiences in a subtle way.

Finally, after everyone worked together, they were able to open the magic circle in front of them. It can be said that at this moment, all the immortal cultivators exploring around were very excited, and they did not hesitate and rushed over here one after another, but Xu Changsheng and the others, as array masters who have activated the array restriction, naturally have priority to enter this residence to explore.

The other immortal cultivators did not have any objections. After all, without Xu Changsheng and the others, it would have been impossible for these immortal cultivators to enter and explore, so there was no problem in letting Xu Changsheng go in first. All smart people would Immortal cultivators who know how to explore first will often gain more benefits, because once they encounter precious resources, they can discover them as soon as possible and snatch them away.

Of course, it is difficult to say whether these resources can be kept to oneself in the end, because there are great conflicts and competition among the immortal cultivators present, and it is impossible for them to maintain a very friendly attitude, so when After the treasures appear, they will definitely fight with each other, and eventually they will be damaged or destroyed. So even if there is a chance to get those treasures, if you want to really take them out, you have to see if you have such means. Xu Changsheng and those cultivators who entered it for the first time in the initial exploration process Although we also encountered some dangerous situations, they were able to resolve them quickly. After all, everyone was very strong. However, after entering this gathering place, the original trust relationship between them no longer existed.

Therefore, they were very vigilant and kept a high degree of vigilance towards each other, so in the end they simply explored separately, so as not to interfere with the treasures discovered by each other during the exploration. Xu Changsheng can now be said to be completely alone again. This is a vast space to explore, so he has not established contact with anyone. As for the team he joined before, he has completely lost contact now.

After all, everyone is not very familiar with each other. Since they can come here, they naturally rely entirely on their own strength to explore. However, Xu Changsheng is different from other immortal cultivators who came in to explore. After arriving here, it is like entering a very strange and vast world, so when exploring, it is in a blind state.

But Xu Changsheng is different. Because the technique he practices is very special, he can feel the aura fluctuations emitted by the treasures around him. In this case, Xu Changsheng only needs to carefully sense it to find the most powerful aura. In the direction where the powerful treasure is located, he can go directly there to explore. As for the other treasures, Xu Changsheng doesn't care.

The number of treasures in any space can be very large, but the value is very different. After reaching Xu Changsheng's level, he will only be interested in those treasures with high value, so after he chooses the direction here, he will He did not stay any longer, but continued to move forward as quickly as possible in the direction he had already explored. However, during his search, he discovered that several figures were also looking for him.

This shows that there are still some immortal cultivators like Xu Changsheng who can detect the fluctuations of the treasure's aura. Although Xu Changsheng still doesn't know how these immortal cultivators use to detect the fluctuations of the treasure's aura, but since everyone can find the direction, then There must be corresponding means, and Xu Changsheng could clearly feel that the abilities of these immortal cultivators who came here were very good.

They have reached the upper limit of strength that can be achieved in this space. This surprised Xu Changsheng. He did not expect that there would be so many powerful immortal cultivators gathered here. He had never felt like this before. Now it seems that these Many immortal cultivators hide their cultivation and strength.

So some of the immortal cultivators who can come here to explore are likely to be elite disciples from those super-first-class forces, but this is good, and it can also allow Xu Changsheng to better understand the high-level immortal cultivating sects in this interface. What kind of strength and means.

If Xu Changsheng can control all these powerful people, then he can also get more sources of information for him, and even let them find some precious resources for him, providing him with a steady stream of resources. However, Xu Changsheng needs to pay attention to one thing. Once these immortal cultivators join forces to deal with him, it will be more troublesome.

After all, if these immortal cultivators really join forces, then their strength is still very good. At least they can have the strength to threaten Xu Changsheng in this space. Therefore, Xu Changsheng should remain stable, at least before he chooses to take action. You have to have enough strength.

The most important thing Xu Changsheng needs to do now is to grab the most valuable treasure in this space as soon as possible. Then he can share the treasure information with other forces and even have time to control these immortal cultivators. But when Xu Changsheng After Changsheng came to a main hall, he found that there were a lot of puppets inside, and these puppets seemed to exude a very powerful aura. From this look, they should be the guards here.

In short, Xu Changsheng can tell that the value of the treasures in this cave must be very high. There may even be inheritance from the ancient immortal cultivator, as well as the immortal cultivators who came here to explore with Xu Changsheng. They were very surprised. They did not expect that there would be so many powerful puppets here.

However, they did not feel afraid. Instead, they were very excited because they were very smart and could deduce many things. After all, the stronger the defense force, the treasures they could possess must be the most precious. They felt that they had come to the right place. They have secured a place, so they have no worries now and directly fight with these puppets.

Even if they destroy these puppets in the end, they can still put them away and sell them to other immortal cultivators. After all, the materials refined by higher-level puppets can be said to be very good. Xu Changsheng thinks These immortal cultivators began to fight with these puppets.

Then he did not hesitate and joined the battle, because only by defeating all these puppets can he continue the next exploration. Although Xu Changsheng already had some very good puppets, he noticed that here The materials of these puppets are very good and their value is very high. At least they are much better than the puppets he collected before.

Therefore, during the battle, Xu Changsheng once temporarily smashed the control cores of these puppets and put them away, because for him, these puppets are also very valuable existences, so he has no regard for the other people in this cave. The treasures held by the location are more interesting.

Although there are a lot of these puppets present, the cultivators gathered here are also very powerful. After joining forces, they quickly defeated all these puppets and divided them up. Then everyone will start the next step. Exploration, although there is a conflicting relationship between each other, but if you explore together, you can still feel a sense of security.

At least when encountering an attack that is difficult to resist, other immortal cultivators can resist it for them, thus giving them time to retreat or defeat the opponent.

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(End of this chapter)

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