Chapter 245 Space Power

The entire space can be said to be a very good place for cultivation, because the concentration of spiritual energy here is very suitable for most cultivators to break through and improve their strength here. However, Xu Changsheng always feels that this space is a bit strange, because he based on his previous experience. The experience can be clearly felt.

This space exists as a whole. It is not an independent space that can be formed by merging into a certain secret realm. It can be said that the cultivation environment in this space is better than the small world Xu Changsheng obtained before. After all, Xu Changsheng Although the small world owned by Changsheng exists as a semi-immortal weapon.

But there are still big flaws. Because the power of rules has been destroyed, it can only be cultivated into an interface similar to the spirit world. But the problem is that to really reach this level, you still need to use It takes a very long time and a lot of resources to do it.

Xu Changsheng is just starting out now. He feels that even if he continues to practice, he may not be able to complete his cultivation until he finally ascends to immortality. Under such circumstances, the most important thing Xu Changsheng needs to do is to be able to Find a space to practice with him. After all, he can't always practice in the very low-level spaces on this interface.

Although those superpowers have some special cave worlds, and the efficiency of cultivation in them will be much higher than outside, but to obtain such an opportunity, they definitely need a higher status, and Xu Changsheng is not willing, so just This will reveal your true strength.

This is because Xu Changsheng's true identity is completely different from that of the local strong men in this world. If he wants to gain a higher status, he will inevitably be detected. Then if he lets other powerful immortal cultivators know Knowing his origin and secret, he might take action against him.

So Xu Changsheng has always thought of a way, which is to control everything behind the scenes. As long as he keeps a low profile and continues to practice, as long as he can finally rise to the most powerful level in the world, which is the realm of the peak of Mahayana, then when the time comes Xu Changsheng Changsheng will not be afraid of anyone. Xu Changsheng will be able to do whatever he wants to do without worrying about any accidents.

With Xu Changsheng's steady mentality, he felt that before he reached invincibility, he would never reveal his true situation like this, because he always felt that there was something in this strange world that he didn't know about. It may cause unimaginable losses to yourself.

So now I still maintain a low-key style so that I can develop faster. At least so far, all my actions have been without any accidents, and I have also controlled a large number of talented immortal cultivators. I just need to let them be able to do it for me. Provide more benefits, then he does not have to worry about his future development.

In fact, based on Xu Changsheng's talent and current resources, it is not difficult for him to cultivate to a higher realm. However, in the future, he does not want to become a being who only has a realm but does not have corresponding combat power and foundation. Because of such cultivation There is no advantage at all. If you really rise to the immortal world in the future, you will definitely become the lowest-strength immortal.

In this case, why not let yourself build the strongest foundation from the beginning, so this requires more inheritance and corresponding resources. If you want to become strong, you must have enough patience and continue to practice various skills. By this method, he can only think about achieving an improvement in overall strength after he becomes stronger, and then he can continue to improve his realm with confidence.

Xu Changsheng had planned his own cultivation path from the beginning. He would never be like other immortal cultivators who only had a short-lived brilliance, but in the end it was just a flash in the pan. It can be said that there will be no shortage of those in this world. Geniuses, and the strength they possess and the various powerful talents they are born with are all excellent.

But in the end, there are very few geniuses who can really grow up. This is mainly because they themselves have not maintained a steady and steady development style, so many of them died before they grew up. They have strong talents and excellent skills. potential, and thought that he could truly become a powerful immortal cultivator.

Because geniuses who cannot grow up have no value. Like those who just read books without any thinking ability and move forward without paying attention to any difficulties they will face. In the end, they will be compared to other immortal cultivators inexplicably. It was wiped out.

Xu Changsheng has been exploring here for a while, but he has not found any other treasures that interest him besides precious medicinal materials. Xu Changsheng feels that this situation is impossible, because there are many treasures in a space. Such rich spiritual energy must have a source.

Moreover, Xu Changsheng has not discovered what kind of spiritual veins are contained in this space, so the only possibility is that there is something precious hidden in this space, and that treasure may use powerful energy. If Xu Changsheng can obtain such a treasure, Then placing it in its own small world can directly increase its spiritual energy concentration.

This can also speed up the development of his own small world. As long as Xu Changsheng can obtain a more powerful small world, he will not lack any cultivation resources in the future, and he may even be able to upgrade the level of his small world to become a true immortal. Tools, many geniuses will encounter various opportunities in the process of cultivation.

Only those very lucky geniuses will encounter some precious resources left behind from the fairy world, such as powerful portable caves. If there is such an opportunity, it can be said that even if their natural talents and abilities are average, as long as they can maintain steady development, And if you continue to practice, you will definitely be able to improve, and it is not impossible to become an immortal in the end.

Xu Changsheng has a very great need for such resources, because he knows very well that the environment in which he needs to practice is very harsh, but it is impossible for him to find and pay some price for the so-called cultivation environment, and let himself fall into Amidst the danger, Xu Changsheng will definitely encounter more troubles in the future, and he hopes to have a portable cave.

In this way, he can use it as a defensive and evasive treasure whether he is practicing or encountering danger, because the powerful portable cave can often be integrated into the void. If he encounters an enemy that is difficult to fight, he can directly enter his own cave. In the cave, avoid the current crisis.

As for those enemies, even if they know about it, they can't take action against him, because if they want to truly find the space where their cave is located, they need to have strong strength and master the laws of space to a very high level. In order to be able to enter the space, and on the basis of constant search, it is more troublesome to accurately find the portable space that just belongs to you.

Therefore, people who have portable caves can greatly improve their safety and can boldly explore dangerous places. Xu Changsheng obtained several powerful treasures, including fairy-level treasures. Treasures, but for Xu Changsheng, what he values ​​most is that the treasures that are portable in the world are the most valuable.

The very powerful golden palace that Xu Changsheng met in other secret worlds was actually a very powerful portable space in essence. However, the golden palace was the natal immortal weapon belonging to a genius from the immortal world. Others It is impossible for immortal cultivators and immortals to take it away.

Xu Changsheng is also very envious of such geniuses, because they have resources and talents that other immortal cultivators can't imagine since they were born. Therefore, they have reached the level of golden immortals in just a few thousand years of cultivation, but for all living beings, It can be said that it is very difficult to own such a treasure. In the entire world of immortal cultivation, there are very few people who can ascend to immortality, let alone wanting to become a powerful immortal like a golden immortal. That is completely wishful thinking, but all this has nothing to do with Xu Changsheng, and he will not feel that he I really need to belittle myself here.

Because Xu Changsheng himself also possesses a powerful treasure, which is the Immortality Dao Fruit. Now Xu Changsheng's knowledge is much higher than before, so it can be guessed that the level of this Dao Fruit has actually surpassed the Heavenly Dao, but Xu Changsheng's current The cultivation level is too low, so he cannot exert the true power of Dao Fruit.

It can be said that immortality is only the most superficial ability possessed by the Dao Fruit. After all, even Heaven can avoid such a powerful treasure. Xu Changsheng even felt that Heaven had an instinct of fear for the Dao Fruit of Immortality. You must know that even if it is Those powerful immortals who have become immortals, even if they become powerful beings like Tao Ancestors, they cannot escape the shackles of heaven. From this, we can see how precious the Immortality Tao Fruit possessed by Xu Changsheng is.

However, the Immortality Dao Fruit does not have much effect on Xu Changsheng at this stage. It only gives him an endless lifespan. Therefore, Xu Changsheng must keep a lower profile before he truly grows up, but there is no need to fight with those cultivators. , compete for some resources.

Because as long as Xu Changsheng can practice for a long time, he will always be able to obtain stronger strength. It is only a matter of time before he becomes an immortal. However, Xu Changsheng is not willing to just be like those who cultivate immortals. , practice step by step, because this efficiency is too slow.

After all, in the process of growing up, Xu Changsheng will definitely encounter various changes. If he cannot have strong strength, Xu Changsheng will always feel insecure. In the future, he will try his best to improve his foundation, in order to be able to carry himself with him in the fairy world. After that, he has the foundation to compete with those geniuses.

Xu Changsheng always felt that there must be something in this space that he had not discovered so far. Otherwise, what is the most important thing to maintain the operation of this space? It is impossible for powerful energy fluctuations to appear for no reason. Xu Changsheng simply studied the various arrangements in this space and found that there seemed to be some restrictions hidden in this space that were difficult to detect.

Xu Changsheng learned about the arrangement methods of those ancient restrictions when he controlled the origin in his own small world. After applying them to this space, he found that the two were very similar, except that this space The scope of it is much smaller than the small world that Xu Changsheng has.

So according to Xu Changsheng's guess, he feels that this is probably a small world that has just been born, and even the power of rules has not been fully evolved, so this space itself does not have much value, but it can evolve this space and The treasures created are the most important.

If he can obtain and load it into his own small world, Xu Changsheng believes that he can improve the level of his own small world and speed up the operation of the entire world. Xu Changsheng feels that his arrival here may not be an accident. It is the outcome formed after the intervention of certain rules and forces.

In fact, when the entire world is running, it will definitely follow corresponding rules and form various factors. For example, Xu Changsheng didn't believe in things like fate before, but after he came to this world, through various developments, I can clearly feel this powerful force.

It can be said that those who are lucky can get some good opportunities no matter where they go, because they are destined to continue to grow, but this does not mean that they will eventually be able to grow, because they still need to rely on themselves.

Opportunities and resources can be obtained by luck to a certain extent, but they also require corresponding strength and talent. Therefore, in the process of growing up, if I can seize the opportunities and continue to become stronger, it is possible to grow. Become super strong.

But if you forget about it after acquiring some resources and lose your awe of all things, then it is very likely that you will not be favored by fate in the end, because it is very difficult to obtain great opportunities, but even if you can obtain them, can you? It’s still very important to stay in control.

If they cannot control it, it means that they will eventually lose everything, and it will not be any good for them, but will have huge disadvantages. Xu Changsheng is constantly studying some of the forbidden powers arranged and hidden here in this space. This really made him discover some clues.

It turns out that there is a very small space hidden in the center of this space. However, if you want to open this space, the conditions you need to have are relatively strict. First, you must have the power and mana of a powerful divine envoy or above the god transformation stage. , then it is to have a very high attainment of ancient restrictions, and finally to be able to control the space power here, so it is also necessary to have a lot of understanding of the secrets of space.

As for the powerful power of the Space Law, it is not something that ordinary people can possess. It is very difficult to realize it. Unless those who have a very high ability to sense the Space Law can use it. However, if you want to use it, To control the power of this space law, one needs to improve his strength to that of an immortal before he can understand it.

As for ordinary mortals, even powerful immortal cultivators, if they want to borrow the power of space laws, they can only learn and research to develop some secret techniques and magical powers that can use space. If they are other cultivators, Now that I'm here, it's very difficult to find out such rules and requirements, let alone recall a complete summary.

Of course, even if they knew, there was nothing they could do, because the conditions for everyone here were very high, especially in this secret world, it was impossible to allow immortal cultivators above the god transformation stage to come in, but Xu Changsheng happened to be satisfied at the same time. These three conditions are very suitable. Xu Changsheng couldn't help but think that his ability to come here might not be just a simple arrangement of fate.

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(End of this chapter)

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