Chapter 246 Bronze Cauldron

Xu Changsheng knew very well that in fact, many things in the entire universe were destined, and they revolved around some rules. There would be no unreasonable changes. There must be something that changed Xu Changsheng's fate, so Only then did he appear in this world.

Coupled with the situation Xu Changsheng is facing now, he can fully guess that everything that happens to him in the future may be interfered by something. Based on all the things Xu Changsheng has experienced before, Xu Changsheng even They all felt that it was no coincidence that they suddenly came to this higher plane.

Maybe it was himself from the future who took action at a certain moment and led him into this world. As for the reason behind it, Xu Changsheng would definitely not know it now, but Xu Changsheng also knew very well that as long as If you continue to become stronger, then there will always be a day when he comes into contact with you. At least until now, there has been no situation that is very unfavorable to you.

So Xu Changsheng felt that he only needed to continue to grow. Since he could find such a space, he had to take away all the treasures here, because this was his opportunity. How could he With this missed opportunity, Xu Changsheng satisfied the request to activate the space teleportation here, and he quickly began to use his methods.

And opened a seemingly very small light door. The scene in front of him surprised Xu Changsheng, because it was too familiar, very similar to the situation in the small world he had experienced before, so Xu Changsheng was very familiar with it. There is reason to suspect that the space he discovered now is a newly formed small world, but it has not yet developed.

However, such existences are often not formed naturally. They are probably evolved from a powerful treasure, and the level of such treasures is often very high. Xu Changsheng hopes that he can get some good things this time, so He won't let him waste his time exploring here.

Because Xu Changsheng had already had relevant experience, he quickly came to another small space, and then saw very complicated forbidden runes. However, the forbidden runes here were not directly formed by themselves. Instead, it emerged from a copper tripod-like treasure floating in the void.

When Xu Changsheng saw such a scene, he knew that his previous guess was correct. There was indeed a very powerful treasure hidden here, and the level of this treasure definitely reached the immortal level, even higher than what Xu Changsheng had obtained before. The level of the small world is even higher, but because this treasure has not yet fully displayed its abilities.

Therefore, a real world has not yet fully evolved, but this is a good thing for Xu Changsheng, because it means that he can master it more easily. If Xu Changsheng can integrate this bronze tripod into his small world, and use it as the core to suppress the entire world.

Then Xu Changsheng believes that the level of his small world will definitely be improved, reaching the true fairy level or above, and the power of rules will be more powerful and stable. As long as Xu Changsheng has a very complete and powerful portable world, then no matter what he does in the future, No matter what environment you are in, there will be no big danger.

Because Xu Changsheng can enter the portable world when he encounters danger and avoid the pursuit of strong men. Although in that case, he will not be able to leave the location where he is at that time, but as long as Xu Changsheng has enough time, he can completely Digest the treasures you obtain and improve your strength.

Then he comes out to deal with the strong men who are chasing him. This is why many strong men hope to have a powerful portable treasure. However, the level of such treasures is very high. It can only be formed when it reaches the fairy level or above. Ordinary It is impossible for those cultivators to possess it, because even if they can make imitations, they can only integrate a small space into a certain treasure.

But if you really hide in this space at that time, then the treasure will appear directly. The strong person who goes out at that time can find this treasure through detection, and then you can take out everything in the space, so This is very dangerous and cannot achieve true avoidance, but having a portable space above the immortal level is completely different.

Because of such treasures, they can completely integrate into the void. This is equivalent to forming something similar to the cave world. It can be said to be invisible and very hidden. Then the chasing strong want to find it. Carrying space is difficult.

Even if they can open the space crack and enter the portable space, once they enter, they will be suppressed by the entire space. Then Xu Changsheng can directly use the power of the rules of the space to eliminate the opponent, so as long as they are very smart Strong people will not easily enter other people's personal space and take risks.

And now Xu Changsheng has such an opportunity. He must completely master this immortal-level bronze tripod in this space as soon as possible. Such a treasure is of high level and of extraordinary value. Xu Changsheng believes that if the information here If other cultivators find out about it, even those peak cultivators in the Mahayana stage who cannot hide it will definitely take action.

Because even immortals would attach great importance to such a treasure, Xu Changsheng hoped that he would obtain it as soon as possible, so that he could leave here quickly. Although many of the methods he had deployed outside could form a good defense force, Even if a cultivator discovers it, it is unlikely to get in here, but we cannot rule out any possibility.

If there are really immortal cultivators who can do it, it will still be very dangerous for Xu Changsheng. Xu Changsheng will never underestimate the strong people in any world. After all, if he can develop for so many years, he will definitely be able to acquire abilities in many aspects. Then They might also be able to obtain treasures that appear from the higher world.

After experiencing such an adventure, Xu Changsheng felt that he really needed to explore this secret world. This was because the treasures in these secret worlds were very unimaginable, very high-level, and made all immortal cultivators very special. I am so greedy. No wonder the world where I am a higher level, those cultivators practice faster, not only because of environmental factors, but also because this place can be connected with higher worlds, so many unexpected secret realms appear.

It can be said that opportunities are everywhere in the high world, but whether you can get them depends on each other's strength and means. Xu Changsheng obviously has a huge advantage over other immortal cultivators in this secret world, so he feels It is necessary for me to be here and increase my search intensity, maybe I can get more benefits.

Xu Changsheng even felt that if he could obtain all the treasures in the powerful secret worlds in the entire world, he might be able to achieve his goal. Whether it is to ascend to immortality or to build an extremely powerful foundation, it would be very good. At least the treasure he discovered now has such ability.

After Xu Changsheng has made all preparations, the most important thing to do now is to understand the forbidden runes that appear in the void, and then reversely control and master the powerful bronze tripod in front of him, which is a powerful treasure. It's very difficult to master, as it's very demanding and consumes a lot of mana and time.

If the most primitive control method is not very efficient, Xu Changsheng simply adopts constant control methods, so that he can slowly control these treasures without causing strong resistance from this treasure. In addition, Shang Xu Changsheng himself has reached a very high level of control over the ancient restrictions, so he can very clearly judge how to control these runes in order to achieve his goals. Because these runes basically emerge from the bronze tripod, they can be regarded as an extension of the bronze tripod. Xu Changsheng can completely integrate these runes with his powerful spiritual power, and then continue to Understand and get in touch with the core of this bronze tripod. If this bronze tripod has a powerful weapon spirit, then Xu Changsheng only needs to control the weapon spirit to control this treasure.

However, Xu Changsheng felt that it would be better if there was no weapon spirit, because then he could completely rely on his own will to cultivate and create a brand new weapon spirit. In this way, once he mastered it, Xu Changsheng could have 100% perfect control over it. It can also exert all its power.

Xu Changsheng always felt that he wanted to obtain a treasure. If he could not master it perfectly, there would be some hidden dangers. After all, if the treasure showed its own will during use, it might have a certain backlash on himself. Therefore, when doing anything, all aspects of factors must be taken into consideration. Only by achieving them perfectly can the trouble be successfully solved.

Moreover, the treasure in front of you is of a very high level, so if you really have a weapon spirit, Xu Changsheng’s current strength will definitely not be able to master it, and it might even cause harm to Xu Changsheng in turn, so you have to take very special measures. The safe way is to use these runes to explore and test whether other wills exist in the treasure.

It's just that Xu Changsheng didn't get any response after constantly using his methods. This is completely abnormal. Moreover, this treasure has been able to evolve the world by itself so far. So it is very likely that it does not have its own will, maybe it is him. Transformation, this made Xu Changsheng's heart drop.

Because this shows that there is probably no weapon spirit among these treasures, or there may have been a weapon spirit in the past, but it disappeared under the influence of some other reasons. No matter what the situation is, it is beneficial to Xu Changsheng, then He won't think about it anymore.

Therefore, Xu Changsheng now has no scruples. He directly uses powerful means to completely control these forbidden runes, and in turn controls the core of the copper tripod. But here, after really coming into contact with the core of this treasure, he found what he was thinking. It's too simple. With this treasure, he can actually form a very powerful defense force to resist the penetration of external forces.

Xu Changsheng felt that there was no benefit in procrastinating like this, so he made an important decision to transfer such a treasure to his own small world, and then use the power of the rules of the small world to suppress it, so that he could Xu Changsheng reduced the pressure of control and thus accelerated the refining process. What surprised Xu Changsheng was that when he transferred the bronze tripod to his own small world, the treasure actively integrated into the original space of the small world. .

And it was very natural to float at the core of the space. Then a lot of rune structures appeared from the bronze tripod, which were constantly integrated and finally linked to the rune structure of the original space to form a An orderly whole, at this moment the whole small world shook, and a very powerful aura appeared.

There was also a huge amount of spiritual energy emerging. Xu Changsheng could clearly feel that the level of the small world had been improved, and it had actually reached the real immortal level. This small world had been completely controlled by Xu Changsheng, so he could clearly feel that this The bronze tripod has now become his own property.

This saves Xu Changsheng time to master. He could not have imagined that he could obtain a powerful magical weapon so easily, and after trying to integrate it with his own small world, he could truly have a powerful portable space. Xu Changsheng kept thinking about why such a situation occurred, when he discovered that the small space where the copper tripod originally evolved kept collapsing and finally shattered.

Xu Changsheng finally understood the key. This was probably because although the bronze tripod did not have a weapon spirit, it had an instinctive reaction. It seemed that the bronze tripod had realized its situation and wanted to evolve into a weapon. Heaven and Earth then allow themselves to recover, eventually giving birth to new weapon spirits.

It's just that this method takes too long and requires too many changes to start. If it fails, the damage caused will be very great. However, after Xu Changsheng integrated it into his own small world, it was equivalent to directly bringing the bronze tripod with it. A complete and vast mature plane has arrived.

So if this copper dome can be perfectly integrated with the small world, it will save yourself a lot of trouble and speed up the process of evolving the weapon spirit. As for being controlled by Xu Changsheng, it is actually not important to the treasure. , because any treasure created will definitely be subject to various restrictions. If it can become the treasure of a powerful person, it is also very beneficial. At least it can obtain more resources and achieve sufficient growth.

This is equivalent to a win-win situation. Xu Changsheng gained a powerful portable space, and the bronze tripod was able to continue to grow and eventually improve its level. No one suffered any losses.

It's just that Xu Changsheng was not confident about this bronze tripod, so in order to avoid trouble and any accidents, he went directly to the origin space and used various powerful methods to strengthen his control over it, and even used small things to control it. The forbidden power of the world constantly improved the rune structure on the bronze tripod, and finally formed a very powerful barrier.

Xu Changsheng no matter what the will of the bronze tripod itself is, he believes that through this subtle control method, he can finally control it perfectly without any problems, and even if the weapon spirit formed after the bronze tripod It will only be truly formed according to Xu Changsheng's will and will not pose any threat to Xu Changsheng.

Xu Changsheng also continued to try to integrate his personal space into the void, and he realized the space jump by himself, constantly switching back and forth. Xu Changsheng could obviously find that he was more skilled in controlling the power of space than before, and he only needed to hide. Once you enter the small world, you will disappear directly from the void without leaving any traces.

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(End of this chapter)

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