Mortal cultivation begins with immortality

Chapter 389 The difference between immortals and mortals

Xu Changsheng now finds that the feeling of being sought after by others is indeed very good. Otherwise, there would not be so many strong people who like to hear people say good things about him. Although he knows that many of the words may not necessarily be their true thoughts, it is enough to make him feel good. They feel satisfied in their hearts.

Those who like to tell the truth are often considered very annoying, but only such people are true friends. At least Xu Changsheng has not encountered this kind of situation in his previous life, so even if he knows that he is The environment you are in is just a scene of ordinary life.

He also began to gradually integrate into it, because only in this way can he truly feel the inspiration that being transformed into a mortal can bring. If you want to truly get rid of the limitations of mortals, you must first be able to feel all the things that the mortals around you have to experience. Only then can one achieve a state of transcendence.

Many times when faced with some choices, we often don’t know what kind of scenes we will face after making the choice, and we don’t know whether these things can inspire us. Especially if we don’t know what the corresponding benefits are, then we will Falling into confusion.

Then only by experiencing it can you truly know what kind of existence it contains. However, if you experience all this process, you will find that there is actually nothing, and then you can truly transcend the world.

To put it more bluntly, if a person experiences a life that he has never experienced before, then he will feel that such a life is very happy, but if a long time passes, he will only find such a life very boring. Then it is equivalent to them having been separated from this aspect.

The reason why some cultivators envy the lives of mortals is because they do not experience all the problems and setbacks that mortals do, but after they have truly experienced such things, they will not envy all mortals. .

On the contrary, they will become more determined on the path of spiritual practice, and will even improve their strength at all costs. This is just like people who have wealth do not understand how painful the life of the poor is, then they will feel that the poor should live a very miserable life. happiness.

But when they truly experienced the life that the poor had to live, they realized how wonderful their original wealthy life was. Xu Changsheng became a blockbuster in the event, because any poem Xu Changsheng has written now They are enough to be passed down for thousands of years.

So as long as these poems are deliberately spread and known by more people with status, they will remember Xu Changsheng. In the future, no matter who Xu Changsheng meets, as long as he mentions the poems he wrote, It will immediately make others feel very respected.

This is the benefit that status brings. If even one person's talent is enough to shake the entire social class, then it means that this person will have very big goals and a brilliant future. In fact, what everyone really values ​​​​is not what Xu Changsheng wrote. The poems that came out were based on how high Xu Changsheng could reach in the future.

This is because in such an ancient society, the talent one can have through reading means what kind of starting point a person can have, so as long as Xu Changsheng can continue like this, he will definitely be very good in the future.

Therefore, in the eyes of these people with status, Xu Changsheng is a very good investment target, so next Xu Changsheng will notice that the attitude of these powerful people towards him is much better than before, even if he looked at him before His eyes were somewhat scrutinizing, but now he has become much more humble.

In particular, these people not only changed their attitude towards Xu Changsheng, but also provided him with a lot of good help. Whether it was money that could be used directly now or the so-called relationship network, it could bring huge benefits to Xu Changsheng.

When Xu Changsheng went back, he brought a cart full of treasures. This also made him understand how high the status of talented scholars was in this ancient society. No wonder people often say that everything is miserable, but only It was very normal in ancient society to have a high level of education.

Because this is in line with the social system established now, but it is impossible to happen in real life, because no matter how good you are at studying, you cannot complete promotion in status and class all at once.

So to some extent, this ancient society was not as bad as Xu Changsheng imagined. It is no wonder that many scholars once embarked on the imperial examination road and achieved something, they felt that this had reached the end of life. Even if they are given the chance to become immortals, they will not really waver.

After all, it is not that easy to cultivate to become an immortal. Even a being with the most powerful cultivation talent cannot guarantee that he will be able to achieve the final result. Xu Changsheng has now taken the first step, so what will he really do next? What needs to be done is to get the fame you want as soon as possible.

In such an ancient society, it is not possible to start an official career directly at once. There are several steps in the process of obtaining the rank. You must first become a scholar, then become a scholar, and finally you can go to the capital to pass the Jinshi. .

This is a process that must be experienced on the road to fame. Of course, when you reach the corresponding level, you can obtain corresponding benefits, such as some special permissions, and there is a huge difference between those who have fame and those ordinary people. Not only do they have With a higher social status, everything becomes easier.

Even if it is to obtain money, it is not that difficult, so this will make countless mortals want to truly break through the restrictions of class through the imperial examination. Xu Changsheng can also feel the huge gap between ancient society and modern society.

However, the environment he is facing now is such an ancient society, so it is impossible for him to change. After all, the environment and content set up in the assessment are completely arranged by the spirit of the original immortal weapon. Of course, these are already for Xu Changsheng enough.

Because he has now begun to truly grasp the scientific knowledge needed in ancient society more clearly. After he has strong memory and understanding abilities, it is not easy for him to control this information. It's a difficult thing.

Moreover, he has begun to establish connections with those people with status, so when he really needs to use these relationships in the future, it will also bring him great help. For example, he can know in advance who will preside over the exam. The character possessed by those personnel themselves.

After all, there are people with different moral qualities, and their standards for selecting talents are different. No matter how good they are in writing, they will be completely demoted if they fail to meet the requirements in their minds. The smartest people are those who do what they like. The choice can not only meet some of the examiner's requirements for talents.

He can also truly demonstrate his talents, and ultimately achieve a higher ranking. With the help of those with status, Xu Changsheng does not have to worry about some people getting in the way, because of these status people.

In order to allow people they have connections to ascend to important positions, they often use other means to interfere with problems that may arise during the assessment process. Xu Changsheng just waited for time to pass, and finally came to the first stage of the imperial examination. The first level is the examination room for scholar's reputation.

For such an exam, Xu Changsheng didn't take it seriously at all, because it was the simplest part of the imperial examination, and the requirements for candidates were also very low. Xu Changsheng just wrote out the topic quickly after getting it. Come out, the whole process is done in one go, without any pause. In order to make a deeper impression on the examiner, Xu Changsheng directly chose to submit the paper in advance, because he knew very well that if such an exam could be valued by the examiner, he could even directly announce whether he was admitted on the spot.

When Xu Changsheng came to the examiner with the test paper, he noticed that the examiner actually had something to do with the Wang family. The reason why Xu Changsheng knew such information was because when he attended the grand meeting, he noticed that the examiner This grand gathering was held together with the Wang family at that time.

From this we can see how powerful the Wang family's relationship network is. So no matter how well Xu Changsheng did in the exam, being able to get such recognition is basically stable, but he will not completely feel that he is high-ranking. .

If the content of the exam cannot meet the standards, you will not be admitted in the end, because these things have to be announced. It is obvious that the examiner was very impressed by Xu Changsheng, so he directly flipped through Xu Changsheng's test paper and read it. .

Then the more the other party watched, the more frightened he became, because he found that Xu Changsheng not only wrote very good poems, but also reached a very high level in the imperial examination. At this level, he could at least compete with those outstanding scholars who were above the imperial examination. Talents are compared.

No wonder those people from the Wang family were so fond of Xu Changsheng and invested in Xu Changsheng in advance. There was no surprise. As the examiner, he decided on the spot that Xu Changsheng would be the first in this exam. This was not because of this person. The examiner does not know the specific situation of the next candidates.

People who can do this naturally have very accurate judgments on the specific information of this exam. However, they did not directly announce Xu Changsheng's first place result, but admitted him on the spot. His specific ranking will not be announced until later.

And Xu Changsheng has completed the first step of the exam, so he only needs to prepare for the subsequent Juren exam. Xu Changsheng did not have contact with anyone after passing the Scholarship Examination, but returned to Prepare carefully for the exam when you arrive where you live.

Although there is nearly half a year between the exams, Xu Changsheng will not relax at all, because for the others present, these exams are just one exam. If they fail, they will have to try again. Can.

But Xu Changsheng only has one chance, because it is related to his future strength improvement, and it also determines whether he can successfully pass this assessment. Xu Changsheng always clearly knows what he wants to do, so he takes it so seriously.

Once this assessment is over and Xu Changsheng can obtain that powerful fairy weapon, then all the past he experienced here will become a passing cloud, so no matter what is left here, it is not that important.

However, it is also a very rich and colorful memory for Xu Changsheng, which will be of great benefit to his future psychological construction and improvement. Xu Changsheng found that his mind became more and more pure during the period of his incarnation. and calm.

Just after the other candidates finished the exam, they began to relax in various ways. They did not expect that the first place in the exam would study hard at home. After Xu Changsheng's actions were known to those in the Wang family, they also I feel very impressed.

They will only think that Xu Changsheng has a very humble attitude and a sense of hard work. Only such people can truly step onto a higher ladder and become a more statusful being, because many people cannot let themselves stand in front of them. In such an environment, I can still maintain my original intention.

Especially people from poor backgrounds, once they are sought after by more people and change their original living environment, they will soon undergo psychological transformation. However, most people will experience a psychological transformation after enjoying the prosperity. , gradually forgot what they were pursuing, and thus lost themselves.

Even if you can achieve something in reading, you still can't reach a very high level, let alone become such a superior person, but Xu Changsheng now fully possesses such potential, so the Wang family values ​​Xu Changsheng more, and they will bring you A lot of important books came.

Among them was important information about the imperial examinations, as well as about the layout and distribution of this ancient country. However, Xu Changsheng found one thing very interesting in this information, that is, all the information about cultivating immortals had been stripped out.

Xu Changsheng didn't know whether the Wang family did this on purpose, or whether the weapon spirit who arranged this test was just for Xu Changsheng to undergo a purely mortal experience, so no information about cultivation was introduced.

Originally, the weapon spirit wanted to conduct a more comprehensive exploration and test of Xu Changsheng by directly sealing Xu Changsheng's memory, but he found that no matter what he did, he could not achieve his goal, which felt very strange to him.

So this means that Xu Changsheng either has great luck in his body, or he has a higher-level treasure than the weapon spirit. In either case, it proves Xu Changsheng's different reactions, so there is no direct request for Xu Changsheng in his heart. You must seal your memory.

After all, through the memories you originally have, the most profound inspiration can be brought by experiencing the life you have to experience in the mortal stage, because during the experience, you will constantly compare the differences between mortals and immortal cultivators, so that you can Really see for yourself what it means to be an immortal cultivator.

What kind of gap are they destined to achieve with mortals on the road of life? Only by truly breaking away from mortals can they understand what it means to become an immortal. Only then can they improve in all aspects when they become immortals. .

Whether it is spiritual strength or subjective insight, one can reach the immortal level. In fact, there are many strong people and although they have strong cultivation and even cultivate to a higher immortal state, their spiritual level has not reached the corresponding level. realm.

This is not only related to their past cultivation, but also has a lot to do with the things they encountered in their experiences. If they have experienced less things, especially if they have not truly experienced the difference between being a mortal and a cultivator. There is a huge gap, but they cannot separate their three views from those of mortals.

Therefore, when making various choices, they often think from a mortal perspective, and then they will encounter various problems. Such behavior is very dangerous, because it is destined to make them grow to a higher realm in the future. .

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