Chapter 390 Flying Knife
While Xu Changsheng was studying hard, no one bothered him. This also made him understand that his very hard-working attitude had already let those around him know what kind of person he was, so they would not easily disturb him. life.

After all, everyone knows that what Xu Changsheng is doing now is of great significance to him, and it is completely unpredictable whether Xu Changsheng can reach a higher level in the future, so it is right to directly win over Xu Changsheng now. Something more dangerous.

If Xu Changsheng can really meet their expected requirements, then it will be very good to win over Xu Changsheng when the time comes. However, if maximum help is given from the beginning, then if Xu Changsheng finds it difficult to be promoted later, it means that All their current investments will be of no use.

As for Xu Changsheng's current reputation as a scholar, it is just the beginning. There are many scholars in the entire ancient country who have the title of scholar, and there are also many people who perform very well in daily life, and there are even some prodigies.

But many of them are stuck at the level of scholar, and it is difficult to continue to improve. Although if you want to be promoted to a higher status, you must reach a very high level in terms of human relations and sophistication, but if you don't have the skills in reading, meet the appropriate standards.

This means that even the threshold for joining such a circle is difficult to reach, and naturally there is nothing to do later. Therefore, a person's status often depends not only on the abilities he uses, but also on the class he owns. Even if he is no longer No matter how good you are, you can't really get the attention of those senior executives.

It would be very difficult to continue to improve on this basis. Xu Changsheng was able to study with peace of mind and did not lose himself by the achievements in front of him. This only shows that Xu Changsheng has more lofty goals. You will be easily slacked off by these immediate benefits.

But this does not mean that it will definitely succeed in the end, because there are a lot of scholars in the entire ancient country, and there are also many people who have better talents than Xu Changsheng, so if all these outstanding scholar talents are put together After that, who can win in the end depends on their own ability.

Because when you reach the corresponding level, you can only rely on your own true talents and knowledge to achieve the best results. What these people don't know is that Xu Changsheng will also learn and practice some abilities used by warriors while studying.

Xu Changsheng is actually not worried that he will fail the next exam, because whether it is his knowledge and cultural heritage or his natural abilities, he can achieve the best results in a short period of time. The only thing he worries about is that he is now as a How do mortals keep their lives safe?

Because he believes that when his status becomes higher and higher, he will definitely threaten the existence of some people. Then those people with status will do some very unfavorable things in order to exclude competitors like him. Xu Changsheng had previously Get the best and most powerful combat power.

Then no matter what danger he faces, he can face it calmly. Originally, Xu Changsheng planned to directly adopt the method of cultivating immortals to obtain more powerful combat power, but he found that it was difficult to achieve the effect of cultivating immortals in the space environment he was in now.

That means that this space has indeed been regarded by the weapon spirit as a special space for testing him, and has cut off the possibility of cultivating immortals. However, there is no problem in learning the martial arts used by mortals. According to the standards of mortal martial arts, It is mainly divided into two realms: acquired and innate.

Most mortals' realms remain at the acquired level, but even so, they can possess powerful combat power. Once they are promoted to the innate power level, they are considered to be powerful beings that have reached the limit among mortals. In fact, the combat effectiveness is almost the same as that of monks in the Qi Refining Realm among cultivators.

In addition, Xu Changsheng is originally a very powerful practitioner, and the means he controls are also very powerful. Even if he cannot use his ability to cultivate immortals, he can still use powerful means that surpass mortal martial arts. Xu Changsheng is only in During this half year.

Not only has he fully mastered the content of the imperial examination that will be used next, but he has also raised his cultivation to the level of the acquired peak. From the beginning to the end, no one has discovered that Xu Changsheng has such a powerful martial arts cultivation. for.

If other people knew that Xu Changsheng had reached such a level in just half a year, they would be extremely shocked, because according to the training standards of these warriors in the mortal world, if they want to reach Xu Changsheng's current state, at least It would take decades to do that.

In fact, they are some very powerful people with martial arts talents. It will take them more than ten years to reach Xu Changsheng's current state. And because Xu Changsheng has mastered very powerful hiding methods, as long as he does not reveal his true identity, When you show your strength, you don’t have to worry about being discovered by anyone.

In this way, we waited until the second level of the imperial examination, which was the selection examination for candidates' merits. However, this time the examination was held in a provincial capital, which meant that Xu Changsheng needed to leave this small town and be alone. Head to the provincial capital.

This is also an important reason why he wants to improve his martial arts cultivation, because according to his understanding, there are many very outstanding academic talents who encountered danger while going to the examination location. In the end, they did not even reach the examination location. The danger was later eliminated.

Although Xu Changsheng has gained the attention of some characters because of his outstanding performance, it does not mean that they will take all aspects into consideration. As for providing Xu Changsheng with special guards, it is impossible.

Xu Changsheng behaved very low-key on the way to the provincial capital, and even looked very shabby in his clothes, but this does not mean that there will not be people who will block the road and try to rob him of his things, because there are many scholars who are Because I wanted to ensure my own safety, I deliberately acted like I was very poor.

Therefore, they have long been accustomed to people snatching things on the road. Even if anyone they meet needs to come out to investigate and snatch any resources they can get, Xu Changsheng has never thought about it on the road. No danger will be encountered.

But what he didn't expect was that he heard the sound of fighting when he just passed by a forest on the way to the provincial capital. Xu Changsheng knew without looking that he might have encountered bandits in the village who wanted to rob passers-by. of treasure.

After all, Xu Changsheng knew at just one glance that the people whose treasures were robbed were either rich or noble. Whether it was the luxurious carriage or the dress of the guards who followed along the way, it could be seen that these people were probably from the provincial capital. Rich people.

It's just that these people underestimated the strength of these people who blocked the road to snatch treasures. Among these bandits were warriors who had reached the acquired level. This surprised Xu Changsheng, because among mortals, they actually mastered martial arts. The number of warriors I learned was still very small.

The martial arts mastered by most mortals are only the most basic boxing and kicking skills, and have not really reached the standards of warriors. They can be said to be inferior beings, while warriors who can reach the acquired level are already considered very good beings.

Such a person can become a very important guard no matter he joins any prestigious family, so there is no need to act as a bandit here. This shows that this battle may not be as simple as it seems on the surface. It is very likely that the people on this carriage offended some force, and then they were disguised as bandits and wiped out all of them. If they really wanted to rob the treasure, then they only need to obtain the property and leave. , there is no need to eliminate everyone here.

Xu Changsheng didn't know what kind of forces these two parties belonged to, but it had nothing to do with him, and he didn't want to get involved, because for him, the most important thing now was to pass the imperial examination, but Xu Changsheng didn't What comes to mind is that he deliberately avoided these people and wanted to go around them.

But they were still stumped by the bandits. It seemed that they had already blocked all the ways out in this area, which meant that they would not let anyone who saw the scene in front of them go, no matter what they looked like. Their identities must be eliminated.

Of course, this is only what it looks like on the surface. If they meet someone with a very high status, they can only let them go. But it is obvious that the person who can appear here cannot be someone with a high status, and Xu Changsheng is dressed well. You can tell he is a poor scholar at first glance.

So after just observing the bandits for a while, they wanted to directly eliminate Xu Changsheng here. For them, there are really too many scholars. Even the scholars with honors and fame have been killed by them, not to mention a single person like Xu Changsheng. One person, a poor scholar without any protection, is even less likely to threaten their existence.

Therefore, the several bandits who appeared did not listen to any explanation from Xu Changsheng and took action directly. However, what they did not expect was that before they got close to Xu Changsheng, they were directly eliminated by Xu Changsheng with a few flying knives. All of this was It happened in the blink of an eye and didn't attract anyone's attention.

Of course, although Xu Changsheng's current realm is only the acquired peak, if he cooperates with some powerful methods, even warriors in the innate realm cannot leave easily in front of him. After Xu Changsheng did these things, he originally wanted to leave here directly .

But he didn't expect that at this moment, he saw several warriors in powerful clothes, escorting two people who looked like they were wearing gorgeous clothes. Xu Changsheng knew at a glance that those two people were going to be here. They must be the rich people in the carriage. These two people have no martial arts skills.

However, the nobility shown on their bodies showed that their identities were not simple. Xu Changsheng didn't know why these people came to him specifically, or whether they had discovered something, but now it was too late for Xu Changsheng to leave. Because it was surrounded by a large number of bandits.

It's just that after these people saw Xu Changsheng, they immediately doubted Xu Changsheng's identity. After all, there were several powerful bandits in front of Xu Changsheng, but all of them lost their breath. The people present were all smart people. You can tell by looking at Xu Changsheng's extraordinary strength, even though Xu Changsheng's dress is completely incompatible with that of a warrior.

However, they will not think that Xu Changsheng is just an ordinary person, because the temperament displayed by Xu Changsheng is very different from those of ordinary scholars. If it is an ordinary scholar, he will definitely face the siege of so many powerful people. It will appear very intimidating.

But Xu Changsheng always behaved very calmly, and even had a very indifferent attitude in his eyes, completely ignoring everyone present. This shows that Xu Changsheng has the means or trump cards to deal with the current predicament, and then through those who were eliminated The bandits came to judge.

An accurate conclusion can be drawn that Xu Changsheng is also a warrior with martial arts skills, and his strength is not weak. Xu Changsheng discovered that the two nobles being protected by those guards happened to be a man and a woman.

At first glance, you can tell that the man is a wealthy person in a high position, but he looks very young, but his eyes look very calm and composed. As for the woman, she is not very old, and she looks very mature. Maybe she is the daughter of a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man could guess a lot of things as soon as he saw Xu Changsheng, so he simply came closer to Xu Changsheng. Although he didn't know what Xu Changsheng's attitude was, judging from the situation in front of him, he could It would definitely be better to have more helpers.

Moreover, Xu Changsheng was wearing the Confucian uniform that only scholars can have, which would make him feel a sense of security. As for the girl who looked very panicked, it seemed that she had never encountered such a situation before, so Xu Changsheng Changsheng was regarded as an existence that could protect them this time.

Xu Changsheng didn't know whether the scene in front of him was caused by the deliberate control of the weapon spirit behind the scenes, or whether it was all a process of natural evolution, but no matter what, it was a trouble for Xu Changsheng, and he had to Only by passing this assessment can we continue to develop.

These made Xu Changsheng very glad that he had spent time practicing martial arts, otherwise it would be basically impossible to improve it in a short time. If he fell here inexplicably, it would be too bad. loss.

From the actions of the bandits here, he knew that they would not let him go, because he had discovered all the actions they had taken here, but if Xu Changsheng really took action to save the father and daughter in front of him , which means that he is likely to offend the forces behind these bandits.

But the problem is that if Xu Changsheng doesn't take action, then he will be eliminated here together with these people. This is absolutely impossible. Xu Changsheng did not hesitate any more. He simply took out the flying machine he had prepared before. knife.

In just the blink of an eye, all these flying knives were thrown out. It looked very casual, but these flying knives contained the powerful Qi condensed by Xu Changsheng, which can only be possessed by strong men in the innate realm. the power of.

Because warriors at the acquired level can only train their bodies, and only after reaching the innate realm can they master the true energy. Whether they release the true energy or attach it to equipment, they can produce extremely powerful attack power.

So in just a few breaths, all the bandits present were eliminated. However, the people with martial arts skills present were very shocked, because they could see that Xu Changsheng used It turned out to be the legendary innate true energy.

But they saw that Xu Changsheng was very young, such a young innate master, and he was still dressed as a scholar. This made them puzzled, because they had never heard of such a famous figure.

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(End of this chapter)

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