The strength Xu Changsheng showed shocked everyone present, but they also knew that although Xu Changsheng looked like a scholar, his strength was definitely far beyond their imagination.

The most important thing is that Xu Changsheng looks too young. It is very incredible that such a young man can have a cultivation level that is beyond the reach of those strong men of the older generation, because they don't know how Xu Changsheng cultivates.

Of course, it is impossible for these people to see Xu Changsheng's true realm. If Xu Changsheng had not been able to imitate the innate true energy through the means of a cultivator, then he would not have been able to kill all the bandits here so easily. wipe out.

The reason why Xu Changsheng did this was just to have a deterrent effect, because he didn't know who the forces behind these people were. So since he chose to take action, he had to show it with the strongest strength. By then, even if those people wanted Regarding Xu Changsheng, he must first consider whether he has such qualifications.

If Xu Changsheng only showed acquired power, he would not be able to really make those people scruple, but an innate grandmaster was enough to shock the royal family members of the ancient country. Even the emperor of the ancient country faced an The innate master must also be polite and cannot have any thoughts that he wants to target.

After Xu Changsheng finished all this, he just wanted to move on and ignore the people present. For him, going to Beijing to take the exam was the most important thing, because he had to achieve his goal in the shortest time. Only Only after completing his assessment task could he execute this plan to perfection.

What Xu Changsheng didn't expect was that he was stopped by the middle-aged man who looked very wealthy when he was about to set off. Xu Changsheng was a little angry at first because he didn't want to get involved with these mortals.

But what I didn't expect was that the middle-aged man revealed his identity. It turned out that this man was a certain prince in the ancient country. He was just traveling with his daughter and encountered these things while heading to the provincial capital. The robbery of the warriors the day after tomorrow.

The most interesting thing is that the so-called provincial capital is just the fiefdom of this prince. If Xu Changsheng can establish a good relationship with this prince, then his next science exam will be smoother.

Xu Changsheng also understood very well that in such an ancient society, it would be quite difficult to get the corresponding ranking if he only relied on his true talents and learning. After the other party revealed his identity, he originally seemed Xu Changsheng, who was very indifferent, immediately showed a friendly attitude.

Because he really needs to use the other party's identity to bring him the greatest benefit, but what Xu Changsheng doesn't know is that the strength he has shown before has really attracted the attention of the prince in front of him, because he really wants to know what Xu Changsheng is. How did you develop this kind of strength?

At the same time, he also wanted to protect himself by wooing such a young innate master, especially when Xu Changsheng noticed that the daughter behind the prince had been watching here, and she seemed to be in love.

This made Xu Changsheng feel a little speechless. Maybe it was because he looked very handsome now, and he had strong strength to protect their safety and solve the biggest trouble for these people, so he let this girl Got other ideas.

However, Xu Changsheng does not intend to get involved with these women in the mortal world. Since the content of Xu Changsheng's first test is only to achieve the purpose of being named on the gold list, then he only needs to complete such a task. , there is no need to add other difficulties.

Especially these people with status, they are often involved in more things. Once Xu Changsheng gets involved, it may bring some trouble to himself. Although Xu Changsheng is showing strong strength now, he does not have any influence in the entire space. It won't be the state of invincibility.

It is very likely that there will be some strong people who are more powerful than himself. If these people take action against him, it will not only affect the results of Xu Changsheng's assessment, but also pose a very big threat to him. Therefore, Xu Changsheng is very concerned about those people. The girl had no idea and even ignored it, which made the girl feel very frustrated.

But it is precisely because of this that the girl is becoming more and more interested in Xu Changsheng, because she has never seen such an outstanding man, especially a man who is not interested in a beauty like her. Xu Changsheng is even more rare. Agree to escort the prince to the provincial capital.

So he simply boarded the most luxurious carriage and went forward. Xu Changsheng did feel a little bored all the way back. If he only relied on his own legs to walk, it would be quite difficult to really save time and catch up with the journey.

Now that he has this carriage, he can reach the provincial capital more quickly. Xu Changsheng also hopes to have a good chat with the prince on the way to have a clearer understanding of the situation in this ancient country.

Xu Changsheng knew very well that being named on the gold list was just the first task, so there must be more tasks after completing this task. It was impossible to construct such a real space just to complete such a simple task.

Therefore, if you understand the environment in which you need to take the assessment in advance, you can better cope with other assessment tasks that follow. Along the way, Xu Changsheng also told the prince about the current situation of the ancient country. However, the more Xu Changsheng listened, the more he felt something was wrong, but It feels like there may be other storylines behind it.

According to the prince, there has been turmoil in the ancient country, especially since the emperor is old and is even about to fall. It can be seen from the fact that the emperor has not gone to court that his physical condition is definitely something is wrong.

The most important thing is that the emperor has not decided on a candidate for the prince so far. No one knows what the emperor is thinking. The result of this is that all princes are qualified to compete for the throne, including the one in front of him. The prince is also one of the heirs participating in the battle for the throne.

Moreover, there is a big difference between this kind of ancient society and the general ancient society. That is because there are powerful warriors here, especially the masters in the innate realm who can change the fate of a prince. Therefore, in order to increase the chips in his hands, These princes began to try their best to win over those innate masters, hoping to gain their support.

The prince in front of me can be said to be the kind of existence that is not taken seriously. Basically, he just lives a life like a rich man in his own fief. Originally, this prince was not qualified to compete for the throne, and he did not even have the corresponding qualifications. Thoughts, but when he saw Xu Changsheng, it was completely different.

Because he felt that such a young innate grandmaster would have a chance to compete for the throne if he had the support of Xu Changsheng. When Xu Changsheng fully understood this information, he felt a little helpless because he had guessed the task of completing the title list. after.

Then the next mission is likely to be closely related to the fight for the throne among these princes, which means that the risk factor of the next mission will be higher, because then Xu Changsheng will have to face many innate masters. .

If Xu Changsheng wants to participate in such a thing, then his current strength is obviously not enough. After all, he knows very well that he has only just reached the peak acquired state, and even if Xu Changsheng really breaks through and becomes an innate grandmaster, He can't guarantee that he will be invincible. After all, he noticed that this ancient country was equivalent to an assessment world that was completely isolated by weapon spirits, and even all information on cultivation was blocked. Xu Changsheng didn't know how many tasks there would be next, but he was sure that as time passed, The passage of time and the increasing difficulty of the missions only open up more space.

Then it is very likely that he will come into contact with information on cultivation. No matter what, Xu Changsheng must ensure his own safety. This is the most important thing, because even if he cannot complete the assessment task, he cannot just do it for no reason. The fall is here.

For Xu Changsheng, he actually has a lot of immortal weapons in his hands. It would definitely be better if he could get a golden immortal-level space-type magical weapon. But if he couldn't get it, then Xu Changsheng wouldn't have it. What a pity, after all, compared with his own life, these so-called treasures have no effect.

Even if Xu Changsheng knew that it would be very troublesome as long as he participated in the following events, he had to join in because this was definitely the inevitable trend of the development of the world. If he refused, it would mean that he would not be able to participate in the next assessment. The qualifications are gone, and it is even more impossible to complete this assessment task.

Therefore, Xu Changsheng can completely use the identity of this prince to obtain the cultivation resources he wants and improve his strength as soon as possible. Even if he cannot reach the level of an immortal cultivator immediately, he can still have strong strength, at least when facing people of the same realm. When he was an innate master, he had more powerful combat power.

Not all the magical powers under Xu Changsheng's control must rely on laws to be used. They even only need to rely on the infuriating energy possessed by the master today to be used directly. However, due to the interference of the weapon spirit in the entire space.

Then it is very likely that when he uses this special magic power, the effect will be weakened, but even so, it is much more powerful than those warriors at the mortal level. This is Xu Changsheng's biggest advantage, he cannot In such an assessment space, he showed his great strength as an immortal cultivator.

Then he can only use whatever power he can control to improve his combat effectiveness. No matter what, Xu Changsheng must complete these tasks to the greatest extent, because once he succeeds, the benefits he will get are unimaginable. .

Such a powerful immortal weapon is very attractive to any immortal cultivator. Even those who are in the realm of true immortals will willingly accept such a test. For example, the seven powerful true immortals have already He has guarded this original immortal weapon for who knows how many years.

They were not qualified to participate in the assessment mission last year. So far, they have only stayed at the level of true immortals. It is for this reason that they made plans after seeing Xu Changsheng, hoping to join Xu Changsheng to improve their strength. Opportunity.

It would be impossible for other immortal cultivators to have such qualifications, because for true immortals, there is easily no difference between existence at the mortal level, but Xu Changsheng has the means and opportunities to break their perceptions and limitations.

Xu Changsheng could also feel that the seven immortals had gained a lot of benefits from the inheritance of the underground palace, but what they didn't know was that Xu Changsheng actually controlled some methods behind the scenes. As the seven immortals gained more and more benefits, They will be subtly controlled by Xu Changsheng.

In fact, such a method has been arranged by the weapon spirits of the underground palace long ago, but this ability has not been displayed. Originally, it was only intended to be used on Xu Changsheng, but I did not expect that Xu Changsheng had already controlled such a method in advance. ability, so now Xu Changsheng simply used it on these immortals.

As long as these seven immortals completely go through a test in this underground palace, it will be impossible to get rid of Xu Changsheng's control when they come out, so the world will be controlled by Xu Changsheng no matter what, but Xu Changsheng Not willing to miss the opportunity to control the original immortal weapon.

Therefore, no matter how rare the task in this assessment was, Xu Changsheng had to accept it and even be able to complete it perfectly. After Xu Changsheng followed these two nobles back to the provincial capital, he also lived directly in the palace.

And because Xu Changsheng is powerful and has a special status, he can live alone in the most luxurious palace. At the same time, Xu Changsheng also asked the prince to collect a large number of resources for himself to improve his strength. As for wanting to obtain Judging people to merit and fame is naturally solved at the same time.

At that time, Xu Changsheng only needs to go through the formalities at the beginning of the imperial examination. Although it is very easy for Xu Changsheng to pass this examination with his cultural level, it would definitely be better if it can be more trouble-free.

The background of the prince in front of him must be much stronger than that of the Wang family in the small town before. After all, the two are not on the same level at all. If it weren't for the powerful strength shown by Xu Changsheng, he would not be looked down upon by this prince. middle.

As for academic talents, they are actually not worth mentioning in the eyes of this prince, because for people with extremely high status, these people who only know how to study are just people who are used to govern the place. They cannot Give them a huge role.

Only those who have mastered extraordinary abilities can really bring about very big changes, mainly because of the powerful warriors in this space, who alone are enough to defeat a powerful legion.

Therefore, if we can win over more warriors, we will have a great advantage in the fight for the throne. Even if we are unwilling to participate, we must have the power to protect ourselves. From the time before, the prince was attacked by This can be seen in the siege by those of unknown origin.

Even if this prince does not want to participate in the process of fighting for the throne, he cannot just stay out of it, because as long as there is doubt, it means there will be danger. For other princes who have the power to fight for the throne, they definitely want to be like him. Such threats are eliminated directly.

Now that Xu Changsheng has joined, this prince believes that he has the qualifications to compete for the throne. After all, not all princes have the support of innate masters behind them.

However, the prince knew that if he wanted to get Xu Changsheng's help, he had to show sincerity, so he simply fulfilled all the requirements issued by Xu Changsheng.

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