Immortal forging

Chapter 74 The Great Storm Sweeping Northern Xinjiang

Chapter 74 (2) Sweeping the Great Storm in Northern Xinjiang

A dark forest is a tree block in the primeval forest of the northern frontier.The sun can't come in, and it's dark here.

At this time, the elite army on the northern frontier had already started their attack, and the next target was the second castle, Wind Sword Castle.

Of course, Jiang Chuan didn't care about that at this time, Jiang Chuan was thinking hard about his plan now.

The trick is naturally a plan to deal with Beiqianhua.

To put it bluntly, Bei Qianhua built eleven layers of foundations, plus a parasitic microweed, this is his biggest strength.

"Jiang" wanted to deal with him by setting up a large sword array.

The Three Talents Frostfall Sword Formation.

A large sword array can absorb the vitality of all the surrounding trees and animals, and then turn them all into dead energy.Then give Beiqianhua a fatal chance. Of course, even Beiqianhua's parasitic microweeds will have no effect in this big three-talent Frostfall Sword Formation, and they will all wither and die.

Once this three-talent Frostfall Sword Formation is set up, not only will the parasite Tiny Herb be useless, but one formation of the three-talent Frostfall Sword is designed to restrain the Essence, which is basically enough to defeat Beiqianhua.

Of course, arranging a large-scale Sancai Frostfall Sword Array is no different than simply using the Sancai Frostfall Sword, let alone other things.Just talk about the sword.

There can be no more than a hundred swords, at least a thousand flying swords are needed. If there is no thousand flying swords, it is completely a joke to want to set up a large sword formation.

A thousand flying swords.It's so far away, Jiang Chuan counted his hands, and now he has a total of [-] flying swords on hand.It's all accumulated normally, but now I can only use the Hundred Swords Controlling Swordsmanship, and I don't use other swordsmanship techniques, so I usually have two hundred flying swords sitting there all the time, which is useless.

And the space in his mind should have accumulated a lot of mineral materials, Jiang Chuan immediately entered the space in his mind to see.Looking at it like this, it really has been a long time since I entered the space in my mind.Entering the space in my mind again, I feel a little strange now, after all, I haven't seen him for a long time.

In the space of the brain.There are two isolated islands in the gray space, and these two isolated islands.The first isolated island produces spiritual iron essence, etc., while the second isolated island produces magic iron essence, etc. What Jiang Chuan needs to use now is the magic iron essence produced by the second isolated island.Jiang Chuan looked left and right, and found that the space in his head was almost full, and it was full of mineral materials.

Jiang Chuan is also a veteran of forging now, and he quickly estimated the amount of ore here. If the inevitable loss is excluded, he should be able to forge about [-] flying swords.

After confirming the number, "Jiang" withdrew from the space in his mind. He now has three hundred flying swords in hand, and the ore in his mind can be forged: about a hundred flying swords are only four away from the formation of a thousand swords. There are hundreds of flying swords.

Four hundred flying swords is not a small number. Jiang Chuan has always been a wealthy class, with the effect of brain space, and he has always been robbed and has the reputation of robber king, so he has six hundred flying swords, an ordinary elder.How could there be such an exaggerated number of four hundred handles.People like Zhao Zhiqi, Elder Zhou Qiduan, etc., even if they exchange all their wealth.There are dozens of flying swords at most.

And to get such a huge number of four hundred flying swords, I'm afraid I have to go to the vein master Lu Po. Although Jiang Chuan has always been a wealthy class, but compared to the vein master Lu Po, he can only be regarded as a small insignificant person. However, it is difficult for Jiang Chuan to gather another four hundred flying swords, but it is not so difficult for the vein master Lu Po.

Therefore.So Jiang Chuan found Elder Zhou Qiduan: "Elder Zhou, there should be a teleportation formation here that goes directly to Duanbing Peak. Small. If you want to find the pulse master Lu Po, you must go back to Duanbing Peak first, but now you have to go back to Duanbing Peak It's not easy. Forging Bing Peak is thousands of miles away, and it will take half a year for Yujian to fly back. However, if there is no teleportation array near Forging Castle to reach Forging Bing Peak, Jiang Chuan is the first to not believe it. After all If there is no teleportation formation like that, it will take half a year to return to Forging Peak after what happened in Forging Castle, I am afraid that no one can bear it.

to be honest.In the northern border area, there are estimated to be four teleportation formations, which should be Forging Bing Peak, Feng Jian Peak, and Feng Sha Peak.Yanmu Peak, but it is estimated that only a few people can walk in a small teleportation array, and it cannot be too large.

Elder Zhou Qiduan looked at Jiang Chuan for a while, and when he saw Jiang Chuan's understanding, he nodded and said, "Indeed, there is, but it's all a secret. You haven't been in Forging Castle for long, and you haven't been responsible for it." There are so many things, so I didn’t inform you. Or Lu Po, the pulse master, secretly ordered me not to tell you. It’s good for you to train you. Since you want to use it now, it’s okay to tell you.”

Jiang Chuan said: "Then you take me there, I've decided that the punishment against Beiqianhua is small, but I have to go back to Duanbingfeng first to have something to do."

Heard so.Elder Zhou Qiduan immediately gave Jiang "the place where the teleportation formation is located. It is indeed quite remote. If Elder Zhou Qiduan hadn't explained it, Jiang Chuan would never have imagined that the teleportation formation was actually in a well used by ordinary people." , and a well with water.

Jiang Chuan stepped on the teleportation array, and the familiar dizziness hit him. Usually, he would feel dizzy when using the teleportation array. However, if the teleportation array is short-distance, the dizziness time will be shorter and the dizziness will be weaker. Jiang Chuan this time Transmitted from the northern frontier thousands of miles away, I just feel dizzy for a long time, and the dizziness is extremely strong.If it weren't for "Jiang"'s mental strength is quite strong. If the willpower is even stronger, I'm afraid I will cry out in pain.

Dizziness disappears.Jiang Chuan opened his eyes, but found that he was in the back mountain of Duan Bing Peak, and it was in a quite remote place on the back mountain of Duan Bing Peak. Looking from here, the mountain was very dangerous. If the main hall faintly reveals the flying horns between the mountains, I'm afraid Jiang Chuan really doesn't know that this is the Forging Bing Peak.

Finally back to Forge Bingbei

"Jiang" didn't waste time at the moment, even if there was not much time to waste now, Yu Jian flew straight to the Forging Hall. He was stopped at the gate of the Forging Hall, and no one could enter the Forging Hall if he was not passed on. At least let us know first. Of course, due to Jiang Chuan's great reputation and popularity in Forging Soldiers Peak, someone led Jiang Chuan into the Forging Soldiers Hall in a short while.

Entering the Armory Forging Hall, it happened that the pulse master Lu Po and the familiar elder Zhou Changmao were there.

Vein master Lu Po sat on his wrought copper tiger chair, mighty and ferocious.A bald head was shining in a not-so-bright environment, while Elder Zhou Zhangmao gently stroked his white hair with his hands. Haha laughed: "I sent you to the northern frontier for training, why did you come back, and you came back in a teleportation array.Small.

Jiang Chuan said: "There is no way. A big event happened in the northern border recently. It's small. Now I told you about the events in the northern border. It is not a good thing for the Jing clan to have such a big turmoil.

"Then what are you going to do?" Lu Po, the pulse master, asked.

"Jiang" said: "I also have my plan. I plan to set up a big sword formation. The big sword formation is called the Sancai Frostfall Great Sword Formation. It will be used to kill Beiqianhua. The basic plan has been completed, but unfortunately, my I really don't have many flying swords at hand, it's too difficult to get together a thousand flying swords, I can only get together six hundred, so I'm looking for you, the master of the pulse, and I want to get four hundred flying swords from you.Small,

Hearing that Jiang Chuan had six hundred flying swords, both the master of the vein, Lu Po, and the elder, Zhou Changmao, were taken aback. Although the master of the vein, Lu Po, was the master of a party with rich assets, he did not expect Jiang Chuan to be so rich. , and Elder Zhou Changmao was secretly envious of the six hundred flying swords. I heard that Jiang Chuan made a lot of money from robbery.You can collect six hundred flying swords, which is much richer than your own assets. Elder Zhou Changmao has been an elder for so many years, and he is one of the most important elders in the Forging Bing Peak. Handle Feihe left and right net worth.

certainly.The abundance of Jiang Chuan's information is one aspect that surprised Lu Po, the vein master, and Elder Zhou Changmao.

on the other hand.But they were curious about Jiang Chuan's Thousand Swords Formation.But what is it.

Generally, immortal cultivators can only use one or two swords, occasionally three, and rarely more than ten swords, but this is limited by the immortal cultivator's own mind and spirit.And Jiang Chuan never seemed to have this restriction. He could use the Hundred Swords Imperial Scratch Technique before, but now it is even more outrageous, and he actually plans to set up a thousand swords formation.

The Great Formation of Thousand-Handed Flying Swords, no matter what the other aspects of the Great Formation are, is only based on the name of the Great Formation of Thousand Swords.It's also quite gorgeous, and with the knowledge of the pulse master Lu Po and the elder Zhou Changmao, they have never seen such a big sword formation at all, and they are looking forward to it.

Moreover.Jiang Chuan was originally Lu Po's most proud disciple.Hearing that Jiang Chuan still needs four hundred flying swords.I wanted to see Lu Po, the master of the Great Sword Formation of Thousand Swords, want to give Jiang Chuan four hundred flying swords with a flick of a pen. In such a scene, Jiang "had basically gathered all the materials for the Great Sword Formation of Thousand Swords .

That's right.Material.

Jiang Chuan's own three hundred flying swords are finished flying swords.No more forging.However, the material of the three hundred flying swords in the brain space is only material and needs to be forged.But Lu Po, the pulse master, swiped his pen and found that there are no [-] flying swords with mid-level magic weapons in Forging Bing Peak, so what came down was the materials, which were enough to forge [-] flying swords.

So, Jiang Chuan is now in tragedy.

There are a total of [-] finished flying scrapers on hand, as well as materials that can forge [-] flying swords.

The problem is that there is not much time for Jiang Chuan, and it is impossible to slowly forge all these materials into flying swords. After much deliberation, he can only use the secret method of fast forging left by Master Hunyuan in the Ninth Palace.This fast forging method was created by Hunyuan Daoist in a flash of inspiration occasionally, and it is very interesting.However, Master Hunyuan only counts this as a small trick and keeps it in a remote place.When Jiang Chuan saw this fast forging method, he didn't intend to learn it.But after thinking about it later, I am using Hundred Swords Controlling Swordsmanship now, maybe I will use Thousands of Swords Controlling Swordsmanship in the future, Ten Thousand Swords Controlling Swordsmanship, if I know so many swordsmanship skills, then I will quickly forge flying swords, so I learned it at that time.

Can't think of it.To be used here.

"Jiang"'s original plan was to find a place to quickly forge seven hundred flying swords with the fast forging method. As a result, when the forging started, Lu Po, the vein master, discovered this kind of sword. The quick forging method is also ambiguous. I just feel that this method is really good, and it is definitely a creation of genius.

And the main purpose of Lu Po, the pulse master, is to make the Forging Bing Peak great, and now there is this fast forging method.Immediately, Jiang Chuan was ordered to demonstrate this forging method to all the people in Forging Bing Peak.

Facing the request of the vein master, Jiang "had no choice but to be naive. Who told him to be a bad luck, but the vein master Lu Po saw him using the quick forging method.

Besides.This fast forging method is not a secret, it is just a forging method that is not too conspicuous in the relics of Hunyuan Daoist, and there are other better forging methods.Even if this fast forging method is spread to the ears of other people who are also in the Forging Bing Peak, it is nothing, but it strengthens the strength of the main line.

At the beginning of autumn, the world is still full of spring, so it doesn't look like there are too many hatchlings.

This day's Blacksmith Peak was really unusually lively, it didn't look like it was autumn.

First, Elder Jiang Chuan is back. Elder Jiang Chuan can be said to be the most popular elder among the 31 elders in Duan Bing Peak. As soon as he is said to be back, there are many topics about him on Duan Bing Peak, discussing his achievements , and I heard that Elder Jiang Chuan went to the northern frontier in three and a half years. I don’t know what kind of achievements he has made in the northern frontier. up.

Go on.But there is another saying, saying that Jiang Chuan elders will recently come up with a quick forging method, and it is a very useful forging method. Listening is voluntary, you can listen to it if you want, and you don’t have to listen to it if you don’t want to. It is definitely not mandatory.

Even when an ordinary elder preaches, it is impossible for too many people to listen to it. Even if a top elder like Elder Zhou Changmao preaches, more than 300 people will attend the sermon at most.

And this time, at [-] o'clock in the morning, the entire peak of Duan Bingzheng began to be lit up with sword lights of various colors. These sword lights were not rushing to other places, but to the Magic Artifact Hall, but they were all rushing to Jiangchuan The elder's sermon went away.When the time of Chen arrived, there were crowds of people in the Dharma Artifact Hall, probably at least a few hundred people.

"Have you heard, Elder Jiang Chuan is back

"That's right. Elder Jiang Chuan is back. I heard that he spent three and a half years training in the northern frontier. I don't know how much his strength has improved."

"To the extreme, to the extreme, I don't know how much fame he has gained in the northern frontier." Jiang, but has he ever faced off against the powerful masters of the Jing clan? "

"That's needless to say, Elder Jiang Chuan is as domineering in swordsmanship and deeds as he is. How could he fail to meet the powerful masters of the Jing clan? I'm afraid that the powerful masters of the Jing clan will definitely not be the opponent of Elder Jiang Chuan. Little Hundreds of Foundation Establishment disciples, but they are all discussing the news of Elder Jiang Chuan. Seriously, the number one idol of the hundreds of disciples in Duan Bing Peak is definitely Jiang Sui. Disciple No. 1, Chi Ji, became an elder at the age of 28. Such deeds are already legendary enough, and Jiang Chuan has shown the prestige for Duan Bing Peak many times, and saved all the disciples of Duan Bing Peak, so this The number one idol is naturally Jiang Chuanxin.

There are so many disciples gathered here, but they are discussing Elder Jiang. The young male disciples have expressions of admiration. The young female disciples have expressions of admiration and anticipation, looking forward to becoming Elder Jiang. double repair partner.

And at this time.Following the arrival of the disciples, several beams of extremely pure sword light flew over. When the first beam of extremely pure sword light fell, it revealed a person, but it was Fang Ziye, the thinner elder, the leader of the forging world. Good player, he has always liked blacksmithing very much. He heard that there is a new blacksmithing technique, so why don't he come and see it? For Elder Fang Ziye, the attraction was too great.

Then came a ray of water-colored sword light, and the person who landed was one big and one small, and the big one was a middle-aged female cultivator Zhou Ru with average appearance. She looks average, but she is the only woman among the 31 people, so she is among the 31 elders.She has some status, but the little one is a little girl about ten years old. She looks childish and cute. The little girl's eyes are blinking, and the expression is really cute. The little girl said after landing on the ground: " Master, I haven't seen Uncle for more than three years, is Uncle back?" The little girl was Jiang Chuan's niece Jiang Xinxin.

Zhou Ru nodded: "Speaking of which, Jiang Chuan will come out in a while, I really want to give him a good reprimand for leaving his niece here for more than three years, and even passing on a flying sword for more than three years. Jiang Chuan's time is too tight, When he arrived at the northern border, he encountered the attack of the second elite clan in the north. He also encountered the matter of the Lin family being studied. Jiang Chuan finally solved it, and immediately started three years of practice of not leaking ears, and only here is the problem of not leaking ears. The practice is completed, I thought the matter was resolved, but no, the number one elite tribe in the north jumped out again, and made a huge disturbance, sweeping the entire northern border. It can be said that there is no time at all, and if there is time, it will not It took more than three years for her niece Jiang Xinxin to set foot on the road of cultivating immortality.

Elder Fang Ziye and Elder Zhou Ru sat down there, and another sword light flew over here, which was quite a gorgeous sword light. In fact, the sword light should not give people a gorgeous feeling, but this sword But the light can't help but give people a gorgeous feeling. Jianguang took it away, but it was a young man in a fine attire. If Jiang Chuan was here, he should recognize that this is the elder Lu Yong he knew in Wanchong Valley. Yong murmured: "I have practiced to not miss my eyes, it is too gorgeous, but I still come to listen to Elder Jiang Chuan's sermon, it may be more gorgeous." There is no doubt that Lu Yong takes gorgeousness as his motto.

Then, it was Elder Fang Shu who came. Elder Fang Shu squinted his eyes and swept the disciples behind him: "There are four hundred and three people in total. Except for those who have not returned from the Sifang battlefield, the others are forging The disciples of Bingfeng have all come to listen to the sermon." Elder Fang Shu is good at the way of formation and counting people, but he counted the correct number in an instant. Hearing what Elder Fang Shu said, everyone present The elders were all shocked.Unexpectedly, Elder Jiang Chuan was so popular among his disciples. No matter who the other elders were preaching, it was impossible for everyone in the Forging Peak to come.

But then there were sword lights of various colors, these elders of Forging Bing Peak came one by one with swords, obviously they came to listen to Elder Jiang Chuan's preaching, Elder "Jiang" is the biggest leader of Forging Bing Peak Yucai. The most promising star of hope, many elders also want to see how much knowledge he has.

Now.Then more than ten elders came.

With so many elders here, the four hundred and three disciples who came to listen to the sermon were all a little excited.Originally, I only knew that Elder Jiang Chuan was very popular among his disciples, but he did not expect that his popularity among the elders was also so high. Elder Jiang Chuan wanted to preach.It is really strange that so many other elders came. You must know that most elders would not come to listen to the sermons.

after awhile.But a powerful and pure gold sword light appeared.In contrast, even the pure white sword light of Elder Zhou Changmao who came along with him didn't show any power at all, and there was only one person who could make the sword light of the top-level elder Zhou Changmao stand as a foil.That is the pulse master Lu Po.

no doubt.This powerful red-golden sword light is exactly the sword light of the vein master Lu Po. When the sword light was turned off, the vein master Lu Po had already appeared in the magic weapon hall. The vein master Lu Po came in person. All the elders stood up and said, "See the Vessel Master." As for the four hundred and three disciples, they all stood up naturally, and followed the elder to say see the Vein Master.

Lu Po raised his hand: "You don't have to pay too much attention, just be casual."

Elder Fang Ziye said: "I really never thought that you would be able to cover even the pulse master."

Lu Po, the pulse master, raised his eyebrows: "Speaking directly, Jiang Chuan's quick forging method is very exciting. I watched it once. I just thought it was wonderful. It happened that Jiang" wanted to explain this quick forging method, so I also took a look.Take a look at such a wonderful forging method. "As we all know, Lu Po, the pulse master, is known as one of the top ten magic weapons. The top ten magic soldiers don't just say that Lu Po's magic weapons are very strong. They are very strong, and they also represent Vein master Lu Po is very strong in forging, and can be called one of the top ten masters in Xiutian Continent. Even Lu Po, the vein master with such a high forging technique, highly praised this fast forging method. You and your disciples are really looking forward to Jiang Chuan's sermon this time.

In the magic hall.A pulse master, sixteen elders, and four hundred and three disciples are all waiting.

While waiting, Jiang Chuan finally arrived.

When Jiang Chuan arrived, he was taken aback.

Two, I really didn’t think about it.” When I came here, I thought to myself, since the pattern is new and long-lasting.” It would be a big deal for at most one or two hundred people to listen to the sermon. You must know that the sermons of the top elders, Elder Zhou Changmao, also Only 200 people arrived.And as a new elder, it would be great to have 300 people come to listen to the sermon.

Jiang Chuan came here with this kind of thinking in mind, and when Yu Jian entered the magic weapon hall, he was shocked by the full number of people in the magic weapon hall. There are so many people, Jiang "doesn't have the ability of Elder Fangshu" , I can count at once that there are four hundred and three disciples, but it can be seen that there are definitely more than three hundred disciples.

It seems that when he preached by himself, the number of people who came to listen to the sermon was much more than when Elder Zhou Changmao preached.

"Jiang" then looked over, and was startled again. Sixteen elders had come. What Jiang Chuan didn't know was that basically all the elders who were still at Forging Soldiers Peak had come, and the other elders who hadn't come Either it is on the battlefield in the four directions. Or it is on the northern frontier, or there is an urgent matter at hand, and I cannot go away. Otherwise, there will be more people who come to listen to the sermon. Basically, these sixteen people can come. all the elders have come.

Also, the pulse master Lu Po also came.

All the disciples who could come, all the elders who could come, and the pulse master Lu Po also came, so many people came to listen to his preaching.Jiang Chuan sighed in his heart. He never thought that there would be so many people coming. He was slightly taken aback, but then he didn't think about it any more.

Come as soon as you come, it doesn’t matter how many people come, as long as you tell your own sweetness, it doesn’t matter how many people come.

"Jiang" stood on the podium in front of him. The position of the podium is extremely high, so that the people below can see the sermon above. When standing on the podium, Jiang Chuan felt that It's also ups and downs.

I think back then, when I was still on the third floor of the foundation building, I entered this Magic Artifact Hall for the first time.Listening to Elder Zhou Zhangmao's sermon, I was in the position of listening to the sermon at that time, but now, it is my turn to preach. From listening to the sermon, I changed my position, and I am changing this In the process of taking the position, how much have I experienced and how much have I improved.

Feel the vicissitudes of the past.

After sorting out his mood a little bit, "Jiang" said: "Okay, now I'm going to speak. This time I'm going to talk about a forging method called the fast forging method. This forging method can quickly Intermediate magic weapon.The so-called forging of middle-level magical artifacts first involves forging lower-level magical artifacts, which are divided into ironmaking.Zhengling, forming these three steps, and after completing these three steps, it will immediately become a lower-level magic weapon. After becoming a low-level magic weapon, it still needs to go through various means.Draw a spirit-leading array on top of the lower-level magic weapon.Then it can be upgraded to an intermediate magic weapon.Therefore, the forging of intermediate magic tools is actually divided into four steps

"And now the ego's quick forging method, to put it bluntly, is to draw a formation diagram, draw four formation diagrams, namely the iron-making formation diagram, the righteous spirit formation diagram, the forming formation diagram, and the spirit-gathering formation diagram. For example, this iron-making formation diagram The map, you can use [-] materials to complete a positive spirit, and then scrap it directly. You need to make a new map, and the same is true for the other three maps. They can be used [-] times and then scrapped. The picture depends on whether you can learn it. If you can learn it, you will naturally forge quickly.

I heard what Jiang Chuan said.At the moment, everyone is interested. Making four formations can make thirty mid-level magic weapon flying swords. This is indeed a fast forging method. Of course, the premise is that you can learn to score points.

Now, all the elders were tempted, not to mention the Foundation Establishment disciples, who were all looking forward to Jiang Chuan continuing to talk.

Jiang Chuan said: "Now I will start to talk about the first array diagram, the iron-smelting array diagram, and the step of iron-smelting, to put it bluntly, is to forge French iron into the shape of a sword. Of course, the shape of a knife can also be used, but the sword is The mainstream elementary school only talks about the shape of the sword, and while refining the shape of the sword, the spirituality of the Fatie Jing cannot be lost. This is the requirement

"So this iron smelting formation diagram is actually quite simple. To put it bluntly, that's what it is. To melt the magic iron essence, it is necessary not to destroy the spirituality of the magic iron essence. Therefore, when drawing this formation diagram, it should be as soft as possible. Zhu Jiangchuan said, and then began to take out a piece of yellow talisman paper and started to draw.

"Jiang" was simple when it was said, and everyone thought it shouldn't be too difficult, but when Jiang Chuan started to draw on the yellow talisman paper, everyone realized that such a complicated thing was really a headache. .Everyone can see the drawing method of this array, but feel that it is so complicated.

In fact, the reason why Jiang Chuan was able to learn it was because in the Ninth Palace of the Underground, he obtained the direct transmission of the divine consciousness of Hunyuan Daoist. This kind of direct transmission of spiritual consciousness does not require much understanding, and it is easy to learn it.

And others want to learn.But it is not so easy.

The elders and disciples could only admire Jiang Chuan's exquisite array drawing method. They never thought that Xiao Jiangchuan was so good at spell arrays and could draw such powerful arrays.

But now he pays attention to the ironmaking array.After letting everyone rest for a while, Jiang Chuan began to talk about the second formation map, Zhengling Formation: "The step of Zhengling, to put it bluntly, is to expand the spirituality of Fa Tiejing, so that the refined sword can be compared with our cultivation of immortals." The primordial spirit of the warrior will be joined together. People are connected with the sword heart and sword spirit, so that the sword can wield greater power. People can wield greater combat power, so this step needs to expand spirituality. This formation The diagram is much more difficult than the iron-making formation diagram, but it is not simple." Jiang Chuan then began to explain the spirit formation diagram in detail.

This Zhengling formation diagram let everyone see Jiang Chuan's strength in forging and formation diagrams. Regardless of whether this formation diagram method was created by Jiang Chuan, just being able to learn this kind of formation diagram shows the strength of Jiang Chuan in forging techniques. The high attainment made many elders have to obey, and many disciples even admired him heartily.

Next, Jiang Chuan began to talk about the positive formation diagram. The difficulty of the positive formation diagram is easier than that of the Zhengling formation diagram. The formation diagram is much more difficult.

Heavenly book, absolutely heavenly book.This is the thinking of many disciples. At the beginning, when listening to the iron-making formation map, they could barely understand it. When it came to the Zhengling formation map, they couldn't understand it. But when it came to the Zhengxing formation map, they could still understand it Some people were so happy in their hearts, but when they listened to the Juling Formation, they basically listened to heavenly scriptures.Tragedy, listening to Elder Jiang Chuan's lectures is like listening to heavenly scriptures.

"The elder is only Sanfeng three years old. He can sell some formation maps. Among Luding Jiazi, those who are older than Elder Jiang Chuan want to catch a lot of them. As a result, Elder Jiang Chuan said that he and others are I can't even understand it, I'm really ashamed.

This was what the disciples thought, and the elders were even more surprised. Although "Jiang" spoke complicatedly, but after listening carefully and understanding, most of the elders understood the meaning. It's okay to understand five or six points. The elders couldn't help being extremely surprised when they heard Jiang Chuan's quick forging method and the idea of ​​this formation.

The original elders knew that Jiang Chuan's combat strength was outstanding, and that he could defeat and wipe out his opponent in the battle of complete annihilation of the two disciples.It's not what it means to be outstanding in combat power, or what it is to be cruel.However, privately, there are still some elders who are not convinced by Jiang Chuan. After all, they think that the mainstream of Forging Soldiers Peak is forging, not fighting. Being the master of forging peak veins like Forging Bingfeng, but still can't.

There are elders who are as dissatisfied with Jiang Chuan's combat power as Zhao Qualification and become the master of the future veins.

There are also some elders who are dissatisfied with Jiang Chuan's achievements in forging and become the master of the future veins.

Zhao Zhizhi had seven defeats in seven battles, and he was completely defeated by Jiang.

Of course, that was Jiang Yi's intention.But now, Jiang Chuan is here this time talking about the quick forging method and demonstrating the method of the four formations.During the demonstration process, it showed an unknown level of forging skills, amazing creativity in forging skills, and so on, so that those who were originally dissatisfied with Jiang Chuan's achievements in forging skills to become the future master of the future veins will now be embarrassed. Impressed.

This time, the disciples worshiped and the elders were convinced.

Everything is because of this demonstration, preaching the way of quick forging.

After paying attention to the fast forging method, Jiang Chuan started a fast forging journey. There are [-] middle-level magic tools to be forged. Although with the help of the fast forging method, it is not an easy task to complete. an extremely long time.To be honest, this continuous fast forging method is quite energy-consuming.Fortunately, now that he was in the Forging Peak, all kinds of mana and energy pills were sent to Jiang Chuan's side as if they were free of money.

After three months, it was finally done.

Yes, after three months, using the fast forging method, plus the non-stop support of various materials from the Dagger Forging Bingfeng, Jiang Chuan finally completed the fast forging of [-] flying handles this time.At this time, Jiang Chuan had accumulated a thousand flying swords in the space of his mind, which was enough to set up a grand array of thousands of swords and clean up Bei Qianhua, the great elder of the northern elite clan.

Kita Chika, you wait, I'm coming.

Jiang" hid all the thousand-handled flying swords, and then stepped on the teleportation array again. The familiar dizziness returned. This kind of dizziness was really uncomfortable, but this kind of dizziness was overcome by Jiang " The strong fighting spirit was suppressed, "Jiang" wants to wipe out this guy Beiqianhua too much now.

Of course, what Jiang Chuan wanted most was to try the power of his Thousand Swords Great Array Sword, which he had never used before.

When Jiang Chuan stepped into the teleportation formation, the white light on the Blacksmith Peak was together, and when Jiang Chuan left, at this moment, there were two people sitting and standing in the main hall of the Blacksmithing Army.

Sitting is the pulse master Lu Po, and standing is Changyinjian Elder Zhou Changmao.

Generally speaking, many things about the Forging Bing Peak are decided by these two people. Of course, Lu Po, the pulse master, makes decisions, while the elder Zhou Changmao just discusses and assists.In fact, Elder Zhou Changmao is not a simple person, he is known as the person who is most likely to break through to the elder level and reach the elder level in Forging Soldiers Peak.

At this time, the Forging Hall was still quite deserted. The pulse master Lu Po touched his forehead and asked, "He left?"

Elder Zhou Changmao nodded, "Yes, he's gone." Elder Zhou Zhangmao naturally knew that the master Maid was referring to Jiang Chuan.

Elder Zhou Changmao said: "The position of the future vein master seems to have been completely determined by this time. 1 Zhao Qualification's challenge was strongly persuaded by Jiang."However, when he was subduing Zhao Zhiqi in the northern border, some elders on the Forging Bing Peak were still dissatisfied with Jiang Chuan's forging skills, thinking that if his forging skills were not good enough, he would not be able to be the future pulse master. But this time, with your arrangement, pulse master, But quietly let Jiang Chuan subdue this aspect.The pulse master is really clever, and the future pulse master will indeed settle such a major event, so he calmed down, confirmed, and subdued all the dissatisfied ones.Small.

Lu Po, the pulse master, smiled: "You can't say that. Although I arranged it well, Jiang has to be able to do it." Of course, I arranged it well, and his own strength is also very important. The inheritance has finally been completely resolved. "Every one. The inheritance of the peak veins is quite troublesome. After all, it represents a considerable amount of power. "Jiang" as the future vein master, Lu Po said it a long time ago, but at this time Lu Po used With all kinds of means, coupled with Jiang Chuan's strength and tyranny, this matter was basically settled.

This time the vein master inheritance is very peaceful.Nothing bloody.

Elder Zhou Changmao said: "According to the Feijian handbook from Northern Xinjiang this time, the No. [-] elite clan in the north seems to be making a big fuss. It's hard to ask for it. Is it okay to let Jiang Chuan go?"

Lu Po, the owner of the bloodline, laughed: "Of course there is no problem. Jiang Chuan is a warrior in the first place. He gets stronger when he encounters battles, and Bei Qianhua's so-called greatest advantage has no effect on Jiang Chuan, so Jiang" will definitely succeed. That guy Beiqianhua is amazing, but that’s all there is to it, who told him to run into Xinxingjiang, which is rising from my Forging Bing Peak?"

"Besides, even if Jiang Chuan may not succeed, the turmoil in northern Xinjiang this time can be regarded as a test for Jiang Chuan. This test is still difficult. Let him try. Now that the situation of the Quartet War is quite tense, I really want to go to Northern Xinjiang to see Jiang's Great Sword Formation of Thousand Swords. I am afraid that no one in the world of cultivating immortals has used such a Great Sword Formation of Thousand Swords for 5 years. I am really looking forward to it. .Small.

Hearing what the pulse master said, the eyes of Elder Zhou Zhangmao also flashed the light of expectation.

Thousand Swords Great Sword Formation, what a splendid swordsmanship that would be. (to be continued)

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