Immortal forging

Chapter 75 Great sword array, calm the storm

Chapter 75 (1) Thousand Swords and Great Sword Formation, Set the Storm

The current recording method of the astronomical calendar should be counted by the Immortal Fire Emperor.

The era of mergers is called the era of chaos.

The year when the seven generals under Emperor Xianhuo established the seven sects is called the first year of Xiutianli.But now, it is 33 years of Xiutian Calendar.

On the 33rd of September, Autumn 1, 23 in the Xiutian calendar, Bei Qianhua, the great elder of the Northern Essence, summoned many Essences from the northern frontier to form an army of the Northern Essences, and destroyed one of the four major castles in the northern border on this day. Wind Sword Castle, the six elders of Wind Sword Castle were all killed and escaped. This is the second castle destroyed among the four castles in the northern frontier. The first one was naturally Yanmu Castle that was destroyed the earliest.

On October 33, Autumn 1, 23, the Xiutian calendar, the army of the elite tribes in the northern frontier marched in lightning, and arrived at the third castle, Huazhi Castle, but found that there was no one in Huazhi Castle, but it was an empty city.However, this empty city was completely demolished by the Jing clan in the northern frontier.

In the autumn of 33 in the Xiutian calendar, on November [-]th, the army of the elite tribes in the northern frontier continued to march in lightning, and reached the fourth castle, Fengsha Castle. Three of the elders died and four escaped. This is the reason for some preparations. If not for some preparations, the seven elders of Fengsha Castle would all be trapped in this mask.

Don't think that the few castles separated by a few months are not lightning marches.This is definitely a lightning march. You must know that the northern border is huge, tens of millions of miles. With the speed of the army marching, it will take several months to sweep the four castles. That is quite normal. Great coming.

So far, the four castles arranged by the human race on the northern border have all been breached.

During this process, six elders died in Yanmu Castle, six elders died in Fengjian Castle, zero elders died in Forging Castle, three elders died in Fengsha Castle, and a total of fifteen elders died.

Big shock!

This is definitely a big shock. In the world of cultivating immortals, which has been at peace for a long time, elders have rarely died in the past few hundred years. The death of an elder is not a small event. The heroes of the elite clan.After a series of attacks, fifteen elders were actually killed. How could this not be a big shock.

Over time, the news of the turmoil of the Jing clan in Northern Xinjiang spread throughout the Central Plains, and now everyone knows the news of the turmoil of the Jing clan in Northern Xinjiang.Moreover, it is said that the Beijiang Jingzu has also mastered the weakness of human immortal cultivators. This news also shocked the world, and many eyes turned to Beijiang.

A big storm has already started.

And it seems that it is not so easy to calm down.

That kind of dizziness is really uncomfortable, "Jiang" packed up his feelings and stepped out of the teleportation array.

Only then stepped out of the teleportation array.Inside is cold water.

Of course, this is not because someone is throwing water at the river, but because the location of the teleportation array was originally placed in the well of an ordinary family in Northern Shaanxi City. well.It was actually the location of the teleportation array used to connect Forging Castle and Forging Bing Peak.

The cold water inside made Jiang Chuan calm down for a while, and with a sweep of his spiritual sense, he found that there was no one next to the well, so he didn't hesitate anymore.People are soaring into the sky, after soaring into the sky.Seeing who was around, he flew straight to a secret stronghold of Forging Castle without hesitation.

There are many people here.

When the four elders of Forge Castle knew that there was nothing to be done, they did not choose to fight against the No. [-] elite clan in the north, but chose to retreat. Of course, during the retreat, the flying sword passed the letter to the other castles, Let the other castles know about this matter, and as a result, the other castles may think that they have the power to compete with the No. [-] Jingzu in the North. Qianhua's prestige has made Beiqianhua more famous and prestige in northern Xinjiang.

And this extremely remote valley is the temporary camping point for the people of Forging Castle after leaving the castle. It is close to the northern border, but it does not belong to the northern border, but a stop in the Central Plains.valley in the veins.

Jiang Chuan suppressed Jian Guang.And his pure black sword light with a trace of impurity was recognized immediately, and four elders greeted him immediately.Elder Zhou Qiduan saw "Jiang" and immediately asked: "How about Duan Bingfeng and his party?Can it go well? "

"Jiang" nodded: "Naturally, it went smoothly. The flying sword I want to prepare is almost ready, and now it can basically be used to deal with Beiqianhua. By the way, how is Beiqianhua's recent actions?"How is the recent situation in northern Xinjiang? The information I received at Forging Bing Peak may not be accurate. "

Elder Zhou Qiduan said: "The recent situation in northern Xinjiang began on September 23rd, when Fengjian Castle was destroyed, six elders were killed, and on October [-]th, our Forging Castle was destroyed. The retreat was over, and there were casualties. On November [-]th, Fengsha Castle was destroyed, and three elders died. Four elders escaped. Including the six elders who were killed in Yanmu Castle at the beginning, a total of fifteen died Elder, at this time, Beiqianhua has already dominated northern Xinjiang."

"Beiqianhua is really making a big fuss." Jiang Chuan sighed.

"Of course, in addition to this. There is another news about the rebellion. You probably haven't heard of it, because it happened on the Internet." Elder Zhou Qiduan Su Rong said: "The turmoil of the Jing clan in the northern border has alarmed everyone. In the Central Plains, although the seven factions and 21 veins of the Central Plains are in a rather strange environment, the seven factions and 21 veins are somewhat hostile to each other. Everyone is in a relative balance, but they can still send out alchemy masters. A few days ago, the first Yanmu Peak, whose castle was destroyed, sent Mu Yanyuan, an elder at the alchemy stage. As a result, this elder, Mu Yanyuan, at the alchemy stage, was actually killed by Beiqianhua during the battle with the great elder Beiqianhua. Killed. Everyone knows that Bei Qianhua has not yet reached the alchemy stage, and he actually slaughtered the elders of the alchemy stage. God, that is the elder of the alchemy stage. Now, everyone understands, Bei Qianhua said that the human The weakness of immortal cultivators is really not for nothing."

"Bei Qianhua's actions have shocked everyone."

Elder Zhou Qiduan threw out a rather shocking news. He actually killed all the elders. You must know that the elders in the alchemy stage have not lost anything for hundreds of years, not a single one.He died in the battle, but Bei Qianhua actually killed the elder Mu Yanyuan in the battle, which is considered a broken precedent.

Veteran's strength

Now, the veterans are all dead.

"Originally, for things like the turmoil in northern Xinjiang, it is enough for the seven sects to send out a few veterans of the alchemy stage at will. Nian was suppressed again, but this time, Beiqianhua actually found the weakness of human immortal cultivators. He used the elder level to leapfrog the level to kill the elder level, and killed an elder Mu Yanyuan from Yanmu Peak of Qingmumen. Living."

"Now there is no sect that wants to kill the elders, and everyone does not want to die the elders, so the elders who were sent out began to rest halfway, and they will not come to the northern border for the time being, waiting for the elders of other sects to come to the northern border to test it first. In this way, after Mu Yanyuan's death, no one came to northern Xinjiang."

"Because of this, at this time, Beiqianhua is the only one in northern Xinjiang."

"The northern frontier is basically ruled by Beiqianhua.

Jiang Chuan's brain digested the news just absorbed by the net, and even killed one of the elders. This is really a big trouble in Beiqianhua.But it should be almost the end of the play, no matter how big the trouble is, it should be over.

Lu Bing looked at Jiang Chuan: "Are you sure now? The elder Mu Yanyuan has been slaughtered. If you are not sure, don't continue. Wait for the time to pass, and the seven sects will send stronger experts to deal with this matter. "Lu Bing was a little worried about Jiang Chuan, so he said so.

Jiang Chuan shook his head: "No, this matter. I'm quite sure, besides, Bei Qianhua is my prey, if someone else snatches my prey, wouldn't it be a big loss for me?

Prey, Jiang." When talking about the prey, he narrowed his eyes slightly. There was a very dangerous element in those eyes. Seeing Jiang Chuan's expression when he talked about the prey, the other elders felt chills in their hearts, and they were absolutely right. It is definitely not a lucky thing to become the prey of robbing Wang Jiangchuan.

Jiang Chuan said: "I want to set up a big sword formation to deal with Beiqianhua, so I need to set up the formation first, and if I want to set up the formation, I need to find a place and bring a map. Small,

The map of the northern frontier and the surrounding towns was immediately laid out. This map is huge, and the towns, forests, hillsides, lakes, etc., etc. are clearly shown in front of it. Jiang Chuan looked at the map in detail. Elder Fang Lie said next to him: "If the northern frontier is going to attack, I'm afraid the first one to attack will be Beicheng."

Jiang Chuan immediately looked over Beicheng and found the location of Beicheng on the map. Jiang Chuan gasped when he saw the location of Beicheng.Seriously, if Beiqianhua wants to completely control Beijiang in its hands without making any mistakes, then this Beicheng must be pulled out, and it will be an eyesore.

The position that Elder Fang Lie pointed out is really good, indeed.If it was said that Beiqianhua would not attack Beicheng, Jiang Chuan would be the first to not believe it.

"Okay, let's set up the Great Sword Formation in Beicheng," Jiang Chuan said.

"Want to help?" Lu Bing asked.

"No, there are a thousand flying swords in this great sword array." I have to arrange each of the flying swords by myself, so that I can fully understand them, so that I can command them perfectly. "Jiang Chuan shook his head and refused. Seriously, this is also Jiang"'s first time setting up a big sword formation.I am also full of expectations for this.

Rejecting Lu Bing's help, Jiang Chuan Yujian flew straight to Beicheng, and the remaining four elders looked at each other, Elder Zhou Qiduan said: "Let him go, I hope he can create a miracle this time, if not, Beijiang This matter is getting bigger and bigger, I don't know how many veterans will fly to the northern border, and the situation in the Central Plains, I don't know how it will be affected by the northern border."

Elder Fang Lie withdrew silently.Disappeared in the woods, and seeing Elder Fang Lie disappear, Elder Zhou Qiduan said: "Fang Lie is probably going to Beicheng, and Elder Fang Lie also wants to see Jiang Chuan's relationship with Beiqianhua." Having said that, Zhou Qiduan Duan's eyes lit up, and the eyes of the remaining elders Zhao Qi and Lu Bing also lit up.

Although it is said that "Jiang" set up the great sword formation in Beicheng, he does not need the help of the few people present, but if he is in Beicheng now, he can see Jiangchuan's great sword formation immediately.

Thousand Swords Great Sword Formation, just the word Qianjian is enough to attract people.

Not to mention, there is also Jiang Chuan, the future master of Forging Bing Peak, and Bei Qianhua, the overlord of Northern Xinjiang.

Then Elder Zhou Qiduan told the remaining disciples not to leave the valley for a while.Don't show your traces, the three sword lights flew straight to Beicheng, but they were going to watch the battle in Beicheng.

It is said that after Jiang Chuan left the valley where the disciple of Forging Soldiers Peak stayed, Yujian flew straight towards Beicheng with the pure black sword light, took out the map when he was in the air, and confirmed the location of Beicheng.Flying in the air often deviates from one direction, and then flies to nowhere. It is still necessary to accurately locate the position.

Beicheng is already in sight. The city of Beicheng is quite dangerous. It is as dangerous as a sharp knife piercing into the northern border. It is a dangerous human city, and the terrain is also dangerous. On the high valley, the valley is surrounded by huge and hard rocks, which have not been weathered for thousands of years.

In this way, there is almost no forest next to Beicheng, and it is bare everywhere, which is to prevent the northern Xinjiang elite.Places with trees are most likely to be infiltrated by the fey.

"Jiang Yujian flew over Beicheng. The reason why Beicheng still exists is because there are a large number of various materials in the northern frontier. High-priced things, such a large number of materials, have become rich one after another, and the city of Beicheng has been inserted into the northern frontier like a sharp knife. All kinds of materials in the northern frontier pass through here. The stopped ones were transported to the Central Plains.

Now this northern city is controlled by a huge business group, the Northern Merchant Group.The scale of the business group is huge, not only doing business for mortals, but also for cultivators. They really do all kinds of business, even in many fairs for cultivators, there are shops opened by the North Merchant Group In fact, Jiang Chuan bought some pills from the North Merchant Group back then, but he doesn’t remember much. After all, there are so many shops in the Immortal Cultivator Bazaar. The Northern Merchant Group.

But it is undeniable that the Northern Merchant Group still has quite a powerful force, and these six transformations will rule the northern Xinjiang.Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Beiqianhua will definitely hit Sikong City.But the Northern Merchant Group still refused to give up on Beicheng, after all, this was the largest source of income for the Northern Merchant Group.

Because of this, its business group invited many people, all kinds of weird people.I want to fight against Beiqianhua and defend Beicheng.

This is the last struggle of the Northern Merchant Group before its demise. Without the North City, the Northern Merchant Group is not called the Northern Merchant Group, but people die for money, and birds die for food. The Northern Merchant Group really invited a lot of people People, expressed their willingness to fight against the Great Elder Beiqianhua for huge wealth.

Because of this, Beicheng at this time is full of murderous aura, and all kinds of masters are flying around.

Jiang Chuan pressed down the sword light from the sky, and came to the gate of Beicheng. At least few of Jiang Chuan's Yujian 1 flew down and it was the foundation building period. At present, the guards in Beicheng were very respectful: "I don't know who is an expert. Would you like to join us?" The guards of our Northern Merchant Group are treated very generously. As long as we defend against the attack of the Northern Qianhua Essence Clan this time, we can get extremely rich prizes, but there are hundreds of thousands of low-grade spirit stones

Hearing the hundreds of thousands of low-grade spirit stones, "Jiang" thought to himself, it seems that the Northern Merchant Group is going to fight Beiqianhua at all costs in order to keep their source of wealth, Beicheng, but these are none of his business , and immediately declined: "I only went into the city, not to join the Northern Merchant Group, let alone fight against the Northern Thousand

That guard is also Shinai, but he doesn't want to offend Jiang Chuan now. After all, when Beiqianhua's army is pressing down on the border, the Northern Merchant Group doesn't want to offend the monks in the foundation-building period. Anyway, Jiang "wouldn't help Beiqianhua. That's totally wrong." Possibly, Beiqianhua belongs to the Jing clan. It is impossible for the human race to help the Jing clan, at least there is no precedent so far, so you can rest assured

"Jiang" entered Beicheng, and found that the city is full of stores and warehouses with various northern Xinjiang materials, but now there are many fewer people, and many stores and warehouses are tightly closed. Obviously, most people know Beijiang The Qianhua army was about to attack, but they fled a step first.

It's a pity that the northern business group can't escape, their lifeblood is the northern city.

Therefore, if the Northern Merchant Group is not destroyed, they cannot escape.

"Jiang" was not in a hurry to set up the formation, but started to walk.

Walking slowly in the entire North City.

Walking in the northern city, observing the urban layout of the northern city, it is convenient for him to deploy a thousand swords and a great sword.This northern city is still the common east and south.West.The layout of the four directions on the north front, the whole city is square and square. This square layout can be arranged in any way, and it can be set up with one hand.

Jiang Chuan was pondering. Now that he wants to set up the Great Sword Formation, that is, the Sancai Frostfall Great Sword Formation, there must be factors of the Sancai in it.

The genius is above, the earth is below, and the talent is in the middle.

If the genius is above, the genius will cover the sky in all directions.So it must be a complex formation.Heaven is the extreme of heaven and earth, and nine is the number of extremes.The nine palaces that match the genius should be the nine palaces. The nine palaces are: Qiangong, Kangong, Gengong, Zhengong, Zhonggong, Xungong, Ligong, Kungong, Duigong. Zhen belongs to the four yang palaces, Xun, Li, Kun, and Dui belong to the four yin palaces, and the middle palace is a total of nine palaces.The genius among the three talents is paired with the Jiugong, and the lethality is amazing.Of course, if it is directly placed in the sky naked, I am afraid it will attract attention, "Jiang" flew straight into the sky. Hid those swords behind the thick clouds in the sky.

This is the genius among the three talents, and the ground talent among the geniuses is at the bottom. The ground talent can't just be the ground talent alone, but the ground talent alone is a bit monotonous. The door lock killing formation, the eight-door lock killing formation is divided into Xiumen, Shengmen, Injury Gate, Dumen, Jingmen, Death Gate, Shocking Gate, and Opening the Gate. The combination of the eight is also very powerful, and the killing momentum can be described as endless .

The ground and the eight gates overlapped to form a more complex and powerful killing formation. Of course, the flying swords on the eight gates could not be directly inserted into the ground."Jiang" searched for some well water, and placed his flying sword in the soil, which he saw had already been arranged.

The talent is ready, the land is arranged, and only the talent is left.

Genius dominates the sky, earth dominates the earth, and talent dominates killing.

That’s right, the Lord kills.

To kill Zuo, of course, one must have a strong attack power. The one that Jiang Chuan is most familiar with has a strong attack power, which is naturally the Great Heat of the One Yuan.” So this talent is combined with the One Yuan. This arrangement is the simplest. Most of the flying swords are stuck in the mud wall. Under the case, they are all hidden in some places that are not likely to be found.

At this point, the Great Sword Formation of Thousand Swords is almost completed, the main body is the Great Sword Formation of the Three Talents Frostfall Sword, and among the three talents in the Great Sword Formation of Frostfall Sword, one of the three geniuses overlapped an extremely large number of Nine Palace Formation, and the land overlapped the trap The eight-door lock killing formation with extremely powerful killing power can wield the one-yuan Dashu sword by overlapping the one-element formation method 1. So far, the main body of the Thousand Swords Great Array sword is basically completed.

Of course, it's not over yet.

"Jiang" began to accumulate mana on the sword formations, temporarily accumulating mana on each formation, although each sword could not accumulate too much mana. But overall, it could accumulate a considerable amount of mana. If you do not accumulate mana now If it is on the steps, why does Jiang Chuan drive the Great Sword Formation of Thousand Swords. This is the Great Sword Formation of Thousand Swords and the Thousand Flying Swords. If Jiang Chuan did not make a lot of preparations in advance, Jiang Chuan would not be able to use it.

The number of a thousand swords is huge.

It is naturally difficult to control this kind of thing.

Jiang Chuan put mana into it first, and the time needed for the process of losing mana alone was calculated in days. It took five days to lose all the mana on the sword.Then, Jiang Chuan contacted Jian again, thanks to the fact that Jian 1 Qi Quenched Body ** transformed itself into a sword, otherwise it would be absolutely difficult to establish contact with so many swords.

"Jiang" was able to control so many flying swords because of his sword energy and deceitful physique.

It took six days successively for Jiang" to be completely completed.

The construction is finally completed, the Great Sword Formation has been completed, and now we are waiting for Bei Qianhua's arrival, Jiang Chuan thought leisurely.

Of course, the Great Sword Formation is finished anyway.Just waiting for Beiqianhua to be arrested, and idleness is idleness. Just go to the Beishang Group, the real power holder in Beicheng, to see how the Beishang Group plans to deal with Beiqianhua. Rong, turned into a thin human man around 40 years old, and entered Beifu where the Northern Merchant Group was located.

At the gate of the northern mansion, Bei Zhen, the leader of the Northern Merchant Group, specially received the immortal cultivators from all over the place. Of course, only those who practiced for a while could be personally accepted by the leader of the merchant group, Bei Zhen.When Jiang Chuan arrived, Ding Cong... there were quite a few immortal cultivators around him, but most of them were in the qi training period, and they came to make some money. If such strength can really compete with the northern Xinjiang elite, it can only be said to be a joke .

When Jiang Chuan reported the strength of the seventh floor of the foundation building, the guards were overjoyed and asked Jiang Chuan to meet the merchant leader Bei Zhen. Jiang followed the guards and immediately met the merchant leader Bei Zhen.

The leader of the business group is Bei Zhen.This is a man in his 50s, with a long gray beard, and he looks like a scholar. He looks a bit like a Confucian businessman, but that's what he said. If it was Shang, it would be ridiculous. Although Bei Zhen did not participate in human trafficking and other activities, he was definitely not a good person.

The head of the business group, Bei Zhen, saw Jiang" and was pleasantly surprised PS: "It's rare to have this Taoist leader willing to help.Flying sword?Elixir?The exercises can be mentioned directly, and those who can satisfy the Taoist leader, our Beishang Group will try our best to satisfy Beizhen. Jiangchuan builds the foundation seven layers, which is quite powerful, so it is so generous.Whatever you want Jiang" put forward conditions.

Of course, Jiang Chuan would not be polite. When he met a fat sheep like Bei Zhen, the leader of the merchant group, how could he be worthy of himself if he didn't make a good slaughter? I am not very useful, after all, I am pretending to be the seventh floor of the foundation, and the North Merchant Group can provide me with the pills of the seventh floor of the foundation, and it is impossible to provide me with the pill of the ninth floor of the foundation. Feijian, how embarrassing; There are as many as a thousand stalks, and there is no need for more for the time being. If you need more in the future, it will be quite a long time in the future. Then there are only exercises. Jiang Chuan said slowly: "I don't know what exercises you have?"

Jiang Chuan didn't have much hope at first, but the result was unexpected.Bei Zhen, the head of the Northern Merchant Group, actually has a skill called Jin Xing Jie Dan Gong (disabled), Bei Zhen said with a smile: "This is an ancient book in my collection. There are very few ancient copies, and they are fragments. If the Taoist priest is interested, he can take them. Small. There are many alchemy exercises in the world of cultivating immortals, but the ancient ones have been lost a lot, and many of them are It appeared in modern times, especially after the Immortal Fire Emperor, and the ancient version of Jin Xinggong has been lost for a long time, and Bei Zhen has such a residual copy in hand.

This kind of remnant.It has no effect on other people, but it has a great effect on Jiang Chuan. After all, Jiang Chuan practiced Jin Xing Qigong and Jin Xing Jigong along the way. Although this is only a fragment, it is very important to Jiang Chuan The great effect, at this time, the remnants of the Jin Xingjie Dan Gong, came out of nowhere.

And Bei Zhenjian Jiang "satisfied with the remnants of this golden practice of alchemy, he was overjoyed at the moment, and recruited another master. He was naturally reluctant to part with this remnant before, although it was only a remnant, but it was after all a remnant of alchemy Cultivation method. But there is no way, now that Beiqianhua is crushing the army, it is very difficult to recruit a good player. It is good to recruit one now, how can you not be willing to part with this crippled book.

Bei Zhen naturally knew that he could not fight Bei Qianhua, but if he lost Beicheng, then the financial resources of the Beishang Group would be lost. Once successful people asked him to lose everything he had, few could bear it.Bei Zhen couldn't bear it either, so after sending his wife and children away, he almost used all his wealth to recruit various experts to fight against Bei Qianhua.

However, Beiqianhua is now too imposing and menacing. Even if Beizhen puts out such a generous family fortune to recruit, there are not many people who come, like "Jiang" who pretended to be the seventh-level foundation-builder is already considered a master.

Beifuzhong.Bei Zhen invited Jiang Chuan personally.

Jiang Chuan also saw several other masters recruited by Bei Zhen.

One of them is the Poison Curse Master among the immortal cultivators. Poison Curse Masters are not too rare. They all use poison and spells to attack the enemy, and they are of the same type as Beijian Poison.This poisonous curse master is called Yandu, with a gloomy face, and looks like the seventh floor of the foundation, but the ability of the poisonous curse master is often much higher than the mana.After all, it is mainly based on poison. It is normal for the poison curse masters on the seventh floor of the foundation to kill the people on the eighth floor of the foundation, and even the ninth floor of the foundation.

There is also an enchanter, which is even rarer among immortal cultivators. An enchanter is a rather weird breed. Whether the enchanter is strong or not has something to do with his own mana, but it doesn't have much to do with it. This enchanter It's called Yan Jie, and this Yan Jie also has a gloomy face. It's the appearance of the seventh floor of the foundation, and the ability of the enchanter is quite unpredictable.

The other one is much more formal. It is a wood-type immortal cultivator named Ye Mu. This Ye Mu has a smile on his face. In fact, although he is a wood-type immortal cultivator, he usually studies how to destroy wood. It can be said that his true energy In fact, he has already practiced the true energy of Nimu and built the seven layers of foundation. Because he is the true energy of Nimu himself, he is very suitable for dealing with Mu Qianhua.Also quite confident.

Adding "Jiang" makes a total of four.

Four elders.

The poison curse master speaks poison.Formation master Yan Jie, Nimu immortal cultivator Ye Mu, and Jiang "

Jiang Chuan stood there.Looking at the other three people" and thought to himself, Bei Zhen's family wealth seems to be really rich, and it has attracted four elders. Of course, I don't know if the other three are not as interested in helping Bei Zhen as I am. up.

The enchanter Yan Jie said to Bei Zhen: "Don't worry, Master Beishang, since you can afford the price, then I will help you. My enchantment is not easy to break. Beiqianhua wants to break me." I don’t know how long it will take to break the barrier.”

And the curse master over there, Yan Du, was also chattering and laughing: "Don't worry, the leader of the Northern Shang Dynasty, even if he broke the enchantment of the word knot, he also has my poison, and my poison is specially designed to poison masters. "

Ye Mu, the immortal cultivator of Nimu, played with the wine glass in his hand lightly: "Master of the Beishang Group, my Nimu True Energy is designed to restrain the Jing clan, you can rest assured that these three expressed their opinions one after another, but Jiang Chuan did not express his opinion." Why Jiang Chuan didn't bother to express his opinion, anyway, he came to watch the show.

the following few days.Beicheng has been under martial law, and many immortal cultivators have come to help, but most of them are not strong. So far, only the elders have been said.Words are poisonous, Ye Mu.The Jiangchuan four, and others, of course, Bei Zhen basically bet on these four people, hoping that these four people can kill Bei Qianhua, although this hope is very small, but it has to bet like this, who is called Back off by yourself.

And on the fifth day after Jiang Chuan entered Beifu with a false identity, news of the appearance of the Beijiang Jingzu finally came from outside the city.Apparently, if the Northern Xinjiang Essence appeared, the Xinjiang Essence would have to pull out the last fang of the human race in Beicheng, and they would surely rule the entire Northern Xinjiang. Beiqianhua has to take another step forward in his ambition of dominance. .

Beicheng in classical times.

Outside the North City.It is the army of the northern Xinjiang elite, led by the new overlord of northern Xinjiang, Beiqianhua, who had previously defeated four castles.

In the North City.It was the forces of the Northern Merchant Group. Bei Zhen wanted to fight back. If he lost Beicheng, he would lose everything.

The two sides confront each other.

Jiang Chuan stood at the head of the city.Looking outside the city, I saw the army of the northern Xinjiang Jing tribe outside the city. I don't know how many spirits are there. It turned out that the time in the Night Light Valley, "Jiang" opened his eyes and saw more than a thousand different spirits, and this time it was even more so. Eye-opening, this time there are more spirits than last time in Luminous Valley.

Jiang Chuan was directly shocked. It has to be said that the appearance of the Jingzu is so strange, if there are more Jingzu.And it is an eye-opener if there are different types of spirits.Of course, "Jiang" also understood that it was Beiqianhua who destroyed the four castles, and its momentum increased, and more and more elites joined its banner, which made Beiqianhua's momentum stronger and more elites under its command.

Seeing these thousands of elves and the overwhelming army, it's not like the momentum on the North City side will be weaker, the humans in the North City.I'm afraid I haven't seen so many elves before."Jiang" passed through the buffer of Luminous Valley at any rate, and these people had never seen the buffer of Luminous Valley. They were even more shocked, and immediately lost a lot of courage.

Some of the people who came to help Beizhen were actually interested in the money, and they didn't think that the Beijiang Jing clan was as powerful as they imagined.As a result, seeing so many elves now, they are even more powerful than imagined, and the courage is weak at the moment.

At this time, at the head of the North City, a huge enchantment appeared, and many words flashed in the void above the enchantment.It was obviously to increase the power of the barrier, and it was obviously one of the four masters invited by Bei Zhen to set up the barrier. Once the barrier was set up, it would strengthen the courage of Beicheng.

"Jiang" also sat aside and watched the show slowly. Jiang Chuan was also quite curious about the power of the enchanter. How much power can the enchanter on the seventh floor of the foundation build? How powerful is their enchantment?

"Jiang" is flying at a fast pace.

half an hour ago.There was a big battle between Beicheng and the Beijiang Jingzu. First, the Beijiang Jingzu wanted to attack.Then Yanjie, one of the four masters invited by Bei Zhen, immediately opened the barrier, but the barrier was immediately shattered by Bei Qianhua.Seeing that Bei Qianhua was rampant, Ye Mu, one of the four masters invited by Bei Zhen, made a move, but was killed by Bei Qianhua.

This action established Beiqianhua's fierce prestige in one fell swoop. Of course, it also made Jiang Chuan feel that Beiqianhua is indeed on the eleventh floor of the foundation building, and has not yet reached the realm of the [-]th floor of the foundation building. If it is the [-]th floor of the foundation building It should be faster to kill Ye Mu, the immortal cultivator against Nimu.

And then.What else, of course, is the big crash.

If Ye Mu, one of the four masters, really wanted to fight for money and died in the hands of Bei Qianhua, then the remaining two people, Yandu and Yanjie, were here to cheat money. After breaking through the enchantment, the two quickly fled from Beicheng. As for Jiang Chuan, he didn't want to fight Bei Qianhua at all, so he naturally left in a flash.

Among the four masters, Ye Mu died, the other two fled, and Jiang Chuan dodged.

And without the elder class, how can Bei Zhen defend the North City? The defense of the North City collapsed at the moment. , now that the elves have gained the upper hand, they naturally began to slaughter wildly.

The Northern Merchant Group perished.Bei Zhen, the leader of the Northern Merchant Group, also died at the hands of Bei Qianhua.

Jiang Chuan flew straight in Yujian in the North City. Now in the North City, there are Jing clan spirits everywhere, which is very chaotic.A Yujian like "Jiang" flew straight, and naturally encountered a few elites, but they were all solved by Jiang Chuan's sword falling, and Jiang Chuan quickly entered Yigu Well with Yujian.

The mouth of the well plunged into the ancient well, and there was still water in the ancient well at first, but after diving five meters below the well water, there was no well water, but an independent space appeared, which was set up by Jiang Chuan as a water mirror. Jiang Chuan looked at the whole city through the water mirror technique, and then locked on one of them.

North Chihuahua.

Jiang Chuan had already seen Beiqianhua, Beiqianhua at this time, through the water mirror technique he had set up in Beicheng.Still the same old appearance, dressed in gray clothes, thin and thin, with extremely dark pupils, the eyes do not know how deep.In those deep and deep eyes, there is a radiant ambition.

Now it's about interpretation.It is impossible to deny that Bei Qianhua is a very outstanding hero. With a chance, he reached the current situation, unified the northern border, destroyed four castles, and killed Mu Yanyuan, the elder of the Dandan period.No matter which one of these things, they are worthy of the four words of the hero of the Jing clan.

Bei Qianhua stood in the Beifu, the highest place in Beicheng, laughed wildly, and roared to the sky: "Unify the northern border. I did it."

"For the first time in 5 years, I have unified northern Xinjiang." Bei Qianhua laughed wildly at the sky.

The Jing clan has been suppressed for 5 years, and now they are finally starting to feel proud, and Beiqianhua believes that he will establish a big force, and Beijiang will become more and more dead in his hands. Subdue the Southern Xinjiang Jingzu, the Eastern Xinjiang Jingzu, the Xijiang Jingzu and so on.

I want to be the real king of the elite clan, the elite clan in the world, and my subjects belong to myself.

The human race is waiting to submit to the fine race.

Bei Qianhua thought intently, but didn't know that in the ancient well, Jiang "was looking at Bei Qianhua through the water mirror technique. Jiang" looked at Bei Qianhua's position, and now he has completely entered his sword. In the middle of the formation, Beiqianhua, the overlord of northern Xinjiang, was completely caught in his own killing formation.

basically.I can move now.

At this time, in the forest outside Beicheng, Elder Fang Lie, Elder Zhao Qi, Elder Zhou Qiduan, and Elder Lu Bing were all looking at Beicheng, which was being ignited in the flames of war. The four elders said at the same time: "about there."

Yes, it's almost there, Elder Jiang Chuan should move.

The legendary Thousand Swords Great Sword Formation.

Jiang Chuan played against Kita Chienka.

A big drama is about to be staged. (to be continued)

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