Chapter 11 Soul Robbing

A milky white halo appeared around Anze again. Anze felt that the dizziness had disappeared a lot, and the feeling of his soul being left behind his body disappeared.

[This repair consumes 432 park coins]

"Hoo, ho, ho!" Anze was half-kneeling on the ground, breathing heavily. Just now, Anze really felt like he was going to die.

Ronin Anze poked Anze with his hand, and Anze knocked his hand away angrily. Then Ronin Anze was just like Anze, but the situation was even more miserable.

[It is detected that the power of the abyss is insufficient, and the existence talent attached to the hunter cannot be awakened]

[Abnormal status of the hunter attachment has been detected...]

"start up……"

Seeing the miserable look of Ronin in front of him, Anze felt inexplicably like he was watching a good show. Thinking that this guy just looked at him the same way, Anze became even more excited.

Taking advantage of the clone's leisure time to receive power, Anze opened his panel again.

Name; Anze (Hunter) (Virtual Contractor Number: 16523)

Level; LV.3.

HP; 100%.

Mana; 150.

力量:12、敏捷:13、体力、:14、智力: 15、魅力:15、幸运:4,深渊亲和力:37,灵魂强度:26

The soul strength is already 26 points, so outrageous? Su Xiao was only over 40 after eating the soul fruit, right? He was already at level three or four at that time, right? This professional inheritance is really outrageous...

Anze's soul strength is not all brought about by inheritance. Anze's own soul strength is quite high.

Otherwise, he would not be able to bear the burden of synchronizing other "clones", and even initially synchronized an extremely powerful "clone" with the help of Paradise.

Immediately afterwards, Anze checked out the skills brought by the profession. After reading it, Anze was so excited that he even wanted to go directly to the arena.

Skill 1: Soul Erosion: lv1 (active skill)

Conditions of use: Consume 5~20 mana points.

Skill effect: When causing damage to the enemy, the soul energy is induced to invade the enemy's soul, causing soul strength × 0.5~1.5 times + 5~10 soul damage to the enemy. This ability costs mana.

Skill 2: Soul. Plunder: lvMAX (passive skill)

Skill effect: After killing the enemy, the enemy's soul will be swallowed to strengthen the soul source and permanently increase the soul strength.

Skill 3: Soul. Invasion: lvMAX. (active skill)

Conditions of use: Consume 40% of your own maximum mana, and your soul energy touches the enemy.

Skill effect: After the soul energy contacts the enemy, it forcibly invades the enemy's soul with the power of the soul, and determines the soul strength. If the enemy's soul strength is lower than the own soul strength, it will enter the soul erosion state. In this state, the target's willpower will be determined. If the determination fails, the target will be controlled, and the control accuracy is affected by the difference in soul strength between the enemy and the enemy. If the determination is successful, the target will be subject to a soul shock effect, and will be subject to a soul stun effect based on the difference in soul strength and the enemy's willpower.

Skill 40: To unlock, you need to reach 10 soul strength, which consumes soul crystal (small) × 50000 + paradise coins.

With these skills in front of him, coupled with Anze's soul strength, Anze will become very easy in the subsequent world. As long as Anze is given a chance, most enemies can directly use soul to invade and control.

Only the few who can resist the soul invasion are qualified to fight Anze.

But Anze knows that the effect of this skill is definitely more than what is described on the surface. The digitization of abilities given by the paradise only digitizes the basic form of abilities, and more details will not be shown.

Soul Invasion, I feel that this skill will definitely have negative effects. It is definitely more than what is described on the surface, but there are also many areas that can be developed... Soul Eclipse, I feel that these two abilities are related in some way...

Anze is very satisfied with the inheritance of the paradise rewards, but the unlocking conditions of skill four make Anze very painful.


In the next few days, apart from going out to buy supplies from time to time, Anze spent most of his time experimenting and exploring his skills. The few days he stayed in the paradise flew by.

Soon it was time to return to the present world. Anze naturally returned to the present world, while Ronin Anze went to the Kenshin World.

Because of the "existence refutation" principle of Paradise Theory, it is impossible for Anze and other clones to appear in the same world most of the time.

But Anze feels that the source of this principle restriction is not himself, because he has already met Abyss Anze in the same "world".

Without thinking much, Anze returned to the present world.

After dealing with some things, Anze returned to the kennel where he originally lived, an apartment in W City.

This place was rented by Anze before. For some reasons, Anze still had some savings and could afford his normal life in this world. As for the future, Anze plans to get some money through "scavengers" or other contractors.

For a few days in this world, Anze's life was filled with various supplementary dramas. Time passed quickly, and Anze once again entered the exclusive room of the paradise.

Ronin Anze naturally also arrived in the exclusive room, and the two of them were a little curious about the derivative world they were about to enter.

"Paradise, what kind of derivative world are we going to enter this time?"

[Hunter level: Lv. 3. You can receive a notification ten minutes before entering the derived world. The hunter will enter the derived world in one hour. Please wait patiently. 】

Anze was a little bored waiting, and the two simply played the Three Kingdoms game in the exclusive room. This was something Anze bought for 1 Paradise Coin and was made by employees.

[Hunter will enter the derivative world after ten minutes: Tokyo Ghoul. 】

[The hunter-affiliated existence will enter the derivative world in ten minutes: the parasitic beast]

"Tokyo Ghoul? Isn't this Su Xiao's first world?" Ronin Anze on the side was a little confused, so he asked.

"Yeah, I don't know what's going on. Maybe we can meet him." Anze spread his hands and showed an expression of ignorance.

"If we meet, Master, what are you going to do?"

"Let's cooperate. What else can we do? That guy's current strength is not much worse than ours." Anze spread his hands. He didn't think there was anything wrong with cooperating with Su Xiao.

Anze checked the supplies he bought before. The storage spaces of the two of them are not separate, so they can just put them in the storage space.

【Seaweed rice bag】

Origin: prisoner of gourmet food

Quality: white

Type: Restoration

Effect: After consumption, 15% of health can be slowly restored.

Rating: 5

【Caramel pudding】

Origin: prisoner of gourmet food

Quality: green

Type: Restoration

Effect: After consumption, 40% of health can be quickly restored.

Rating: 15

【Golden Fried Rice】

Origin: Spirit of Halberd Eater

Quality: white

Type: Restoration

Effect: After consumption, 40% of health can be slowly restored. (This item takes a long time to consume, and the health value will be restored according to the amount consumed, with a minimum value of 1% and a maximum value of 40%.)

Rating: 5

【np9 Vitality Potion】

Place of Origin: Samsara Paradise

Quality: green

Type: Restoration

Effect: After drinking, it can quickly restore 60% of health and temporarily reduce nerve sensitivity.

Rating: 16

There were also 8 seaweed rice bags, two golden fried rice, two puddings, and two bottles of potions in the space, which cost Anze nearly 4000 paradise coins and were used as recovery items for the two of them this time.

In addition, there is a lot of fresh water and food, which are not worth much paradise coins.

[Time is up, the derived world: Tokyo Ghoul, the derived world needs to be reset, the timeline is being refreshed, the refresh is completed, and it consumes 0.03 ounces of the power of time and space. 】

[Transmitting the hunter. Due to the special existence of the Hunter and its attachments, this transmission consumes an additional 0.001 ounce of space-time power]

[Due to the consumption of the power of time and space, the minimum overall score of the Hunter in this world must reach B- level]

[Transmitting Hunter attachment]

[The minimum comprehensive score of hunter-affiliated existence in this world must reach C level]

(End of this chapter)

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