Chapter 10 Career inheritance

[This is the product of the hunter’s talent awakening]

[This attribute has extremely high uniqueness]

After the notice of 'Paradise' was issued, the brand on the back of Anze's hand emitted a scarlet light, and Anze felt a burning pain on the back of his hand.

Anze felt that the abyss energy around him was gathering under some kind of control. In his perception, the concentration of abyss energy around him became extremely high.

Slowly, pure black crystals condensed around them, containing extremely high concentrations of the power of the abyss.

"Come as soon as possible next time. I don't mind becoming your vassal, nor do I mind entering the reincarnation paradise, as long as I can leave." An ethereal voice sounded in Anze's ears, and those pure black eyes stared at Anze.

From it, Anze read some desires and expectations.

"I'll do it as soon as possible. It shouldn't take long for you." Anze probably guessed the abyss in front of him. Anze has probably been here for who knows how many years.

"Have you ever found a black maple tree species?" Anze blinked. He still remembered that the abyss was the origin of black maple trees.

Abyss Anze slowly shook his head: "Although I have encountered them, black maple trees are of no use here. I have not collected them."

An Ze curled his lips slightly, feeling a little pity. If there were black maple tree species, he would have to go back to the paradise to raise one.

He couldn't forget how many resources Su Xiao had exchanged for this. As for the early efforts, Anze felt that this was a matter of course.

In the end, in Anze's senses, all the power of the abyss that was unknown how far away was drained away, and then the 'Paradise' stopped, and the dense crystals of the power of the abyss were put into Anze's storage space.

As a result, Anze's storage space was temporarily expanded several times. Even so, it was still filled with crystals of the power of the abyss.

Countless crystals of the power of the abyss were taken away by Paradise, but Paradise left three or four for Anze.

[Collection completed, the hunter is being transported back to the park]

The familiar feeling of teleportation came, and Anze felt a pain in the back of his head, his vision went dark, and he fainted.

When Anze woke up again, he had returned to his exclusive room, and Ronin Anze was half-crouching in front of him.

"Master, where did you just go?" Ronin Anze did not receive the exclusive reminder from the paradise like Anze.

Anze was about to put his hands on Ronin Anze, directly synchronized, but he remembered the feeling of awakening his new talent just now.

"Paradise, can I exist simultaneously now?"

[Synchronization exists and can proceed normally]

[However, there is insufficient energy in the abyss, and the hunter-affiliated existence cannot synchronize talents]

[If talent synchronization is required, talent awakening requires 2000 ounces of the power of the abyss]

[The Hunter now possesses 400 ounces of the power of the abyss]

[Due to personal reasons of the hunter, the badge of honor can be exchanged for the power of the abyss. This is the exclusive authority of the hunter]

Good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good!

Anze's mouth twitched and he relayed the matter to Ronin Anze.

"Ah? Abyss? Ah, are we so strong? Is there another super strong person?" Ronin Anze still has the memory of the original work, and he feels quite shocked now.

"This breakthrough is indeed too big, but now I can't synchronize the ability of the abyss system with that talent?" Ronin Anze said with some regret.

"It's like this. The power of the abyss is not enough. You will have to make up for it later. Let's synchronize the improved attributes first. That ability will probably be sealed first."

"That's fine. I'll just focus on improving my skills in the early stage. I can synchronize my abyss abilities after my skills are strong enough."

Suddenly, Anze remembered the reward he had not received, and said: "Wait a minute, I blackmailed the career inheritance from Paradise, and come back after I finish the inheritance."

"Blackmail?" Faced with the clone's doubts, Anze roughly told what happened, and Ronin Anze showed an expression of admiration.

[The special characteristics of the hunter have been detected, and three types of high-compatibility ability inheritance can now be provided] ˆ ˆ ˆ [1. Soul system, 2. Abyss system, 3. Legal system]

[Hunters please choose as soon as possible]

Faced with three choices, Anze chose the abyss system without hesitation. Compared with the legal system and soul abilities, the abilities of the abyss system are more suitable for him now and are more powerful.

[...It was detected that the hunter has special talents]

[The existing abyssal professions are strongly repelled by hunters]

Seeing the reminder from the paradise, Anze stayed for a few seconds, and then remembered that according to the description in the original work, most of the abilities of the abyss are to absorb and accommodate the power of the abyss and resist erosion.

Anze's abilities are essentially different. Anze guides and utilizes. Absorbing a large amount of the power of the abyss will bring bad consequences.

Anze thought for a while, and realized that his control of the power of the abyss could extend countless abilities. This was more comprehensive than any abyss-based professional system, but it only required a little development from Anze.

Moreover, this development is destined to have little profit in the early stage. In most derived worlds, abyssal energy and natural elements are relatively thin.

[Hunters please choose from the remaining options as soon as possible]

Of the two remaining options, Anze decisively chose the soul system. As for the ability of the magic system, Anze did not want to be chased and chopped by the magic destroyer.

[Selecting a suitable career inheritance for hunters]

【Sending rewards】

Anze, who was sitting there, had pure white light flowing through his dark eyes, and his eyes became dull and dull. This was because his consciousness was pulled out of his body.

And Anze's consciousness flew to a cemetery, where countless tombstones were erected. In the far distance, there were several tall thrones. On the thrones were human-shaped jade statues that were magnified dozens of times.

"Inheriter, come forward..." A soul wave came, and Anze read its meaning.

Crossing the sea of ​​tombstones, Anze walked to several thrones, and the figures on the thrones each sent a soul wave...

"The inheritance of the soul will never die, even if we hide in the shadows..."

"Inheritor, take this power and let it be passed down if possible."

"Controlling the soul is our power..."

Overlapping soul fluctuations were transmitted to Anze's mind, and Anze felt a little pain in his head.

"Inheriter, accept this power and remember the name we all share - Soul Reaver."

Anze felt a force pouring into his soul. For a moment, Anze's consciousness became a little dazed and confused, and the scene in front of him appeared as a double image.

Not long after, Anze felt that his body became extremely light, his soul was flying, and he felt dizzy.

When Anze woke up, he felt that everything in front of him had double images. A feeling of dizziness kept coming, and Anze couldn't even stand up.

[The reward has been sent]

The feedback brought by the soul made Anze's body stronger, which made Anze's uncomfortable feeling lighter.

But this didn't have much effect. Anze felt that his soul had been washed and his soul had become tougher, but his body seemed to be unable to bear the burden of his soul.

Gradually, Anze felt as if his soul was leaving his body.

[An abnormal state of the hunter has been detected, and the recovery function is ready to be activated. This function will consume the paradise coins held by the hunter, yes/no to activate]

"start up."

(End of this chapter)

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