Chapter 9 The Abyss

When Anze woke up again, he was surrounded by darkness with no way forward, and a milky white halo enveloped Anze.

A slight cold feeling invaded Anze's bone marrow. It was a feeling that spread from the surroundings, like the erosion of some kind of energy.

What the hell is this place? Where did Paradise teleport me to again?

[The hunter has entered? ? ? High-risk environment]

[The co-existence of predators is located in this high-risk environment]

[Analysis: Is it necessary for hunters to completely synchronize the existence of this co-location? ? ? Attribute 1200 points]

[The preliminary association conditions for the hunter have been met]

[Hunters are requested to conduct preliminary correlation as soon as possible]

[This process has certain risks]

The mission prompt of "Paradise" was marked in red on Anze's irises.

Anze raised his eyebrows, and he suddenly felt that this was a good opportunity to blackmail Paradise.

There aren't many things that can make Paradise so anxious. If Anze blackmails a mission, the rewards will definitely be rich. After all, this is how Su Xiao's inheritance as a law breaker was blackmailed.

So, Anze sat still, although the cold environment around him made him feel a little uncomfortable.

[Hunters are requested to conduct preliminary correlation as soon as possible]

[This process has certain risks]

The prompt of 'Paradise' sounded again, but Anze ignored it.

[Task: Make preliminary correlations]

Mission information: According to the paradise prompts, make a preliminary connection with the same person as the hunter.

Mission reward: 30000 paradise coins

After the mission appeared, 'Paradise' thoughtfully marked the route on the ground, for fear that Anze would not be able to find it.

Anze looked at the 3 Paradise Coins as a reward from the mission without any emotion at all. He knew that the things that would make Le Paradise anxious were definitely more than just 3 Paradise Coins.

Ever since, Anze continued to sit where he was, and the 'Paradise' prompt sounded again.

[Task: Make preliminary correlations]

Mission information: According to the paradise prompts, make a preliminary connection with the same person as the hunter.

Mission reward: inheritance that is highly compatible with the hunter’s talent

Well, that's fine, but why is the paradise so anxious about this matter?

Anze thought to himself as he followed Paradise's prompts and walked forward.

The surrounding light flickered, and Anze was a little flustered, but the paradise did not give any danger warning.

There was nothing in the darkness, and Anze didn't know how long he had been walking. The red line on the ground gradually became shorter, and finally a figure came from a distance.

Anze continued to walk in that direction and saw the figure clearly.

As expected by Anze, his face is the same as Anze's, but the aura in front of him is obviously many times stronger than Anze's.

Anze felt like an abyss, and the cold feeling spread. His eyes fell on Anze, and Anze felt his whole body stiffen.

The moment he saw this 'Anze' clearly, the first thing that caught Anze's attention was the pair of abyss-like eyes. The pupils were pure black, but they seemed to have lost their aura and looked empty.

Anze's hands and feet became weak unconsciously. The person in front of him just stood there, making Anze feel extremely dangerous.

When the visitor saw Anze, some spiritual energy returned to his empty eyes. Although the tone was similar to Anze, it made people feel extremely ethereal: "This familiar feeling? Are you me too?"

Anze nodded bravely and then boldly took a few steps closer.

[The hunter is under the protection of a high-level position, please feel free to touch this same position]

With the guarantee of paradise, Anze stepped forward. This 'Anze' did not do anything drastic.

He didn't seem to have any ill intentions towards Anze, that aura was just emitted by him unconsciously.

Anze put his hand on his body, and an energy that Anze couldn't describe flowed into Anze's body, and the surrounding energy became manic and surging.

[Preliminary association in progress]

In an instant, a huge memory appeared in Anze's mind, with only one content, wandering in the nothingness he saw in front of him.

Only rarely will you encounter some monsters and plants, but other than that, there is nothing. The energy flowing into Anze's body began to transform Anze's body. The halo that originally blocked this energy seemed to have lost its effect in an instant.

The cold 'darkness' of nothingness swallowed Anze's body, and an extremely illusory shadow appeared on Anze's hand opposite, which was the symbol of Samsara Paradise.

[Contract with the Hunter Brand]

[Contract failed, preliminary notarization required]

[Notarization successful! 】

Black-blue light flowed into Anze's opened eyes, starting from the eyeballs and spreading inch by inch, filling Anze's entire eyes.

And this situation is happening in every inch of Anze's body. The "darkness" around him pours into his body, changing him little by little.

Anze felt that his consciousness was being touched by countless hands, and a cold feeling spread all over his body.

This feeling is not painful, and is even somewhat comfortable.

【warn! ? ? ? High-level energy is invading the body of the hunter and is being forcibly dispelled]


[This energy is brought by the initial association with the co-existence of the hunter and has no negative impact on the hunter]

[Forced dispersal terminated]

[Hunter Mission Completed]

[Some high-level permission rewards are now given to hunters]

[This energy is abyss energy]

"Paradise? Can you take me away?" Another Anze stared at Anze's figure swallowed by the 'darkness', and spoke softly, his voice empty and distant.

After an unknown amount of time, the darkness around Anze slowly dissipated, and his pupils, like the other Anze in front of him, became pure black, like a bottomless abyss.

"It turns out this is the abyss." Anze finally understood his situation at this time. The warning just sounded in the park made him understand his situation.

I actually have another person who has traveled into the abyss...

Looking at the abyss in front of Anze, Anze felt an extremely unreal feeling in his heart.

Because just now he used the permissions temporarily provided by the paradise to look at the digitized information of Abyss Anze in front of him.

Most of the attributes are for Anze? ? ? , this is because Abyss Anze's abilities far exceed what Anze's authority can see.

However, due to the authority of the reward, the park marked Anze at the back - extremely powerful level.

And Anze's attributes have also increased a lot because of this time.

Name; Anze (Hunter) (Virtual Contractor Number: 16523)

Level; LV.3.

HP; 100%.

Mana; 130.

力量:12、敏捷:13、体力、:13、智力: 13、魅力:11、幸运:4,深渊亲和力(猎杀者特有属性):37(此属性将缓慢提升)、

Basic skills: Sword skill proficiency: LV2, Spear skill proficiency: lv12, Abyss energy control: lvMAX (this ability can only be improved through talent awakening)


Abyss Favored One (this is obtained by the co-existence of related hunters): You are favored by the abyss and have a strong affinity and control over the energy of the abyss. You are immune to the erosion of the abyss.

If most of the energy was not used to awaken talents, Anze's physique became extremely strong in one step. Anze now also feels that he can swallow the energy of the abyss to strengthen his physique.

But he won't do this. Although it looks good on the surface and has no consequences, in fact it may cause Anze to completely lose this talent and be assimilated by the abyss.

What makes Anze even more confused is the new abyss affinity.

"Abyss affinity? Ah, isn't it just abyss resistance? What is this? My unique attribute?!"

(End of this chapter)

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