Chapter 8 Skullbreaker

"According to the awakening talent and the paradise's prompts, I think it is better to choose the soul system, but it is too difficult to get started with the soul system in the early stage."

The soul-eating ghost's talent is obviously related to the soul, but it is simply impossible to get into the soul system in the early stage.

In comparison, Ronin Anze's choice of the Technique system was a very wise decision. Although the cost of later techniques is quite high, in the future Anze's family will have more people, so raising a Technique system will not be a big problem.

"Forget it, you go ahead and add some for the main body. I'll check out the cost of upgrading the skills later."

"it is good."

Anze walked out of the exclusive room. Although he already knew about the existence of "Paradise" in the novel, he was still a little shocked when he actually saw it.

People in different costumes were walking on the streets. Some were wearing full body armor, and some were holding staffs and wearing robes, looking like wizards.

After looking around the scene in the paradise, he looked like a new contractor, and soon a 'employee' wearing a maid outfit came over.

"My friend, do you need to know more about Samsara Paradise? It only costs 50 paradise coins." The voice of the employee dressed as a maid was somewhat charming, but Anze was indifferent to it. He had just seen the more charming Gao Hehui, and now he felt nothing. Waves.

Although Anze has a thorough understanding of the paradise through novels, he does not know more details, such as the attribute enhancement hall he is looking for now.

After spending 50 paradise coins, Anze got a tour guide. Although the person in front of him told Anze a lot of information that was quite useful to the 'newcomer', for Anze, her role was only to guide Anze Find all the places you must go.

For example, the attribute enhancement hall, the equipment enhancement hall, and the training ground. Anze might know the rest of the things better than he does.

Under the leadership of this worker, Anze walked into the attribute enhancement hall, found the low-level attribute enhancement cabin, and then lay down in it.

[Welcome to the attribute enhancement warehouse No. 00135]

Your properties are as follows:

力量:8、敏捷:8、体力、:8、智力: 9、魅力:7

Available attribute points: 7 points

Anze thought for a while and decided on the strengthening method: strength, agility, physical strength +2, intelligence +1

In order to accommodate the possible 'self' with its own ability system, Anze decided to develop in an all-round way, so that his body could become more able to withstand various abilities.

As for charm, Anze feels that this is not very important, and its priority is not as high as the four major physical attributes.

'boom! '

Anze opened the lid and crawled out of the enhanced cabin sweating profusely. He now missed the feeling of becoming stronger when synchronized.

It's the same thing about getting stronger, but the feelings of the two are completely different.

Because becoming stronger by adding points is not the same as becoming stronger simultaneously, it takes some time to adapt to the attributes, so he did not directly go back to synchronize the attributes with Ronin Anze.

Instead, he went outside to visit the stalls set up by other derivatives. On the one hand, he wanted to get used to the growing power. On the other hand, Anze and Ronin Anze carried out world tasks separately, so Anze also needed to find some weapons.

"Exquisite weapons, come and buy, come and see!"

"Supplies, high-quality supplies!"

Anze plans to buy some firearms or a long gun. Now that he has not decided on a route, it is obviously a wise choice to use Ronin Anze's existing skills and abilities.

We now have 20,000 paradise coins, and some of them should be reserved for Ronin Anze to strengthen his marksmanship, as well as supplies for entering the world.

When passing by a stall, Anze saw a very satisfying weapon, which was a huge white pistol.


Quality: green

Type; Weapon/Large Pistol

Attack power: 4~18 points (Attack power is a comprehensive calculation of destructive power, firearm power, and weapons.)

Durability: 35/35

Magazine capacity: 7 (mana can be used to fill bullets, 2 mana is converted into one bullet)

Equipment requirements:; 8 points of strength, 6 points of stamina

Equipment effect: Skull-breaking: The bullet hits a vital part, the destructive power is increased, and a bludgeoning effect is produced.

Rating: 20 (Note: The rating of green equipment is from 1 to 30. Green equipment with a rating of 30 will be marked as 'high-quality' and have special attributes attached.)

Introduction: Crush the enemy's head, or be crushed...    Price: 1850 paradise coins.

Anze looked up and saw that the stall owner was wearing a hood, hiding his face.

"Boss, how do you sell this pistol?"

"6000 paradise coins." A hoarse voice came from behind the cover of the paradise.

"5000. If this gun doesn't hit the vital point, it's not as powerful as some high-quality white weapons. You have to know that not many people have mastered firearms skills." Anze stared at the boss. His psychological price was exactly 6000, but this Doesn't mean he can't bargain.


"Deal." Anze nodded, he didn't want to spend too much time.

The stall owner quickly adjusted the price, Anze bought it, and then left. The remaining paradise coins were given to Ronin Anze to strengthen his spear or sword skills.

In the exclusive room, Ronin Anze was practicing basic spear skills. When he saw Anze pushing the door in, he put down the weapon in his hand.

Anze put his hand on him. He looked in pain and half-knelt on the ground. Just like when Anze strengthened his attributes, it took him a while to recover. This synchronization was different from the previous intensity.

Because the two of them share the storage space, the storage space is also shared. Ronin Anze already knows what Anze just bought.

"Leave the rest to you to strengthen your technical abilities. Mastery-level abilities don't seem to require the consumption of soul crystals."

Although the two can share abilities, this arrangement is not redundant. Anze feels that it is a necessary part.

Although the feelings when strengthening abilities will be synchronized, there is a huge gap between this and direct feelings, which is not conducive to the development and mastery of abilities.

Therefore, Anze believes that in the future, each ability should be given to developers to strengthen, rather than one person strengthening all abilities and then returning to sharing.

As for Ronin Anze choosing to strengthen his spear skills or sword skills, that is his problem, and the direction of his ability development should be left to him to choose.

It's just that after making a choice, the other one is bound to be abandoned.

[Consumption of 9000 paradise coins]

The hunter's attached weapon mastery has been upgraded to level 12

Can I only be proficient in spear skills up to lv12? Alas, the proficiency-level ability is still too low-level. It’s better to quickly find him a proficiency scroll, a technique system, a gold-swallowing beast...

[Detected the existence of a special partner of the hunter]

[This co-existence has extremely high contract value]

[The contract is being made through the Hunter]

[The hunter has not yet been associated with this peer]


【Hunter? ? ? Properties and? ? ? The attributes are too low and cannot be completely synchronized]

[Temporarily given to the hunter? ? ? Permissions, preliminary association]

【Transmitting in progress】

No, I just came back and went again, fuck...

Before Anze could finish his words, he was knocked unconscious by Le Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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