Reincarnation Paradise: Do you understand what a clone is?

Chapter 13 Do you know what a face-slapping headshot is?

Chapter 13 Do you know what a face-slapping headshot is?

The contractors on the side watched the two big daddies attacking the ghouls, and they all swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva.

Damn, it’s so annoying to have no weapons, this guy...

Anze was a little helpless. The ghoul's Hezi was quite strong and he had no sharp weapons. Although his physical attributes completely overwhelmed the Kamidai Riyo in front of him, he couldn't be as relaxed as Su Xiao.

Looking at Kamishiro Riyo who was protecting him with Hezi, Anze felt a little irritated, so he chose an extremely cruel method.

Anze forcefully broke open the crotch wrapped around him by Kamidai Roshi, and then stepped on it with his feet.

"Miss Jindai." Anze's smile spread out in front of Jindai Lishi, like a devil.

The huge barrel of the gun was aimed at Kamishiro Roshi's face, but because her child was stepped on by Anze, Kamishiro Roshi's dodge was completely ineffective. Anze's gun was always aimed at Kamishiro Roshi.

[Warning: The hunter is trying to kill an important plot character: Kamishiro Riyo. Please take out the child from the opponent's body before he dies to ensure the continuation of the plot. 】

"Brother Bai Ye, do me a favor and help me remove this guy's penis." Anze looked at Su Xiao who had beaten the gecko half to death and said.

Su Xiao nodded, pierced the gecko's eye socket with a knife, and a green treasure box appeared. He put away the treasure box and walked over.

Kamishiro Rise showed a horrified expression, and several other sticks flew, but were easily blocked by Anze.

With a flash of sword light, a hole was made in Kamishiro Roshi's waist. Su Xiao's hand groped inside, and then pulled out a bag.

The Hezi of Kamdai Lishi disappeared after the Hebao was pulled out, and Anze shot without hesitation.

'boom! ’ A blood flower exploded, and the head of Kamishiro Rishi was exploded by Anze, and blood splashed all over Anze and Su Xiao.

Su Xiao, who witnessed this scene from the side, twitched the corners of her mouth fiercely.

[You have killed the important plot character Kamishiro Rise and obtained 10.8% of the source of the world]

A white shadow floated out. Anze opened his mouth and swallowed, and a warm current flowed into his body. This warm current was divided into two streams, one spread all over the body, and the other turned into a cold air stream and flowed into Anze's brain. .

It seems that the requirements for triggering the Soul-Eating Ghost and Soul-Looting are a bit high...

A green treasure box appeared on Kamishiro Rise. Although she was blessed by the plot, the treasure box that came out was only green.

The Hebao in Su Xiao's hand was recovered by the paradise, and the two turned to look at the contractors not far away.

"Guys, what are you doing here? Do you want to rob our treasure chest?" Anze had a smile on his blood-stained face, which made people feel a little bit creepy at first glance.

"Let go of Jindori...?!" A female voice came from behind the two of them, and they turned to look over.

In the dark corridor, several abysses were walked out. The leader was a little man covered in bandages. Although she was wearing a hood, Anze could still recognize who it was at a glance.

The leader of the bronze tree, the one-eyed king, Fangcun Aite.

"Bronze tree..." Anze released his grip on the body of Kamidai Roshi in his hand and put the treasure box into the storage space.

Seeing Kamishiro Riyo turned into a headless corpse, several people were obviously stunned for a moment. Anze and Su Xiao looked at each other.

"Fifty-five?" Su Xiao spoke first.

"Okay. If you have no choice, you can call me."

"Okay." The two of them settled on the distribution of the spoils in a few words, and then rushed towards the people in the Bronze Tree with a tacit understanding.

"Ayato, kill these two guys." Tatara, whose status was higher than Kirishima Aya, ordered him.

The other contractors had already run away after seeing Su Xiao and Anze attacking the Bronze Tree people.

Because the two people had already rushed over, Kirishima Aya didn't waste any time. An irregular-shaped wing appeared on his left back. This was his wings. As his wings unfolded, a large number of diamond-shaped crystals moved towards Two people shot.

"Bang!" Not long after Kirishima Kando's Yuhe unfolded his head, his head was shattered by a flying bullet.

After Kirishima Ayato fell, a green treasure box slowly condensed on the ground. Anze paused and ducked sideways to avoid the rhombus crystal shot, while Su Xiao slashed with a long knife and shattered the rhombus crystal shot in front of him.

[You have killed the plot character: Kirishima Aandu, obtained 4.1% of the source of the world, and obtained a total of 14.9% of the source of the world]

Kirishima Aandu's soul was also swallowed by Anze, but Anze did not get a prompt to improve his attributes.

At this time, he understood that there was no upper limit for soul-devouring ghosts and souls to plunder a single world, but the soul source required was also extraordinarily large.

Seeing Kirishima Amanto being killed quickly, several people in the Bronze Tree were stunned. The first person to react was Yoshimura Aite, who immediately shouted.

"You guys go first!"

Tatara was one of the few people who knew Yoshimura Aite's identity. After Yoshimura Aite reminded him, he turned around and left with a few people without hesitation.

Seeing this situation, Anze did not hesitate to shoot at the few ghouls who were about to leave.

A huge gunshot was heard, and Nora's calf was hit by Anze. They should be lucky that Anze's shooting skills were all based on luck and face.

A bloody hole appeared in Noro's calf. Tatara directly dragged Noro away with the injured leg. Several people jumped from the building and disappeared from the sight of Anze and Su Xiao.

Fuck, the treasure chest is gone...

"Brother Bai Ye, those treasure boxes have escaped." Anze narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Fangcun Aite who was left behind for the only one.

"Kill him together?" Su Xiao clenched the long knife in his hand.

Anze didn't speak, he just held the Skullbreaker in his hand tightly.

Feeling the increasingly dangerous aura of the two people in front of him, Takatsuki Izumi no longer concealed it, and the 10 beasts on his body appeared, with flesh and blood surging. Before long, the originally short woman turned into a monster at least 2 meters tall.

Two pale white claws were on the ground, and there seemed to be flowers blooming on the back, with a bunch of sharp thorns growing out of them. They were Hezi gathered together, with powerful defense and attack capabilities.

The head was completely wrapped by the carapace built by Hezi, leaving only the eyes and mouth and nose. From the gap between the mouth and nose, blood-red mist floated out. This is Takatsuki Izumi's Hezi form.

Compared to ordinary ghouls, Hezhe is infinitely stronger, because this is what ghouls have the chance to become after devouring a large number of their kind.

"Two such pure human beings should be delicious!" Izumi Takatsuki opened his mouth and smiled.

Humans in the ghoul world are different from humans in other worlds. Humans here also have a small number of RC cells, while ghouls only have more RC cells and are more active than humans.

Because Su Xiao and An Ze do not belong to the ghoul world, they do not have any trace of RC cells in their bodies.

The two of them didn't waste any time and rushed towards Takatsuki Izumi.

Compared to Anze, Takatsuki Quan is more wary of Su Xiao, because in her opinion, Anze's threat comes from the pistol. As long as you pay attention to avoid it, Anze's threat will be less than Su Xiao.

Because of this, Takatsuki Quan avoided Su Xiao's blade, but ignored Anze's fist, and Anze punched her on the head.

"Boom!" A muffled sound came from where Anze hit Takatsuki Izumi, and slight cracks appeared on Takatsuki Izumi's faceplate.

Anze felt his fists were numb. Takatsuki Izumi's armor was really hard.

Takatsuki Quan's body was directly deflected by Anze. Su Xiao's knife took this opportunity to slash Takatsuki Quan's calf. The sword flashed and broke in two.

Takatsuki Izumi, who was already a little out of balance, suddenly lost his calf and fell directly to the ground.

An Ze followed up and kicked Takatsuki Quan on the back. Su Xiao also slashed Takatsuki Quan on the back with a knife. Hezi, who had been deformed by the kick, was chopped into pieces by the light of the knife.

The flashing red Hezi flew in the air, but was quickly crushed by the air waves. Anze held the gun with one hand and hit Takatsuki Quan with two bangs.

Originally, Anze's two shots were aimed at Takatsuki Izumi's head, but because Anze was still in the air, the second bullet missed the target and hit Takatsuki Izumi's back.

Takatsuki Izumi's faceplate instantly shattered, and half of her head in the form of the Hermit was smashed off, revealing her face, and a huge bloody hole appeared on her back.

(End of this chapter)

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