Chapter 14 Are you short of people?

Takatsuki Izumi, who was beaten by the cooperation of the two, also fought back, placing one paw on the ground and waving the other.

Su Xiao took a step back to avoid Takatsuki Izumi's claws, but her lower abdomen was still scratched by the claw tips, and because Anze was still in the air, he was directly slapped by the claws and flew out.

After experiencing the situation just now, Takatsuki Quan had lost the idea of ​​fighting the two of them. He slapped his paws on the ground and ran like a wild beast.

Although one of his legs was cut off by Su Xiao, Takatsuki Quan's speed was still quite fast, like a dump truck. Although his center of gravity was not very stable, he used his strength to dash forward without any scruples, smashing the glass on one side, and from The tall building rushed out and fell rapidly.

Anze crawled out of the pit and spat out a mouthful of blood. There were several wounds on his left arm that were deep enough to show the bone.

Looking at Su Xiao, who had no injuries but a scratch on her lower abdomen, Anze felt a sense of imbalance in his heart.

But he soon ignored these and picked up the treasure box that Kirishima Ayato had just left: "This belongs to me, do you have any objection?"

Su Xiao nodded. Kirishima Xuandu's death had nothing to do with Su Xiao, so he would naturally not ask for the drop.

The cooperation between the two is based on mutual benefit and win-win results. Anze will not give up his own interests because of Su Xiao's identity in front of him.

He believed that his future growth rate would not be much slower than that of Su Xiao, and there was no need to please the Su Xiao in front of him.

Su Xiao cut off Gekko and Kirishima Kandu's bags, intending to use this as proof that the two had joined the CCG, and Anze noticed a man holding a metal box not far away.

Oh, what a coincidence, Amon Kotaro is here?

Su Xiao threw a He bag to Anze. After Anze took it, he opened the panel and checked his status.

Because of Takatsuki Izumi's claw just now, Anze lost about 8% of his health, and the combined efforts of the two almost killed Takatsuki Izumi.

What makes Anze feel a little regretful is that the two shots he just fired did not hit Takatsuki Quan's head, otherwise there would be one more corpse on the ground.

Both of them noticed the presence of Amon Guntarou and walked towards him together.

Amon Kotaro took two steps back. He had just witnessed the whole process. The two guys in front of him almost killed the one-eyed king.

Now that the two of them were walking towards him together, he felt a little stressed.

"Don't come here!" Armen Guntarou shouted as he retreated, but this sound seemed a little unconfident.

Amen Guntaro shouted loudly, and pressed the button on the handle of the suitcase at the same time. The suitcase changed dramatically, and something inside was rapidly expanding.

The suitcase landed, and a strange-looking weapon appeared in Armen Guntarō's hand.

A metal long stick, with a circle of zither wrapped around the upper half of the long stick. This is Armen Guntarō's Kuink.

Armen Kotaro used Cookin to aim at the two of them, sometimes facing Anze, and sometimes facing Su Xiao, sweeping back and forth from left to right, which seemed a bit funny.

"Are you two humans or ghouls?" Armen Guntarou said to the two of them while retreating.

An Ze shook the Skullbreaker in his hand, and Su Xiao showed the Dragon Slaying Flash that had not yet been withdrawn: "Have you ever seen a ghoul who fights with a knife and a gun?"

"Relax, at this distance, if we wanted to kill you, you would already be a corpse." Anze pointed the Skullbreaker at Amen Gentaro, and a bullet flew past his ear.

A big hole was punched in the wall next to him, and before he could react, a knife with a scabbard was placed on his shoulder.

"So, don't worry." Su Xiao took over Anze's words and said.

Armen Guntarou felt that his feet were a little weak. Facing the two killing gods in front of him, he really couldn't stand up.

Anze walked up, naturally and familiarly put his arms around Armen Guntarō's shoulders, and said.

"By the way, are you still short of people in CCG?"

"The corpses over there are our meeting gifts." Su Xiao pointed to the three headless corpses on the ground and said.

"This is Black Rabbit, Jason, and Gluttonous Eater..." Guntaro Amen swallowed, the corpses of three S-level ghouls gave him quite a shock.

Anze took out a bandage, threw a roll to Su Xiao, gave Su Xiao a look, and went to the side to bandage the wound on his shoulder.

"So, can we join the CCG?" Su Xiao asked. As he asked, he used a bandage to bandage the wound on his waist.

"Well, joining the CCG requires strict assessment, but your situation is a bit special. As long as it is proven that you two are not ghouls, it should be no problem to join the CCG." Yamen Goutaro swallowed, his voice trembling. The two people in front of them were fierce men who almost killed the One-Eyed King. As long as they were not ghouls, they would be welcomed by the top management of CCG.

Anze initially bandaged the wound and saw the smile on Lidya Su's face.

"Okay?" Anze didn't listen to what they just said and came over and asked.

Lidya Su nodded.

"Mr. Investigator, please take us back." Anze said to Armen Gentaro.

"Okay, okay..." Armen Guntarou walked in front of the two of them with some trembling, leading the way.

Da da da……. "

Rapid footsteps were heard, and an old man with shawl white hair running into the room carrying a suitcase.

The old man not only has white hair, but also has larger and smaller eyes, and his movements are a little nervous, giving people a sick feeling.

"Where it is, it must be there, Xiao."

The visitor is Amon Kotaro's boss, Senior Investigator Gou Mado.

Seeing the two people following Amen Kotaro, the old investigator in front of him was also stunned for a moment. At this time, Amen Kotaro walked over quickly and said a few words in Mado Gouo's ear.

Then he quickly ran up to the two of them, his eyes, one large and one small, glanced back and forth at the two of them, his nose twitching slightly, like a canine catching scent.

"They are all human beings, there is no mistaking them. I will never forget the smell of those beasts until I die."

After confirming that both of them were human, Mado Goo became very enthusiastic.

"Hello, I am Wu Xu Mado. Did you really fight the one-eyed owl and almost kill her?"

There seemed to be fire burning in Mado Wu Xu's eyes, full of expectation, looking forward to the answer from the two of them.

Anze heard a sigh from Su Xiao beside him, and the reflection of the old investigator in front of him appeared in Su Xiao's eyes.

"Well, it's just that the terrain was not very good, so she jumped off the building and ran away." Realizing that Su Xiao was still obsessed with memories, Anze walked over and spoke.

Mado Wu Xu's voice was a little regretful, and then he became excited and grabbed Anze's hand.

"That's such a pity... By the way, you want to join the CCG, right? OK, OK, I'll be your guarantor!"

At this time, Mato Wuxu no longer cares about the origin or identity of the two, or in other words, as long as he can kill the one-eyed king, Xiao, he will give everything, including his life.

But now, it is just a guarantee for others, and this matter is not worth mentioning to him.

"Mr. Manado, calm down."

Amen Kotaro put his hand on Mato Wuxi's shoulder. Mato Wuxi calmed down his breathing for a while and nodded.

"What are the names of your two excellencies?"

"white night."

"Dark Soul."

But when asked about the past, both of them fell into silence. Su Xiao stared at the old investigator in front of him without saying a word, while Anze's eyes drifted elsewhere.

"Hey, come with me, you two. Mr. Dark Soul was injured in the battle just now. We have a medical vehicle coming over. Come with us for treatment, and then go to the branch in District 20 to discuss in detail the two of you joining the CCG. Bar."

The development of the story in front of me is not much different from the general plot in Anze's memory, except that there is one more variable in Anze's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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