Chapter 2 Samurai, Assassination

[Main mission: Kill Takeda Kanyanagi]

Difficulty level: LV.5.

Mission introduction: Kill Takeda Kanyanagi alone in any way

Mission information: There are a large number of ronin samurai around Takeda Kanyanagi (due to the hunter trial, the number of samurai has increased significantly). The current number of warriors: 1,200. Takeda Kanyanagi’s family has a large number of modern firearms.

Mission deadline: within seventy-two hours.

Mission reward: The hunter identity is fully activated, and subsequent attachments have certification authority.

Mission punishment: loss of hunter qualifications, only hunter rewards will be calculated in the next three worlds

Twelve hundred people? Wasn't there originally just over a hundred? A thousand people are enough to pull up a small army. Paradise, you, okay, okay, let's play like this...

Anze's mouth twitched, resisting the urge to scold Le Yuan, and began to observe his surroundings.

Ah, it's the room where the clone is in Tokyo... No, where's my clone?

Looking at the familiar furnishings in front of him, Anze felt a little relieved. This was the property purchased by Ronin Anze in Tokyo, but he instantly became a little panicked because his clone did not come with him.

[Due to the existence refutation rule, the hunter-affiliated existence has gone to other worlds]

Oh, I didn’t come, so there is a high probability that they will enter separately in the future...

The hints from the paradise and the surrounding environment made Anze certain that what he was replacing was his own identity in this world.

But for some reason, Ronin Anze is wanted by the current Neon government, and the level of wanted is even greater than that of Himura Kenshin.

"Didn't you just kill some soldiers while escaping... as for that?"

Before going out, Anze opened his panel to check the awakened talents. Because of the teleportation of 'Paradise' just now, Anze had no time to look at it.

Talent: Soul Eater: After killing the enemy, you can swallow the enemy's soul to strengthen yourself and randomly increase any physical attribute by 1-2 points (except luck).

Born in blood: When engaging in an 'extremely high' intensity battle, your physical attributes (except luck and charm) will be increased by 3-5 points. After the battle, your physical attributes will be permanently increased by 1-2 points (this is a hunter). Affiliated existence shared talent)

There is a spear about one foot long hanging in the room. This is the weapon Ronin Anze uses better, but except when he is on the battlefield, this spear is not used most of the time.

Anze naturally picked up the bamboo hat hanging by the door, covered his head casually, and walked to the street.

Because the wanted poster painting was quite abstract, it was impossible to identify Anze by that, so Anze dared to walk to the street in a big way, and his purpose of going out this time was to determine the residence of Takeda Kanyanagi. .

Walking along the street, the streets of Tokyo are quite prosperous. There are many samurai with swords on their waists like Anzawa, but most of the clothes are not clean and neat. Only a few of the people with swords are policemen in suits.

However, more police officers still carry wooden sticks. After all, there is an ineffective "Abandon Knife Order".

As Anze expected, even the police in charge of security did not recognize him.

Takeda Kanyanagi? There is no impression of this guy in the clone's memory. It should have only appeared in the past two years. It may also be because the clone has been wandering in the wild all year round...

Anze walked towards the wealthy area in Tokyo that was most affected by Westernization. Anze still had some vague memories of the story of Rurouni Kenshin.

That guy should live in a Western-style courtyard in a wealthy area, right?

Anze walked along the street looking for the door number. Guys like Takeda Kanyanagi would most likely not be able to hide anything.

Alas, there are too many and it’s really hard to find.

Anze sighed. Because of the Meiji Restoration, the original wealthy area changed from a large area of ​​Japanese-style buildings to the current Western style. This increased Anze's workload a lot.

On the road at the entrance of these courtyards, Anze saw servants in clean and tidy clothes sweeping the streets. Anze clicked his tongue and felt a little more emotional when he thought about the scenery he saw on the road. Anze walked along the street, observing the road signs along the way. When passing an intersection, Anze saw a man wearing a neat suit and a samurai sword at his waist.

He did not have long hair like most of the police officers Anze saw, but a very neat short hair.

"You are Miyamura?" The two passed by, but the man turned around and called An Ze,

Anze paused and looked back. This was a very familiar surname. It was the surname of Ronin Anze. However, after the success of the Meiji Restoration ten years ago, Ronin Anze gave up this surname.

Even people who know him will call him Anze, and Ronin Anze's name on the wanted poster is also Miyamura Anze, and few people will call him by his last name alone.

"Officer, do you know me?" Anze put his hand on the samurai sword at his waist, ready to draw it at any time. He didn't think that the police officer would put on a smile on a wanted criminal.

"The government's most wanted criminal, Miyamura Yasawa, my name is Fujita Goro, but you should be more familiar with my other name - Saito Kazuo."

Oh, this is the guy in the plot. Does the clone know this guy? I have no impression at all...

Anze recalled the memory of Ronin Anze, and did not have much memory about the person in front of him.

"Officer Fujita, you have mistaken the person. Although my surname is Miyamura, how can I be related to that wanted criminal?"

Anze's eyes narrowed slightly. Because of sharing with the clone, Anze's current strength is much stronger than Ronin Anze's original strength. He really wasn't too worried about being chased by a single police officer.

"The second son of the Miyamura family, your father and I have met many times."

"So, Officer Fujita, are you here to arrest me?" Anze pulled out his knife half an inch, but said with a smile on his face.

"No, I'm curious. As a person wanted by the government, why do you show up here so arrogantly?"

No, you don’t know how abstract your wanted poster is, so why do you think I showed up so arrogantly? I met so many police officers along the way, and I didn’t recognize any of them. You were the only one who recognized me.

Anze resisted the urge to roll his eyes and responded with a smile: "I just came to Tokyo to see the development of the new government."

The person in front of him gradually fell silent, stared at Anze and said: "If you are willing to join the government, your wanted order can be lifted at any time."

"Thank you, Officer Fujita, for your kindness."

Anze responded softly, pressed the knife back, pressed the hat, and slowly walked away. Ronin Anze had already made a decision on this matter.

Fujita Goro looked at Anze's leaving figure and sighed.

This guy is here...did that episode start? Does Takeda Kanyanagi's guy live near here?

Because of the appearance of Saito Ichi, Anze was convinced that his mission target was nearby. He had spent a lot of patience to replenish it and continued to search along the street.

Anze searched for more than ten minutes, and finally saw a manor with a nameplate named Takeda Kanryu.

Good guy, this fucking front yard is so big, damn capitalists, they should be killed!

Looking at the mansion in front of him, which occupies a large area and is even larger than the surrounding houses, Anze felt a deep sense of envy and resentment in his heart.

Anze curled his lips, looked away, pretended to be passing by accidentally, left the place, and understood the residence. Anze was ready to step in and prepare to assassinate.

But on the way home, Anze thought of a better way.

(End of this chapter)

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