Chapter 3 Guards, approach

This guy seems to be recruiting samurai as bodyguards, right? I seem to remember that this guy would sometimes treat those samurai as dogs?

Anze recalled the plots in animations and movies in his previous life, and thought of a good way.

Just go to his house as a guard, that's the fastest way to get closer.

Although this method may lose some dignity, Anze doesn't care about it. It's good to complete the task. As for the dignity of a warrior, he has no such thing.

Thinking of this method, Anze immediately went home and changed into a pair of quite dirty but still intact clothes, and then rushed straight to Takeda Kanyanagi's house.

He planned to rely on the reputation of Ronin Anze to quickly approach the target, so his clothes should not be too clean and he should pretend to be a little down and out.

Half an hour later, Anze stood at the door of Takeda Kanyanagi's house. The two doormen at the door looked at Anze with his arms crossed and wearing a bamboo hat, and they were a little afraid to step forward.

Ronin Anze was not a rare murderer, and he had already developed a strong murderous aura. Under Anze's deliberate display, the two guards could feel the terrifying aura on Anze's body even if they were a little far away.

"Master warrior, what can I do for you?" After a long time, a guard came up.

"Inform your master that Miyamura Anze is here to visit." Anze said coldly.

"Miyamura Yasawa?" The guard scratched his head in confusion, but still walked towards the manor.

That Takeda Kanyanagi should come to see me next, right? When the time comes, raise the price a little higher, so that...

Human nature is like this. Asking for too little will make people feel untrustworthy. Only when Anze Lion opens his mouth can he believe that Anze's purpose is pure.

Not long after, Takeda Kanyanagi walked out of the manor with a large group of people. Looking at the short, narrow-cheeked businessman with a smile on his face, Anze clicked his tongue.

Otherwise, kill him now? This is also an opportunity......

Yasawa was planning to kill Takeda Kanyanagi directly, but he noticed a white-haired man wearing a mask standing next to him.

This is? The guy who fought with Kenshin Himura, Gaiin? Look at the attributes, hey, he’s much stronger than the average person, hiss, but at this distance, he can’t be killed...

When Anze saw the man next to Takeda Kanyanagi, he suddenly gave up the idea that had just arisen.

"Mr. Takeda?" Anze asked tentatively. Because of the Meiji Restoration trend of thought, the current neon names for people have gradually become Westernized. It doesn't seem awkward for Anze to call people like this.

"Mr. Miyamura, I have admired my name for a long time. I wonder why you came here?"

The two of them made a tacit agreement not to mention the wanted matter. After all, neither of them took the current government too seriously.

"Isn't Mr. Takeda always recruiting guards?" Anze took off his hat and looked at Takeda Kanyanagi who was parked not far in front of him. At this distance, Anze could not kill him directly.

Very cautious, this guy...

"Mr. Miyamura, do you want to be my bodyguard?"

"But my price is not low." Anze nodded, with a faint smile on his face.

"Of course. I also know Mr. Miyamura's name. It's normal for the price to be higher. I'll give you this number." Takeda Kanyanagi showed five fingers. Anze looked at him and shook his head.

"Not enough, at least twice." Anze actually didn't know how much Takeda Kanyanagi gave, but he would continue to raise the price.

Opposite Takeda suddenly changed his face and shouted:

"Miyamura Yasawa, you are just a wanted criminal. I am willing to pay this price because I think highly of you. I don't know good from evil."

"Want to keep me and send me to the government? You can try." Anze raised his eyelids and casually glanced at the masked man next to Takeda Kanyanagi as if he didn't care.

Takeda Kanyanagi's face was gloomy and uncertain, and he glanced back and forth at Anze. Finally, he showed a bright smile, laughed and said to Anze:

"Hahaha, Mr. Miyamura is really brave. Okay, twice as much. I will ask Mr. Miyamura for more advice in the future."

Anze showed a smile at the right time and nodded to Takeda Kanyanagi.

"No matter what, I will rely on Mr. Takeda more in the future."

"Mr. Miyamura, please..."


Anze followed Takeda Kanyanagi into the Takeda family's manor, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

The name of the clone is really useful. The first phase of the plan was successful...

There is no shortage of rooms in this manor. Takeda Kanyanagi did not treat Anze like most other ronin warriors. Instead, he treated Anze as an honored guest and arranged a quite nice room for Anze.

"Mr. Miyamura, Lord Takeda asked me to take you to familiarize yourself with the manor. Lord Takeda's safety will depend on your care in the future." A male servant in a white suit stood at the door of Anze's room and said.

"Thank you, please." Anze still acted strictly according to his character.

Anze and the male servant were walking in the manor. The male servant stood half a step in front of Anze and introduced a virgin to Anze.

"That's the backyard of the manor over there. Mr. Miyamura can usually rest here if he has nothing to do."

And Anze deliberately pretended to keep his eyes on the group of ronin warriors in the backyard, with a bit of hatred and a bit of sadness in his eyes, just to let the male servants around him see them. "Mr. Miyamura? Mr. Miyamura?" The male servant next to him called Anze twice, and Anze pretended to have come to his senses.

Not long after, Anze returned to his room to rest, and the manservant who had just taken Anze around the manor had appeared in front of Takeda Kanyanagi.

"Yoshihara, what did that guy do?" Takeda Kanyanagi put his legs on the table and looked at the servant who was bending down and standing in front of him.

"Master Takeda, the samurai named Miyamura did not do anything unusual. He just treated the group of samurai in the backyard..."

Takeda Kanyanagi waved his hand, as if you don't need to say anything anymore, with a look of disdain on his face: "These samurai are like this, they have been pursuing the dignity of the so-called samurai, and now even eating is a problem, why don't they? Become my dog ​​obediently..."

"Then Master Takeda, do you still need to prepare for the banquet tonight?"

"Of course, otherwise how could that guy work so hard for me? By the way, remember to add something to his drink and make it a larger amount." Takeda Kanyanagi closed his eyes and said.



"Mr. Miyamura, Mr. Takeda invites you to a banquet. This is..." Listening to the lavish description of the manservant in front of him, Anze nodded expressionlessly.

Then he followed the valet towards a banquet hall in the manor.

In the banquet hall decorated in Western style, Kanyanagi Takeda is sitting at the top. To his left is the masked man Anze saw during the day, but now he has been replaced by a half-face mask.

Next to the masked man sat a woman with long black hair and straight eyes, with low eyebrows and a slightly nervous look. To Kanyanagi Takeda's right was another man with a knife on his waist.

These two guys are Gao Hehui and Xuhai Fanshen. This guy has all his subordinates. Tsk, are they enough to look up to me?

When he saw Anze coming, Takeda Kanyanagi came out from the main seat, greeted Anze, and took Anze to sit second on the right.

There were other people at the banquet, but they were all part-timers, and Anze didn't pay much attention to them.

Because Anze is too far away, now is not a good opportunity to make a move, so Anze continues his performance.

At the banquet, Kanyanagi Takeda said a lot of nice things to Anze, and Anze responded with a chuckle, without breaking the character he had established.

This guy wouldn't put drugs in his wine, would he?

Looking at the wine brought by the maid alone, Anze felt alarm bells ringing in his heart. He remembered that Takeda Kanyanagi in front of him was an opium dealer, and Gao Hehui, who was sitting opposite Anze, was a doctor who studied opium.

Therefore, Anze was a little worried about whether there might be any addictive ingredients in the wine. He felt that Takeda Kanyanagi in front of him could do such a thing.

Therefore, since this glass of wine was placed in front of Anze, Anze has not touched it.

"Mr. Miyamura, do you not like drinking, or do you dislike drinking? Why is there not a drop of wine in the glass?" Kanyanagi Takeda, who was sitting in the first place, asked when he saw that Yasawa was not drinking.

"That's right. I've given up drinking a long time ago because drinking caused me trouble. But Mr. Takeda asked the maid to serve wine, so I couldn't refuse. Thank you Mr. Takeda for your kindness."

"I see, I was negligent. Someone come and change tea for Mr. Miyamura."

After hearing Anzawa's answer, Takeda Kanyanagi showed a look of sudden realization and shouted outside the room.

Hearing this, the chuckle on Anze's face stiffened, but Anze did not reveal too many flaws, and glanced at Takeda Kanyanagi with some gratitude.

"Thank you Mr. Takeda."

Not long after, the tea Takeda Kanyanagi mentioned was placed on Anze's left hand, and Anze immediately picked up the cup and took a sip.

With the tea in his mouth, Yasawa's Adam's apple rolled up and down, and then he smiled at Takeda Kanyanagi, who was in the first place.

When Takeda Kanyanagi couldn't see it, Anze spit the tea directly on his sleeve.

Then he turned around with a smile and faced various temptations from Kanyanagi Takeda at the banquet...

After the banquet was over, Takeda Kanyanagi took his two most powerful men, Waiyin and Xuhai Fanshen, and called Anze and walked to the backyard together.

"Mr. Miyamura, what do you think of those guys?" Takeda Kanryanagi pointed at the group of ronin warriors not far away and asked.

Seeing a group of warriors who had completely lost their dignity and looked like dogs, Anze was still a little touched in his heart, but not much.

But in order to fit his personality, Anze still said sadly: "Those guys are people abandoned by the times, and I am the same."

After saying that, Anze forced himself to squeeze out some tears and shook his head with a wry smile.

After observing Anze's expression, Takeda Kanyanagi smiled and said.

"A new era has arrived. Isn't Mr. Miyamura accepting the era now?"

Hearing Takeda Kanyanagi's words, Yasawa controlled the corners of his mouth and wanted to roll his eyes, showed a sad expression, shook his head, apologized in a low voice and left.

The second step of the plan is less than half successful. This guy is indeed quite cautious, but...

(End of this chapter)

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