Chapter 46 Energy Spider Web

Next is my main weapon. I can't rely on the power of the abyss every day to play as an evocation mage in the derived world.

Anze sighed and looked at Su Xiao next to him, his eyes full of envy. He now envied the Supreme Blade skill to death.

This skill allows Su Xiao to not have to think about changing his main weapon.

However, Anze prefers to choose a certain skill over a weapon. The skill is the most cost-effective for him.

After all, I don't want to use the power of the abyss to be an evocation mage, but if I really want to say it, the weapons constructed from the power of the abyss in the low-level world are indeed quite easy to use, much more convenient than purple and blue weapons.

Su Xiao also had paradise coins that needed to be spent, and the two of them wandered around the market together.

While passing by a stall, Anze saw a skill that interested him very much, an active skill called [Energy Spider Web].

【Energy Spider Web】

Quality: green

Type: Item/Ability Scroll

Requirements for use: Master the energy system ability or reach 10 points in intelligence

Item effect: Allows the user to obtain the [Ability Spider Web] skill.

Rating: 20

Price: 4000 paradise coins

[Energy Spider Web (Active Skill)]

Skill introduction: Use energy to form spider-like energy threads, build them into spider webs, and arrange them at any location to create a binding effect, and create special effects based on the characteristics of the energy itself.

In fact, Anze doesn't quite understand why this is a green skill.

The effect of building energy into spider-like threads can lead to quite a few uses.

The stall owner’s price is even more puzzling, it’s only 12000 paradise coins.

But when Anze took a look at the appearance of the stall owner, he roughly understood. He had a gun on his waist, his eyes were a little panicked, and the smell of blood on his body was not strong.

At first glance, he was identified as a contractor who had not experienced many worlds.

Anze picked it up without hesitation and patted it away. This kind of thing is of great development value, especially for his semi-plastic energy system.

However, this green level made Anze feel a little flustered.

Su Xiao picked out a lot of green and white quality knives from various stalls. Anze didn't ask much, pretending to guess that you have a secret, but I won't ask.

In fact, to put it bluntly, he doesn't know Su Xiao's own abilities better than Anze does.

Not long after, Anze went to the skill enhancement hall with his skills. He was also going to see the cost of improving the Soul Erosion ability and improve his newly acquired abilities.

Sitting in the skill enhancement warehouse, Anze saw the cost of strengthening the soul. In an instant, everyone was in bad shape.

"Ah? Soul crystal (small)? 6..." Anze's mouth twitched, and the idea of ​​​​improving disappeared instantly.

Then Anze silently used the skill scroll he had just obtained, and took a look at the effect.

[This skill has been specialized according to the hunter’s personal attributes]

Skill: Energy Spider Web l: v1: Consumes 20 points of soul energy, or guides the energy of the abyss to form an energy spider web. It can be placed at any location and can restrain the enemy for up to 2 seconds. The spider web lasts for 4 hours.

Cobweb (Abyss): The duration of the cobweb is unlimited. The restrained target can only break free from the cobweb. It will cause an abyss erosion effect on the target bound by the cobweb. Based on the enemy's upper limit of health, it will cause 1% abyss erosion damage per second.

Note: This special effect cannot be improved with skill level.

Spider Web (Soul Energy): Causes a soul erosion effect on the target bound by the spider web, causes a soul erosion effect on the enemy, and causes soul damage equal to the difference in soul strength between the two parties * 0.5.

Looking at the skill effects in front of him, Anze admitted that he was shocked, especially the derivative effects of the abyss energy. Anze could only say that he was stronger.

Why is this skill green?

Doubts reignited in Anze's mind, but he never thought that the strength of this skill depends entirely on the energy used.

The two types of energy used by Anze are one of the two basic energies that make up the world, and the other is the foundation energy of the soul system. How can the feedback effect be weak?

Then Anze took a look at the upgrade cost.

[To upgrade the energy spider web from lv1 to lv2, you need to consume 200 paradise coins]

Seeing this cost, Anze upgraded to level 10 without hesitation. Although it was upgraded to level 10, this skill did not have any special effects. Anze doesn't plan to spend any more, and the rest will be reserved for supplies and enhanced equipment.

Although he didn't use many supplies in the last world, Ronin Anze used quite a lot.

But most of the time, he eats it to maintain his condition, which is a pure waste.

In this regard, Anze said that it doesn't matter that the supplies are just for food. There is no need to save. Since he feels it is necessary to eat, then he will eat it vigorously. He is mainly responsible for getting enough supplies.

After the upgrade, this skill has not changed much, except that the binding time has been increased by one second and the duration has doubled.

There was no change in the two special effects, so Anze didn't bother to care about it and returned to the exclusive space with the harvest.

"Here, new weapons. As for long-range weapons, I haven't found any good ones." Anze shook his head and handed the purchased weapon to Ronin Anze.

Ronin Anze did not look at the attributes immediately, but first shook his hand. The gun barrel swayed slightly up and down. Although it was made of metal, it was quite elastic.

After the clone in front of him waved a few times and showed a relatively satisfied look, he put the weapon back into the storage space.

The two synchronized their abilities again, and Anze was ready to go out and strengthen the equipment. This time the strengthening targets were Skullbreaker, Sadness and Joy Dice and Broken Feathers.

Anze felt that the Paradise Coins used for strengthening were not enough. After all, there were only more than 20,000, and there were two pieces of blue equipment that needed to be strengthened.

Sighing, Anze walked silently into the strengthening hall with a dice of sorrow and joy. The first thing, Anze was going to strengthen this.

[Welcome to use the strengthening machine No. 15473]

Steam spurted out, and the equipment enhancement machine stretched out a tray, and Anze silently placed the joy and sorrow dice on it.

[Strengthening the Sadness and Joy Dice requires 1200 points of Paradise Coins. Do you want to strengthen them?]

Out of sight and out of mind, Anze silently clicked Strengthen five times, then turned his back.

[Sadness and joy dice strengthening +1 success]

[Strengthen +2 successfully]


[Strengthen +5 successfully]

Looking at the equipment pouring out of the steam, Anze blinked in confusion. In his impression, this kind of lucky prop was the most difficult to strengthen. After five consecutive successful enhancements, Anze felt like he was just lucky.

Before he had time to think too much, Anze took advantage of his good luck and put the Skullbreaker on the plate and began to strengthen it.

[To strengthen the Skullbreaker, you need to spend 500 points of Paradise Coins. Do you want to strengthen it?]

Anze chose to strengthen it ten times, and then began to wait for news from the paradise.

[Skullbreaker strengthened +1 successfully]

[Strengthen +2 successfully]

[Strengthen +3 successfully]


[Reinforcement +6 failed]

[Strengthen +6 successfully]

[Enhancement +7 failed, item enhancement level has dropped to +5]

[Reinforcement +6 failed]

Finally, Anze placed the Broken Feather on the tray and began to strengthen it.

[Strengthening the Broken Feather requires spending 1000 points of Paradise Coins. Do you want to strengthen it?]

After choosing to strengthen five times, Anze focused on the strengthening machine.

(End of this chapter)

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