Reincarnation Paradise: Do you understand what a clone is?

Chapter 47 Strengthening 5 consecutive losses

Chapter 47 Strengthening the five-game losing streak

[Failed to strengthen Broken Feather +1]


A few minutes later, Anze looked at the equipment enhancement machine in silence, his face as black as the bottom of a pot. He had just experienced a wave of enhancement +1 five consecutive defeats.

"Boom!" Anze punched the strengthening machine, his face so gloomy that water dripped from his face.

[Hunters please do not deliberately attack public facilities in the park]

Taking a deep breath, Anze calmed down and left.

Returning to the exclusive space, he handed the things to Ronin Anze with a gloomy expression, and Ronin Anze laughed out loud.

"Original body, you are so lucky. Oh no, I am laughing to death. Strengthening plus one or five consecutive defeats, Su Xiao can't even compare to you. He is only three in a row."

"Aren't you using our money? You're laughing so hard!" Anze's guard was a little broken, and he looked at the Ronin Anze in front of him with his neck stiffened.

"What does this have to do with my smile? I'm just laughing at you for strengthening and adding 1 to your five-game losing streak. Isn't this funny?" Ronin Anze was still laughing at this moment.

Anze resisted the urge to punch the Ronin Anze in front of him, took a deep breath, and then threw the Broken Feather into the face of the Ronin Anze.

A half-black shoe print appeared on Ronin Anze's face, and the reason was only half of it was because half of the shoe flew into Ronin Anze's mouth.

Seeing Ronin Anze's appearance, Anze relieved himself from the depression caused by the strengthening plus one and five consecutive defeats, and prepared to go to the duel field to try.

According to the map, we came to the dueling arena. It was an extremely majestic and tall building. Anze took a look and couldn't see to the side. There was a crowded flow of people at the entrance of the dueling arena.

The flow of people around him almost squeezed Anze in. Outside the duel venue, there were many stalls with books on them.

Anze's mouth twitched when he saw the name of one of the books.

"Quotes on how to surrender quickly and without shame."

Ignoring the stalls in front of him, Anze walked straight into the duel arena. A sense of teleportation came over him, which was softer than before. Anze didn't feel like his eyes were going dark.

[You have entered the arena, please select a mode. 】

【Competitive mode/spectating mode. 】

Below is a bunch of annotations that appear.

But Anze didn't pay attention to the annotations below, because he already knew the content of these protagonists. Anze chose the competitive mode without too much hesitation. He just came to test his abilities.

Competitive mode: In this mode, the hunter himself participates in the competition. Samsara Paradise will rank according to whether the hunter has participated in the competition.

The competitive mode is divided into [individual battle] and [team battle].

Individual battles are in 1V1 mode, and team battles are in 10V10 mode. The two ranking mechanisms will be calculated separately.

Choose competitive mode: individual battle. "

[Beep..., started to check whether the hunter participated in the competition. After the check, the hunter has never participated in any form of competition. 】

[Beginning to assign rankings to hunters, the current ranking is 173549. 】

[Hunters are asked to actively participate in the arena. The top 10 in the arena will be given special rewards. 】

Immediately, Anze's vision went dark and he appeared in a lounge. In front of him were ten figures of different sizes.

Because he had the story of a certain law-killer as a basis, Anze already had an impression of most of the functions of the duel field, and then he chose props for himself to hide his appearance. A silver half-face metal mask was worn on Anze's face, blocking the lower half of Anze's face.

[Matching opponents for Hunters]

[Ding... The hunter's personal situation is detected to be special. Please choose the main body to participate in the duel field, or an auxiliary existence to participate in the duel field]

When he heard this prompt, Anze was stunned for a second, and then he chose to come by himself. This time it was to test his own abilities and not to compete in the rankings. Naturally, he would not let Anze the Ronin come.

Then, Anze's eyes flashed, and he appeared in a circular venue. The terrain of the venue was not small, about three to four hundred meters. There was a solid and non-slip metal ground under his feet, and the edge of the venue was filled with energy shields.

Nearby, there are terraced stands about tens of meters high, with one or two people here and there.

Opposite Anze, who was about dozens of meters away, there was a sturdy man, about 1.89 meters tall, a head taller than Anze.

Anze listened to the faint sound of cheering nearby and walked silently towards the opposite side. He came here specifically to test certain skills.

When the man opposite saw Anze, he smiled maliciously, took out two guns and pointed them at Anze.

Anze frowned, and then disappeared. The gun fired, and the continuous clicking sound echoed in the empty field. The strong man was still shooting, and a hand was pressed on the top of his head.

"Boom!" There was a muffled sound, and the strong man's face was stuck to the ground, and the two guns were thrown away by Anze.

"Be quiet and don't move." Anze silently injected soul energy into the person in front of him, and a transparent luster flowed in the eyes of the person in front of him.

Anze carefully felt the feeling of the soul invading the enemy's soul. This feeling was very wonderful. The feedback to Anze was like a part of himself penetrated into the opponent's somewhere.

After ensuring that his soul could completely corrode the person in front of him, Anze began to control his soul power.

The contractor on the opposite side is now confused.

[You take 10 points of damage]

[The contractor is in an abnormal state, and you are in a state of soul erosion]

[The soul erosion state is triggered and is being determined]

【you? ? ? Lower than the other, fall into? ? ? state】

Immediately, he lost any control over his body, like a puppet. His soul was still active, but he still couldn't control his body.

He felt Anze rising on top of him, and then his hands and feet began to move, silently performing a set of radio gymnastics. At the beginning, the movements were a bit stiff and awkward, but in the end they became more and more natural.

Anze felt the feeling of controlling other people's souls carefully, as if there was an extra puppet on the strings. Anze controlled the soul energy to make the strong man in front of him make movements.

After playing for a while, Anze took back his soul energy and gave up controlling the person in front of him.

During the experiment, Anze also discovered a more violent method, but with Anze's current soul-based ability, he can't do it yet. He can just barely feel it.

And even if it can be done, the park will not let Anze do it, because this is a complete violation.

After Anze released the control, the strong man opposite burst into tears. Anze couldn't stop himself. He looked at the crying man and didn't know what to say.

Finally, after being upset by the noise, he took out his black gun and shot him to death, ending the competition.

"What is this all about? Didn't you just test your abilities? Why are you crying..."

After returning to the lounge, Anze touched the sweat on his forehead and said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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