Chapter 51 Laruchtis

Anze walked out of the woods and saw the huge cave in front of him. The entrance to the cave was deep and there was no light. Anze felt the huge soul in the cave and swallowed longingly.

For him, every dangerous species is a target for hunting, and this is his main mission.

Anze walked in from the entrance of the cave, and some hot air rushed towards him. The air in the cave was quite dry.

So, is this a dangerous type of fire type?

From the environment, Anze roughly deduced the type of dangerous species, took a deep breath and walked slowly.

The deeper into the cave, the higher the temperature nearby. At the back, Anze took off his shirt and was naked. Judging from Anze's physique, it was already very hot.

Arriving at the deepest part of the cave, Anze saw a glittering golden cave. A huge Western dragon-shaped creature was entrenched on the ground. Red fire emitted from the gaps in the dragon's scales, and various types of coins and gems were scattered around it.

The firelight hit various metals and gems, shining brightly in the depths of the cave.

Anze silently took out the second abyss power condensed body, and black light flowed around him.

Anze didn't have any reconnaissance equipment yet, so he used the reconnaissance authority provided by the park to throw a probe over.

Laruchtis (elite creature)

HP; 100%

Mana; 110

Power: 32

Agility: 10

Stamina: 38

Intelligence: 12

Charisma: 2

Skill 1, super dangerous type (passive): strength +10, agility +10, physical strength +8, physical defense +15, abnormal status resistance 20%

Skill 2: Flame Breath (Active): Laruchtis uses special organs in his body to spit out flames, causing burning damage of 60 - the recipient's physical attribute * 1.5 per second.

Skill 3: Scorching "Dragon Flame" (Active): Laruchtis mobilizes the magic power and special organs in the blood to spray out extremely intense flames, causing burning damage of 120 - the recipient's physical attribute * 1 per second.

Skill four:? ? ?

Skill five:? ? ?

Because the detection skill level was too low, Anze did not get complete information, but he was still able to judge the strength of the dangerous species in front of him.

It seems that with my strength, I can handle the super dangerous species alone...

Part of the power of the abyss in Anze's body flowed and slowly condensed in his hand, and a black spear was held in his hand.

Afterwards, Anze stepped into the cave, and the sleeping dangerous species slowly opened its eyes. The huge yellow beast pupils opened, and a cruel look emerged from them.

Anze's figure flashed, and he appeared on the dragon that had not yet stood up. He pierced with a spear. The scales of the dangerous species had zero resistance to the power of the abyss. Anze's black spear easily penetrated into the body of the dragon. .

Bright red and hot blood flowed from Anze's stab wound. The dragon in front of him let out a loud roar, and the smelly air flowed out along with the flames.

The huge monster, which was tens of meters tall, stood up completely. Anze even had to jump up to reach its torso. From the dangerous creature's mouth, orange-yellow flames lit up the entire cave.

The orange-yellow flame hit the black crystal barrier without making any sound. The flame didn't even escape as it was assimilated by the power of the abyss.

"This turns out to be energy?" Feeling the feedback from the power of the abyss, Anze stretched out his hand and danced, and dark green flames spread out.

It was clear at a glance that this flame was definitely stronger than the "Dragon Flame" just now.

The flames were attached to the black war scythe. Anze waved the war scythe forward, swung the war scythe, and the sickle blade pierced one of the black dragon's forelimbs.

Around Anze's figure, the sickle blade cut through the skin of the dangerous species, leaving a deep and long wound, with green flames burning on the wound.


The huge claws were photographed, and a deep pit was revealed on the ground where Anze was just standing.

Anze was very sure that if he used a skullbreaker to penetrate this kind of membrane, it would definitely be deflated.

But now the weapon composed of the power of the abyss can cut so easily. In this regard, Anze can only say that 150 ounces of the power of the abyss are just kidding you.

The dangerous species flapped its wings and left the ground, orange-red flames spurted out from his mouth, the scales on his body bulged, and a red light lit up.

The flames that became lighter in color spurted out, and Anze huddled behind the barrier formed by the power of the abyss. The flames fell on the power of the abyss, and then were assimilated, with a small amount of flames escaping from both sides.

These attributeless powers of the abyss are tainted with some characteristics of fire. In this regard, Anze can only say, thank you to Brother Laruchtis for sending you the experience package.

A black bow burning with dark green flames appeared in Anze's hand. Anze bent the bow and set an arrow, and an arrow of the power of the abyss with dark green flames flew out.

The sharp arrow was shot away, but the arrow still failed to penetrate the dangerous species' skin. Anze sighed. He was still not very good at long range, and the bow and arrow attack could only be regarded as interference.

Orange-red flames appeared, and Anze's figure flickered on the treasures piled up by the dangerous species.

The cave is not big, so the flying height of the dangerous species is not very high. Anze stepped on the highest pile of treasures and jumped suddenly.

The war sickle hooked into the flesh, and Anze hung on the dangerous species.

A shrill howl sounded, and Anze fell off the dangerous species. Because the war sickle was too sharp, Anze didn't get stuck.

Therefore, Anze's body was covered with blood, and large swaths of blood spurted out from the wounds of the dangerous species, falling to the ground with a sizzling sound.

Some hot blood fell on Anze, and Anze quickly shook it off. The area that had just been touched by the blood was scalded red.

"It can fly, it's really difficult to deal with." Anze was quite helpless, he couldn't hit such a flying thing.

"Roar!" A beast roar came, and the dangerous species that was beaten by Anze fell to the ground.

The huge tail was drawn towards Anze. Anze held the shield made of the power of the abyss with one arm, and then was whipped away by a tail and slapped on the wall on one side.

There was no problem with the shield built by the power of the abyss, but Anze spat out a mouthful of blood, and 8% of his health was drained by the tail.

Standing up from the rubble, a huge claw struck him head-on. As soon as Anze stood up, he began to run away. His figure disappeared, and he narrowly avoided the sharp claw. Then he jumped up and stabbed the dangerous species with a spear. of joints.

It can only be said that fighting against enemies who are large but not very agile is the strength of the Technique system. Anze, a half-hearted Technic system student, is also very good at this kind of battle.

He flexibly avoided Laruchtis' attack. If he couldn't dodge it, he used the Abyss Barrier to block it. This way, Anze could avoid at least 70% of the damage.

Wounds appeared on Laruhitis's body. The temperature on the ground had become a little hot because of Laruhtis's blood. The soles of Anze's shoes had been burned.

Therefore, Anze is now stepping on the ground with bare feet.

Looking at Laruhtis who was gradually getting weaker, Anze finally had a chance.

Because Laruchtis is too big and its blood temperature is too high, Anze's attack can basically only cause some skin injuries to him.

That's why the battle has continued until now, and now, Anze has seized the opportunity to cut open its vitals.

Laruchtis bent his neck, the scales on his body trembled, red magic light emitted from the wound, and some blue flames spurted out from his mouth.

The scorching temperature made the air hot. Anze huddled behind the abyss barrier, blue flames escaping from both sides.

Anze's exposed skin was scalded with dense blisters by the air, which was enough to show how high the temperature of the flame was.

The flame went out, Laruhtis's head was close to the ground, hot breath spurted out from his nostrils, and Anze could see that he was a little weak.

Without stopping, he dodged and rushed over, holding the most convenient war scythe, and cut off most of Laruchtis's neck with one scythe, and the dragon's head with a small part of flesh hanging down to the ground.

The dangerous species, Laruchtis, has been killed.

(End of this chapter)

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