Chapter 52 Esdeath

[You killed Laruchtis (elite creature). 】

[Laruhtis is an elite creature and obtains 3.4% of the source of the world. Now it has obtained a total of 3.4% of the source of the world. 】

Anze looked at the blue treasure box that appeared on the ground, silently walked over to pick it up, pulled the huge fiery red soul in the air, and slowly devoured it bite by bite.

[Your talent Soul Eater is triggered, and your physical strength attribute increases by one point, now 27 points]

After eating the soul, Anze vaguely felt the feeling of becoming stronger, but he was too lazy to pay attention to it.

He lay directly on Laruhtis's body to sleep. The fatigue after the battle made Anze sleep particularly sweetly.

When he woke up, his eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't wake up from sleep, but was awakened by instinct.

He felt a strange but powerful soul wave, and the instinct to be wary of danger made him wake up.

Anze sat on Laruchtis's body. After one night, the blood on the ground had already condensed and the temperature returned to normal.

Without the light source provided by Laruchtis, the cave was a little dark. Anze stared at the only direction with faint light, which was the only way to the outside of the cave.

There is already a soul wave there, and this soul wave is quite strong in Anze's perception.

The blue-haired Esdeath held a torch in one hand and slowly walked down the cave. The firelight illuminated the dim cave.

"It's strange. According to the data, when Laruchtis is in the cave, the cave will be very bright. Why is it so dark?"

Looking at the cave that was getting darker and darker as it went deeper, Esdeath felt quite confused.

When she walked into the cave, under the faint firelight, she saw a shirtless man sitting on a body as big as a hill.

Who is this man and that body? Laruchtis...

Esdeath's eyes glanced back and forth between Anze and the corpse beneath him, her beautiful blue eyes narrowed slightly.

Is this Esdeath?

Because the appearance and clothing were so distinctive, Anze recognized who this was at a glance, and then became a little confused as to why Esdeath was here.

"Who are you?" A somewhat domineering and cold female voice sounded, which was not much different from the voice in An Ze's memory.

"Are you? General Esdeath? I'm just a bounty hunter who hunts dangerous species."

Anze quickly thought of a way to deal with this trembling s, and then chuckled and spoke.

If you want Esdeath to have a good impression on you, being stronger is the right choice.

"Bounty hunter? I've never heard of a bounty hunter who can hunt super dangerous species alone."

An ice knife appeared in Esdeath's hand, as if Anze couldn't answer and was about to fight with Anze.

"This is a problem for your intelligence agency. Maybe the general should go back and ask your subordinates." Anze put the black gun in his hand and jumped off the body.

The two stood facing each other quietly, the air becoming a little thicker, and the fighting spirit of the two intertwined in the air.

The torch fell to the ground, and the two weapons collided together. Esdeath's randomly condensed ice blade shattered at the touch, and Anze's black gun swung towards her unabated.

An ice wall suddenly rose between the two. Anze smashed the ice wall, and Esdeath's figure had already distanced itself from Anze.

Her eyes were filled with incredible emotions, and Anze could only say, my power of the abyss has defeated you too much.

Although there is also the idea that Esdeath is just testing, Anze also showed force to Esdeath from the side. Of course, Anze had no intention of killing her, nor was he qualified. After all, the ability of "Mokobotemo" was too buggy, and a short pause was enough for Anze to die a thousand times.

Not to mention, Anze still needs her to join the empire. This is Anze's idea after meeting Esdeath.

In terms of strength alone, the two are comparable, but Esdeath's ability is mostly used against groups and is a large-scale killing weapon, while Anze's ability tends to be used against singles, so he has an advantage in one-on-one combat.

In the brief collision, Esdeath was at a disadvantage. After all, the energy of the abyss is so useful!

Esdeath stepped back and stood not far from Anze. An Ze directly attacked him, within the distance that he could react.

"Are you willing to be my subordinate?" Esdeath's beautiful eyes lit up. She wanted to recruit Anze as her subordinate.

"General Esdeath, based on the test just now, do you think I will be your subordinate?" Anze did not answer Esdeath's question directly, but asked her instead.

The scene fell into silence again, but Anze was not in a hurry. He was waiting for Esdeath to speak first.

"Then, are you willing to join the empire?" Esdeath asked in a different way.

"This is a good proposal, General Esdeath, what are your conditions?" Anze let go of his hand holding the black gun, and half of his face was in the shadows that were not illuminated by the firelight.

"I will take you to join the empire. You will only obey my orders. No one else has the right to interfere with you. Every time I ask you to do something, I will give you a good reward. How about this?"

Anze closed his eyes and nodded slowly: "Thank you, General Esdeath."

"Then, what's your name, or how should I call you."

"Just call me Dark Soul." Anze chuckled and heard the prompt from Paradise.

The first stage of the main quest (1); Decay or Rebirth has been completed.

Now begins the second phase of the main mission (1): The Dark Side of the Empire.

Mission introduction: In the imperial capital, a group of assassination organizations called Night Raid are attacking imperial officials, killing any member of them individually or in teams.

Mission requirements: Kill any member of Night Raid.

Task period: 30 days

Kill the protagonist group? In this business, one of these guys will die if they are caught anyway. In other words, if I kill the contractors who joined the night attack camp, does it count as completing the mission?

Anze's thinking was quite divergent, and he quickly thought of this possibility.

He planned to verify this conjecture over time.

"Okay, Dark Soul, did you kill Laruchtis alone?" Esdeath still didn't let go of the question and asked.

Anze nodded silently and saw the happy expression on Esdeath's face. He was obviously happy that his subordinates had such a big help.

The two walked out of the cave in silence. Anze didn't think of what to talk about with the Dou S in front of him for a while, and Esdeath wasn't a talkative person, which led to the silence between the two.

After walking out of the cave and seeing the light outside, Esdeath noticed Anze's appearance and saw clearly the blisters on his body that had not completely subsided.

"Does your situation require treatment?"

Anze tilted his head in confusion. Esdeath pointed to the burned skin on his body. Anze shook his head: "It's not necessary for minor injuries."

"Okay, come back with me." After that, he led Anze towards the woods.

(End of this chapter)

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