Chapter 53 Imperial Capital (Fourth update)

"So, General Esdeath, you said you were going back to this camp."

When he and Esdeath returned to the camp, Anze was silent.

"I came alone to eliminate dangerous species. My army is stationed far away from here." The scene was a bit awkward. Esdeath blushed and explained a few words, and then invited Anze to sit down.

"Dark Soul, where are you from?"

"General, didn't I say it? I'm just a bounty hunter." Anze chuckled, knowing that it was impossible for Esdeath to completely trust him.

After a brief silence, Esdeath asked: "What are you good at so that I can arrange some jobs that you like more."

"Hunting, whether it's humans or dangerous species." Anze slowly raised his head, and his dark eyes met Esdeath's gaze.

The cold light in Anze's eyes stopped Esdeath's thoughts for a moment.

Then she laughed, quite freely and freely, but her eyes were fixed on Anze: "Follow me, you will have countless prey."

Finally, she seemed to have remembered something: "I can also be the prey."

Anze understood what she meant, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the black light flowed in his hands. Esdeath, who was already sitting on the ground, looked up at Anze with interest.

"I hope you won't regret this, General Esdeath." Anze relaxed, laughed, and then sat on the ground.

"Take a rest for a while. I'll get you some medicine." Esdeath took out some emergency medicine from the tent in the camp. Anze's mouth twitched slightly. Just as he was about to refuse, the things were thrust into his hand.

"You look ugly like this. Apply some medicine and tidy up. I don't want others to think I've treated my subordinates badly."

The reasons given by Esdeath were very characteristic of her, and Anze's refusal seemed quite unconfident.

The two sat in the camp for a while, and then Esdeath left with Anze.

After driving for about four or five hours, the two came to a town, which was obviously cleared by Esdeath. Anze did not see a single civilian, only the soldiers under Esdeath's command.

"General Esdeath is back!" A scout saw the two men and shouted excitedly into the town.

From this, it can be seen that Esdeath is still very popular among the soldiers. Not long after the sound came, a tall and thin old man walked out of the garrison. He was wearing a suit and had a white glove on one hand.

There was a ring on his other hand, shaped like a horse's head. Anze recognized him as Liva, one of the three beast warriors under Esdeath.

"General, are you not injured in this expedition against dangerous species? Who is the person next to you?" Liwa came up to greet him. When he saw Anze standing next to Esdeath, he asked Esdeath.

"This is my newly recruited subordinate..." When he heard this, Anze coughed twice in shame, which attracted Esdeath's glare, and then Anze calmed down a little.

Noticing the actions of the two, Levi also understood what the relationship between the two was - Esdeath had recruited Anze, but Anze was very strong and was not willing to succumb to Esdeath's subordinates, even in name. .

Leva had some opinions about this, but after hearing Esdeath's introduction, these opinions disappeared.

After all, a ruthless person who can gain the upper hand in a fight with Esdeath is quite formidable. It is already good to be able to submit to Esdeath in name only.

After glaring at Anze, Esdeath continued to introduce Liwa, but the focus of Esdeath's introduction was a little biased. The emphasis was on Anze being his subordinate.

Noticing that Esdeath's introduction was almost complete, Anze said nothing, ignored Liva, and spoke to Esdeath: "General Esdeath, do you have my room? I want to go and rest first. " I will send someone to help you prepare. Just take a good rest. After all, you are my subordinate and I will not treat you badly." Esdeath bit the word to emphasize the difference between him and Anze. identity of.

A boring confrontation...

Anze felt quite helpless, but thinking about the background of this world, he could only try his best to adapt to this kind of thing in the future.

Fortunately, the method he chose was rather special. He didn't need to engage in intrigues too much. He only had to remind Esdeath of his status from time to time, although Esdeath was quite unhappy about this.

Under Esdeath's arrangement, Anze stayed in the army. Because his reputation for single-handedly defeating super dangerous species and not being weaker than Esdeath spread, no one in the army came to trouble him. During this period, , Anze lived quite peacefully.

Not long after, the army set off and returned to the imperial capital in a mighty manner. Anze casually asked for information in the army and found that Esdeath happened to be returning from the far north.

Such a coincidence, no, this must be the arrangement of the paradise, there must be a revolutionary army stronghold nearby.

Some speculations emerged in Anze's mind.

Riding on a war horse, Anze told the truth that this was his first real ride on a horse. This feeling was very novel. He had only experienced this feeling in the memory of Ronin Anze.

Although Anze felt good, the horse under his crotch did not feel so.

The abyssal energy that lingers around Anze makes any animal that approaches him appear frightened.

Esdeath also had similar feelings, because Anze's power of the abyss gave him a very threatening feeling, but for some reason, she had not asked until now.

"Dark Soul, can you put away the black things on your body?"

Looking at Anze's crotch and feet that were trembling slightly but still trying to move forward, Esdeath sighed.

"General, this is my weapon." Anze said a little funny, Esdeath was helpless.

"You are in the army now. No one will attack you. Put it away." Esdeath's expression softened slightly, and he sounded sincere.

Anze then condensed the abyss energy and took it back.

Along the way, Anze saw a very interesting scene. When the army passed by, everyone, whether pedestrians or merchants, gave way. However, it was not the inner courtesy that Anze had in mind, but fear.

This fear only improved after seeing Esdeath. This blue-haired female general was quite popular among the people.

The army headed towards the Imperial Capital, but its destination was not the Imperial Capital, but the military camp outside the Imperial Capital, where the troops directly under Esdeath would be stationed.

After Esdeath led the army to be stationed, he took Liwa and Anze back to the imperial capital. Several of them were not used to carriages and passed by on horseback on the streets.

Anze saw the ragged poor people on both sides of the streets in the outer city. Yes, poor people. Anze felt that these might not even be considered civilians in this empire...

Looking at this scene, Anze felt quite touched in his heart, but it did not affect his mood too much. After all, it was none of his business.

Whether the empire is going to decay or perish has nothing to do with him. He is just a passer-by. He came here to do some work and then left. He can't change anything.

 Fourth update



(End of this chapter)

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