Chapter 54 Competition

Walking along the outer city into the inner city, the prosperous side of the imperial capital was revealed in front of Anze, with "rich people" in gorgeous clothes on both sides of the street.

"General, where is my residence?" Anze followed Esdeath and asked casually.

"You? You live with me." Esdeath looked back at Anze, and then dropped a sentence, leaving Anze with a confused look on his face.

If Esdeath wanted to arrange a residence with Anze, it was definitely just a matter of words. Anze didn't understand this.

After thinking about it, Anze thought Esdeath might be joking, so he didn't take it seriously.

Until Esdeath really brought Anze to her home, Anze was stunned.

"What are you standing for? Come in. If you want to sleep outside on the street, you can." Esdeath said to Anze, and Anze walked into the mansion bravely.

As a general of the empire, Esdeath's mansion is not small, and Anze's room is quite large, but until now, Anze has not come back to his senses.

Just settle yourself down casually, why would Esdeath take you back to her home? Oh, this may not be considered home to her.

Soon, Anze understood the meaning of Esdeath's actions.

That night, he was dragged to the training ground by Esdeath. Looking at Esdeath holding a skate in his hand, Anze finally understood.

Black light flowed, and a war scythe appeared in his hand. He used many kinds of weapons. Even though he was specialized in spearmanship, he still felt that the war scythe was the most comfortable.

Seeing the weapon in Anze's hand, Esdeath silently took out an ice gun. If she used an ice knife, she felt that she would be beaten unconscious.

Anze dodged and rushed in front of Esdeath. The black scythe in his hand rose from bottom to top, and a semicircular black light flashed across. Esdeath held Anze's scythe blade with the barrel of his gun.

Black light flowed, the sickle blade was moved upward, and Anze pulled it down diagonally without hesitation.

A piece of thin ice slowly condensed on the tip of Anze's sickle blade, the broken ice flowers scattered, and an ice wall separated the two people.

Anze reached out and pulled, black light flowed, and dark green flames danced at Anze's fingertips. In an instant, the fist with black flames shattered the ice wall, and Esdeath's face appeared in Anze's field of vision.

Anze raised his hand, and a giant sword appeared in Anze's hand. Following the force of Anze's punch, he struck hard at Esdeath without mercy.

Anze had no intention of holding back from the beginning, and killing Esdeath was also part of his plan.

The giant sword struck down, and Esdeath's figure appeared several meters away, with huge ice edges appearing behind her.

Whispering, ice edges came like raindrops, blocking every inch of Anze's retreat. A black barrier was erected in front of him. Anze's footsteps did not stop at all, and he rushed in front of Esdeath against the ice edges.

Suddenly, ice spikes sprouted from Anze's feet, and the tips pierced Anze's throat. Every move the two made was intended to kill each other, without any mercy.

Anze smashed the ice spike with his elbow, retreated, and the two returned to the confrontation stage again.

The chains condensed by the power of the abyss spread out from Anze's back, locking them towards Esdeath with a pinging sound of collision.

A huge ice wall appeared between the two of them, rising from the ground, blocking Anze's sight. The chain penetrated the ice wall, and Anze stretched out his hand to pull down the ice wall.

Esdeath stepped on the ice wall and rushed towards him. The ice knife slashed diagonally. Anze barely dodged, and his chest was scratched with blood.

Then he used a scythe in his backhand, and the scythe struck the thin ice that Esdeath had hastily built. Although it only stopped for a moment, it was enough for Esdeath to get away. Seeing this ability to build defense at any time, Anze admitted that he was envious. Compared with him, Esdeath is more like the plasticity system.

Thin layers of ice appeared on Anze's joints, and the cold feeling invaded his lungs. Anze felt that his movements had slowed down.

When he reacted, Anze shattered the ice, but at this time, Esdeath was already pressing forward, with the ice knife in his hand pointed directly at Anze's throat.

Because his hands and feet were slowed down and his movements were delayed, Anze didn't have time to completely dodge the knife. He tried his best to turn his head sideways. Esdeath's blade slashed across the side of his neck. Anze reached out and grabbed Esdeath.

A knee pressed against his lower abdomen, and with a creak, the sound of breaking ice came. Anze's knee first broke a layer of ice to relieve the force, and then hit Esdeath's body.

Esdeath's body arched slightly. She didn't want to do this, but it was an unavoidable instinctive reaction.

A black dagger appeared in Anze's hand, and he stabbed with his hand. Esdeath grabbed Anze's hand with his backhand, took the opportunity to use his strength, and threw Anze out.

After sliding on the ground for a distance, Anze stood up straight.

Esdeath on the opposite side has already entered the battle arena. His intention is quite obvious, and the discussion ends here.

Anze has no objection to this, because if this battle continues, it will really be a matter of life and death, and in a real life-and-death battle, he may not be able to defeat Esdeath.

Soon after, the two people who had just finished fighting sat across from each other. There were various dishes on the table, but An Ze looked at the eyes of the person opposite and for a while he was a little afraid to move his chopsticks.

Esdeath had been staring straight at Anze. When Anze was thinking whether he had offended the general, Esdeath spoke.

"Dark Soul, help me participate in a competition."

Anze swallowed a piece of meat and tilted his head slightly: "General Esdeath, are there any other games that you need to participate in personally?"

"Just go and participate. I will give you enough reward." Esdeath frowned and turned a blind eye to Anze's question.

Anze began to recall the plot of the original work and thought of a certain game that might be related to Esdeath.

This girl isn't going to ask me to participate in her competition to find a bride, right? No, that doesn't seem to be a competition to recruit a bride, it's just a special reward she promised.

Recalling the plot of his previous life, Anze's mind was a little confused. He couldn't guess what Esdeath's purpose was for the moment.

After hesitating for a long time, Anze decided to see what medicine was sold in Esdeath's gourd and nodded.

"Well, I will let you join the special force I will form later. By then, you will have enough prey."

"I know, by the way, are there any dangerous species near the Imperial Capital recently?"

After taking a look at his main task (2), Anze can now submit it. A super dangerous species is enough to submit the main task (2).

But Anze wants to hunt more, so that the rewards of the main mission will be enough, allowing him to gain more benefits. This is the rule of the paradise, the more you pay, the greater the gain.

"I will let the intelligence department collect it for you. Do you want me to go with you?"

"No need, I am enough alone. I don't like sharing prey with others." After hearing this, Anze raised his head and glanced at Esdeath, with murderous intent flowing out of his eyes. This was Anze Perfecting your own personality.

(End of this chapter)

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