Reincarnation Paradise: Do you understand what a clone is?

Chapter 64: Giving the Hunter a Prestige

Chapter 64: Giving the Hunter a Prestige

Some transparent green souls were grabbed by Anze. Anze held the huge soul in his hand and swallowed it bite by bite.

When biting into the soul of a large creature, it has a marshmallow-like texture, but after the entrance, it seems to flow down the mouth like a liquid.

The texture of Haztec's soul and the soul of Laruchtis are the same, but the taste is different. One is like refreshing mint water, and the other is a bit spicy, like taking a sip of spicy soup.

But these souls taste better than the ghouls in the ghoul world, and the souls of those ghouls have a faint smell of blood.

[Your talent Soul Eater is triggered, and your agility attribute increases by 1 point, now 20 points]

[The Hunter's naked agility attribute has been increased to 20 points, and special effects will be given when returning to the park to improve attributes]

[Your skill Soul.Plunder has been triggered, and your soul strength has been increased by 1 point]

When devouring the soul, Anze felt it carefully. When devouring most of it, the soul power would flow into his body, and only a very small part would flow into the soul.

Anze has been vaguely aware of the essence of the improvement of devouring souls. In his guess, the improvement of physical attributes consumes part of the soul energy, while the part consumed by soul plundering is the soul source.

Therefore, to improve the strength of the soul, you need to find a strong person with a strong soul source, and to improve the attributes, you need a beast with a huge soul energy.

And it just so happens that this world has a lot of both.

This world really suits me...

Anze chuckled softly and pulled out the subtle abyssal power that invaded Haztec's body. He was just in case, to prevent these abyssal powers from creating some monster.

After cleaning up the battlefield a little, Anze left the cave and returned to the imperial capital. The hunting went much more smoothly than he imagined.

It can only be said that the difference in combat effectiveness between the energy evocation system when it is full of energy and when it is lacking in energy is too great. They are simply two extremes.

After killing Haztec, Anze returned directly to the imperial capital. With a rest at night, Anze returned to the imperial capital at noon the next day.

When he came back, Anze went straight to Esdeath's mansion. Not long after he settled down, Esdeath's men took him somewhere.

"Master Dark Soul, Master Esdeath has ordered us to take you there if you come back, please."

Looking at the polite servant in front of him, Anze couldn't think of anything to refuse, even though he had just settled down.

In the end, he had no choice but to get on the carriage, which rushed towards somewhere in the inner city. As soon as he got off the carriage, Anze was brought to Esdeath by his servant.

"You came back just in time. The Teigu users I summoned arrived today. You go and try them." Esdeath threw a mask casually, and Anze reached out to catch it.

I took one look at the mask which is quite tasteless and blocks my view.

"Is there anything else? This will block the view." Anze calmly stated his needs. Esdeath was stunned for a second, and then pinched Anze with ice.


Looking at the ice mask in Esdeath's hand, Anze silently put it on.

Under the leadership of Esdeath, Anze walked into a room where six people were already sitting.

A majestic man wearing a mask, a handsome man with blond hair, a girl with brown hair, a middle-aged man with dyed hair, a girl with short straight black hair, and a young boy with black hair who looked upright.

Verus, Lan, Seliu, Dr Fashion, Black Eyes, Will.

Anze relied on his own memory to recognize these hunter members. After all, they were the tool men who would be used later. Anze did not use the power of the abyss.

Looking at the six people sitting in the seat, Anze didn't talk nonsense. He went up and punched the nearest Lan, then grabbed his hair, picked him up and threw him to the side. Anze is more hostile to handsome guys.

After Anze made a move, the remaining five people all stood up from their chairs. Sailiu, who was closest, rushed up, but......

Except for Heitong, the close combat capabilities of the rest of these people are indescribable compared to Anze.

Facing Se Liu who rushed over, Anze easily grabbed her hand, knocked her down with a knee and an elbow.

Before Will could react, Anze's fist had already reached his stomach, punching him so hard that his body curled up.

Then Anze kicked him straight, and the righteous young man Will sat by the wall and held his stomach.

Heitong drew his sword and rushed towards Anze. Anze sidestepped the blade and kicked Heitong's knife. The other two were a little timid and did not dare to go up.

The black pupil drew a distance on the ground, and after a slight buffer, continued to move towards Anze.

The power of the abyss appeared in Anze's hand. If he didn't use a weapon, he might really be beaten by the black pupil.

The sickle blade stood in front of the two of them. Anze's blade was held by Anze's war scythe. The sickle blade slid in the direction of Anze's force and slashed at Heitong.

Black Eyes immediately pulled away, causing Anze's blow to miss.

After forcing Heitong back, Anze's gun hit Sai Liu's lower abdomen, who was about to make a sneak attack. Sai Liu spat out a mouthful of sour water.

Anze swiped smoothly, and the blunt side of the sickle blade hit Dr. Fashion's face on the side, and a blood mark appeared.

Lan's figure appeared on the right side of Anze and punched Anze on the side of the face. Anze leaned back, dodged his punch, and then spun around and kicked him.

Lan drew a distance on the ground, and after standing firm, he did not act rashly, but once again waited for the opportunity to attack Anze.

"Is this your strength?" Anze chuckled, his tone full of disdain. This was the task assigned to him by Esdeath.

Verus rushed over, intending to fight Anze. At this time, Anze happened to turn his war sickle into a spear. Anze kicked him out of his stupor, and then whipped the gun away.

The five people, excluding Heitong, were all injured at the moment, or they were lying on the ground unable to get up.

Black Eyes rushed in front of Anze again. Anze would not give her a chance to get close. The gun was like a swimming dragon, keeping Black Eyes out of range.

At this time, Esdeath walked in from the door and clapped his hands: "Dark Soul, okay, it's time to stop."

Anze glanced at her and gave her a face. After forcing his black eyes away, he took off his mask, sat on the table, and looked at the six people in front of him.

"Did the Dark Soul scare you just now?" Esdeath had a sickly smile on his face, looking at the people in front of him.

Several people looked at Anze with some fear, but Anze ignored them and just walked past Esdeath silently.

"I've done what you said, can I go home and sleep now?"

"You are their deputy leader. Why, you don't want to talk to your subordinates?" The conversation between the two made the expressions of the six people present change.

But Esdeath didn't care what they were thinking: "I think a simple introduction is too boring, so I chose to use this method to let you get to know your future vice-captain."

"At the same time, I would also like to get to know you all. We are all very strong and there is no need to be discouraged by being defeated by your vice-captain."

"Even I am not sure that I will defeat him, so you don't need to be burdened."

(End of this chapter)

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