Chapter 65 The Drinking Mantra

Listening to Esdeath's introduction, Anze yawned a little and listened cooperatively to Esdeath's introduction.

Then he watched the hunters in front of him walk up to him and introduce himself one by one.

"Hello, Vice Captain Dark Soul, my name is Sai Liu! I am..."

"Dark Soul Vice Captain, I am Heitong..."

"Deputy Captain Dark Soul, hello, um, I'm Verus..."


While listening to the introductions of several people, Anze told them not to mind, and to blame Esdeath, etc., which made several people sweat profusely.

Esdeath didn't respond to this, but just glanced at Anze.

Then Esdeath took a group of people to meet the young emperor. To put it simply, Esdeath was delivering a message to the minister.

Then the topic of Esdeath's love was mentioned inexplicably. When the little emperor and the minister saw Anze standing next to Esdeath, their faces looked like they were watching a good show.

Anze had an ominous premonition about this.

After returning, a banquet was held at the place where several people gathered, and several people sat together and chatted.

Anze is not interested in this. The only thing he is interested in now is the Bafang in Heitong's hands. He is thinking about what will happen if he uses the Bafang to detain dangerous species and then control their souls.

As soon as this idea came up, it couldn't stop spreading in Anze's mind, and his eyes looking at Heitong were a little hotter.

The black pupil seemed to notice Anze's eyes, pushed back, and tightened the bag of biscuits in his hand: "I won't give you snacks!"

Okay, this is very dark.

Anze's mouth twitched and he silently turned his head to one side. Sai Liu was chatting with Esdeath at the moment.

Because he was worried about scaring a few people, Anze did not play with the power of the abyss. He turned his head and heard a somewhat shocking sentence.

"Then, captain, what do you usually do? By the way, where is the vice-captain?" Sai Liu asked.

"Me? Hunting prey." Anze glanced at Esdeath and said expressionlessly.

"There are still related studies on hunting and torture, but now, I want to try falling in love." As he said that, Esdeath suddenly turned his attention to Anze.

The hair on Anze's body stood up, and he had a bad feeling.


In the palace, the young emperor and the ministers sat opposite each other. On the surface, the ministers still respected the young emperor.

"General Esdeath seems to have found the one she likes."

"Yes, the man named Dark Soul is no less powerful than General Esdeath. It is normal for him to be favored by General Esdeath."


At the banquet, Anze was a little restless. He was carefully recalling Esdeath's criteria for choosing a spouse.

In his memory, he seemed to be incompatible with Esdeath's mate selection standards, but now Esdeath's behavior was so strange that Anze began to doubt himself.

It seems that the person Esdeath wants is someone weaker than herself. It can't be me. What is going on? Isn’t my charm only 15 points?

Looking at Esdeath, who had been deliberately getting him drunk, Anze was quite helpless. Under her instigation, the members of the Hunters all intentionally toasted Anze, and they had a tendency to not stop until they got Anze drunk. momentum. "Okay, thank you everyone, I really can't drink anymore. I will really get drunk if I drink any more." Anze said it directly, blocking Will's idea of ​​toasting.

"Vice Captain Dark Soul, it's not a bad thing to be drunk at the banquet. Someone will send you back, don't worry." But Dr. Fashion, who was slapped hard in the face by Anze, obviously held a grudge and said.

"I don't like the feeling of being drunk." Anze glanced at a few people with a smile, his eyes were ferocious, and the meaning was very clear. If a few people make him drink again, Anze's revenge will not last overnight, and will come tomorrow.

Then, Esdeath himself came with wine and drank Anze hard.

As a result, Esdeath fell down before Anze. Although Anze said he was getting drunk, he was actually far from reaching his limit. After all, Gluttony gave him quite strong digestive and circulatory abilities.

The result of comparing the amount of alcohol consumed was that Esdeath, who overestimated his own abilities, fell first.

Seeing Esdeath who was drunk and going crazy, Anze had a headache. The two of them lived together. If he didn't take this guy back, Anze couldn't go back.

Holding Esdeath who was full of alcohol, Anze tilted his head back. Unlike what he expected, Esdeath who was picked up by him did not continue to go crazy. On the contrary, he was well-behaved and terrifying, curling up quietly in Anze. Zehuaili.

No, this Esdeath is so weird, no, no, no, this plot development is so weird...

Anze held Esdeath in his arms, and now his CPU was a little burning.

Under the witness of everyone, Anze left the banquet hall with Esdeath in his arms and got on the carriage back to Esdeath's house.

On the carriage, Esdeath was also unusually quiet. She just kept leaning on Anze. Facing a drunkard, Anze was reluctant to do anything, fearing that she would go crazy and fight with him again.

Back in front of the General's Mansion, some servants came to help Esdeath, but they were all thrown away by this drunkard, who looked like he could only be sent in by Anze.

Anze's expression was very strange, as if he had encountered something incredible. He silently carried Esdeath back to the room and threw her on the bed. When he wanted to run away, he was caught by Esdeath. arm.

"Dark Soul, don't leave."

Silence is tonight's Cambridge. The direction of the plot makes An Ze increasingly confused. He is a contractor, not a time traveler. This kind of thing is so weird!

Anze's mouth twitched and he shook off Esdeath's hand, then lowered his body to comfort Esdeath: "Esdeath, I'm going to take a shower first and I'll be back later."

"Then, I'll go with you..." As she said that, Esdeath stretched out her hand to take off her clothes, but Anze immediately held her down.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Anze began to recall what he had done to Esdeath.

After thinking about it for a long time, Anze still didn't understand why the plot had deteriorated to what it was now.

After coaxing Esdeath, Anze called someone to wash Esdeath while he left and returned to his room.

Anze felt that he needed to speed up the execution of the task, otherwise he felt that things would become really strange after that.

With this in mind, Anze slowly fell asleep. He decided to look for a base for a night attack in the imperial capital tomorrow, and then attack and kill the members of the protagonist group.

After clearing out the stronghold in the imperial capital and the guy who used the boundary to disconnect, Anze will take people directly to the suburbs to find the stronghold of the protagonist group.

He still remembered the protagonist group's stronghold in the Imperial Capital in the original plot, which seemed to be a bookstore. Anze also remembered the appearance of the two people active in the Imperial Capital very clearly. These could ensure the success of Anze's plan.

No matter how bad it is, he can also use soul fluctuations to screen targets. The group of people attacked at night are all Teigu users. Anze once compared the souls of Teigu users with the souls of ordinary people.

Even the weakest Teigu user's soul is much stronger than that of ordinary people, and their soul fluctuations are particularly conspicuous in Anze's induction.

 Well, let me emphasize, there is no heroine



(End of this chapter)

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