Reincarnation Paradise: Do you understand what a clone is?

Chapter 71 The first battle with the contractor

Chapter 71 The first battle with the contractor ()

The ring-shaped water cover unfolded, and the black gun was pierced. It was washed away by the water and scattered around.

Anze was not surprised by this. He raised his hand again, and dark black thorns emerged from the ground, penetrated the water cover, and pierced into it.

In the water cover, some waves of fire appeared, the water began to boil, and strands of steam escaped. In an instant, the water boiled, steam exploded, and the thorns growing out of the ground were overturned by the boiling steam along with the ground.

Is this ability used for defense?

Anze was a little confused. This ability was obviously used for offense. Anze didn't quite understand the thoughts of the two opponents.

Dark green flames ignited, and the flames attached to the war sickle in Anze's hand. A black barrier rose from the ground, disrupting the sight of the two, and Anze's figure disappeared from the spot.

A crimson cutting light fell on the position where Anze had just stood. After the water flow hit the barrier, it was quickly absorbed and assimilated. Anze was very grateful for the experience package sent by the other party.

The energy of the abyss surged like running water. Anze must try out the newly obtained characteristics on the spot. The black-green liquid spread on the ground. Under Anze's control, it washed away towards the two of them like running water.

Black and green lines began to spread where the two people were touched by the power of the abyss. The erosion of the abyss began, and the health of the two people began to decline like running water, decreasing at a constant rate of 1% per second.

Of course, this speed is still getting faster, but the speed is slower.

Noticing this kind of erosion, the two quickly escaped from the power of the abyss prepared by Anze to prevent themselves from losing blood again. But how could the erosion of the abyss be so easy to solve.

Even though the two of them had left the range of the power of the abyss, their health points were still slowly declining, but at a slightly slower speed.

Anze raised his hand, and the power of the abyss turned into water and rushed towards the two of them. It was the same as Yuhuo's action just now. As for the method of imitating steam, Anze couldn't do it yet.

At first glance, it looked like some kind of special ability, and Anze couldn't learn it.

In addition to controlling the power of the abyss, Anze himself did not stop, holding the war scythe and rushing towards the two of them, aiming the war scythe at the two.

A black light flashed across, and the barrier formed by the water flow deflected the force of Anze's attack.

This ability is very comprehensive...

During the battle, Anze even had the time to admire the opponent's ability, but the other two were not so relaxed.

Crimson held the war sickle swung by Anze, and at the same time, the arrows condensed by the power of the abyss also attacked her.

If it weren't for the support of his teammates, he would have died long ago.

"Sister Crimson, how are you doing? My mana is almost gone. What kind of monster is this guy? He seems to have endless mana." Yuhuo complained in the team channel.

"I still have mana left, but my health is only 24%. His ability is really weird. Obviously I have never been hit by him..." Scarlet also replied in the team channel.

The two managed to hold on and waited for their teammates to come to support, but Anze would not give them such a chance.

Lifting the broad sword in his hand, Anze slashed hard at Crimson on the opposite side. A light appeared on Crimson's hand, and a shadow appeared behind him, as if some special skill had been activated.

But Anze's attack did not fall on her. Instead, Yu Huo, who came to support her, was entangled in the chains of the power of the abyss and could not move.

"What's wrong!" Crimson Hong immediately rushed in the direction of Yuhuo, keeping a certain distance between the two. This was originally to facilitate the two of them fighting, but now it has become a lifeline for them.

The power of the abyss spread out on the ground and entangled Crimson's body. Although this part was hasty, it also hindered Crimson's steps.

This left her with no time to support her. Anze's war sickle slashed towards Yu Huo's neck, and suddenly another layer of water covered her body.

Anze did not stop. The Abyss Scythe broke through the barrier and slashed at the neck of the enemy in front of him. The flames burst out and the water turned into steam, trying to force Anze back. But Anze resisted the impact of the steam. The skin on his face was burned and ugly blisters appeared, and he waved the weapon in his hand firmly.

A restrained corpse stood on the ground. Anze's clothes and flesh were stuck together. It was difficult for him to set up a barrier with the move just now, which would inevitably force him to retreat.

Only by resisting physically can one seize the opportunity to kill the enemy.

The move just now caused Anze to lose about 30% of his health, but it was worth it to trade injuries for lives.

And Scarlet Hong over there had broken free from the restraints Anze had hastily set up. At this moment, she gritted her teeth, her eyes were bloodshot, and rushed straight towards Anze.

In this look, she had been stimulated by the departure of each of her teammates. At this moment, what controlled him was not reason, but anger.

The power of anger made her swing weapons faster and more powerful, but because she lost her mind, her attack lost its structure.

Facing a half-assed skill system, this kind of anger can be fatal.

Anze calmly dodged her attacks with all her strength again and again, looking for an opportunity to land a fatal blow.

Anze turned sideways to avoid the chop of the hand axe, and held the lower end of her weapon with the black gun in his hand.

He kicked her directly in the abdomen, the power of the abyss came from behind, and shot through her vest.

At this time, their teammates had just arrived at the battlefield and saw three corpses lying on the ground.

Sure enough, there was another roar. Anze was already a little tired of hearing it, and a furious man in leather clothes rushed towards Anze.

His body is agile and his movements are so fast that Anze can barely keep up with his speed.

An agile contractor? I don’t know what ability I am majoring in...

After dodging the enemy's first blow, Anze had no time to counterattack. The enemy had already distanced himself from Anze, and then the figure disappeared from Anze's sight.

Assassination system......

Anze smiled softly and ignored him. He just maximized his soul perception. At low levels, the concealment effect of the assassination system was not able to cover up the soul fluctuations.

The assassin who thought he was hiding well looked like a clown in Anze's eyes.

A stout woman stood in front of Anze holding a thick iron shield that was half an inch taller than a person. Judging from this appearance, she was undoubtedly a Tan type.

The two teams from behind were also attacking quickly, and Anze was thinking about how to kill them quickly.

Anze moved slowly, adjusted his position, and looked like he was looking for weaknesses in the enemy in front of him.

Let yourself gradually get closer to the assassin, and at the same time sell him a flaw, exposing your back to him.

To reach this point, Anze doesn't believe that as an assassin, he will remain indifferent...

Sure enough, the assassin thought this was a great opportunity and rushed towards Anze without hesitation...

(End of this chapter)

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