Chapter 72 Bad Taste

Feeling the soul fluctuations getting closer and closer, Anze was prepared. When the opponent entered his attack range, the assassination type appeared.

What greeted him was not Anze's back, but Anze's planned blow.

Somewhat panicked, he hastily raised his weapon to resist. The two daggers formed a cross and were held in front of him, but daggers are still daggers.

The two daggers were knocked away by Anze's slash, and the figure of the assassin disappeared instantly, but how could Anze let him go.

Flames burned on the ground, and obstacles that hindered dodges rose on the ground. At the same time, Anze sensed the fluctuations in his soul and chased after him.

At this time, the tank naturally would not stand idly by. She held a huge shield and rushed towards Anze accurately. Anze did not look at her.

It was just that thorns sprouted from the ground on her way.

The tank-type charge was forced to interrupt, otherwise she might be directly penetrated by the ground thorns on her body, so she had to explain in advance.

Once the skill is interrupted, it will naturally go into cooldown. This is the disadvantage of relying on active abilities to fight.

"Everyone, the invisibility ability has no effect on this guy..." The message in the team channel stopped halfway through.

Without his weapon, Anze had already caught up with him and easily cut off his head.

The female tank was already a little scared. Looking at Anze whose face was covered with blisters, she felt like she was seeing a ghost.

A message popped up in their team channel: "How about we surrender?"

This news caused a moment of silence in their team channel, followed by a series of objections, such as revenge.

However, Anze didn't know anything about this. He just kept his eyes on Tan Xi in front of him silently, not knowing how long she could resist.

Beside her, more than a dozen solid black spears slowly appeared, and Anze's figure attacked at the same time, but these were just feints.

The black gun was blocked by the tank's defense built up with earth walls. Anze's control was still too weak. The result of too much distraction and manipulation at one time was lack of power.

Anze kicked the earth wall to pieces, and a huge shield stood in front of him. Anze hooked his scythe on the top of the shield, then pulled hard and jumped up.

The tank wanted to turn around, but her feet were already bound by the chains of the power of the abyss that Anze secretly created. As soon as the shield turned halfway, Anze's short knife was already placed on her neck.

The knife, which was neither long nor short, pierced his throat. Before dying, she made two final gasping sounds and fell in front of Anze.

In their team channel, there was a gray avatar and the sentence "Run away".

Immediately, in Anze's perception, several contractors who were originally rushing in this direction turned around instantly and ran away from Anze at a much faster speed than before.

On the corpses of several contractors, scarlet cards fell on the ground one by one, and their equipment also fell on the ground. Anze didn't know if he could keep these things for himself.

After cleaning the battlefield, Anze got six scarlet cards. As for the weapons they exploded, Douyuan recovered them into the scarlet cards.

Anze was speechless about this, but had no choice but to pray that the sniper rifle would be pulled out when the card was drawn.

Anze did not pursue the remaining contractors. He had more important things to do. Killing plot characters and getting the treasure chest were the most important. As for killing them all to avoid seeking revenge. Anze said that in two worlds, he will reach the second level. Is he worried that this group of guys who hang out at the first level will come to seek revenge? Anze promises that everyone will die.

He took out the supplies he had purchased before and stuffed them into his mouth. After the fight, Anze's health had dropped below 50%, and the wounds caused by the burns were getting worse.

Anze gritted his teeth and tore off the clothes that were stuck to the flesh and blood. He left his naked and bloody body, bandaged the wound, picked up the golden fried rice and started eating it.

Because of the bonus of the Gluttonous Necklace, food-based recovery products have a much better effect on Anze. Compared with the slow recovery of 40% of health as described, more health is restored and the speed is faster.

Anze wasn't quite sure about this principle, but the areas that were originally bloody and fleshy soon scabbed over and new flesh and blood grew.

However, on the face, because the blisters have subsided, there are dense skin folds left, with a pair of dark eyes, which looks a bit oozing.

After recovering, Anze rushed in the direction of Leonai. He did not join Esdeath and others immediately because he was worried about being robbed.

Leonai's position actually changed later on, moving a little closer to Anze.

Going in the direction of Leonai, he had already told Esdeath and others the location of Leonai before, and the base of the night attack was probably near that location.

Anze plans to go to Leonai first, and he plans to complete his arrangement first.

The group of contractors had already fled away. They were staying with the helpers they had originally invited. After the two groups talked, they silently fled away from the battlefield.

On the other side, in the night attack base, Leonai was staying with Ma Yin, and the two of them were standing on a high ground.

Although the two people's ability coordination is not as good as that of her and Lubbock, they can make up for each other's shortcomings. Leonai is responsible for close combat, and the turret of Mayin is responsible for long-range bombardment.

"Leone, how are the new members? I remember they seemed to be on guard outside, right?"

The two of them were on guard far away from the base, responsible for blocking the enemy from a distance. The members of the night attack had already made plans to retreat.

"I don't know, they seem to have stopped moving. I just don't think they are very trustworthy."

Leonai held a piece of grass in her mouth. Relying on the Lion King's recovery power and Anze's attack method of avoiding vital points, she has now initially regained her fighting strength.

Suddenly, she felt that her body was out of control, and she walked towards Ma Yin, slowly getting closer.

"What's going on? This is it!" She wanted to make a sound, but she couldn't control her mouth at all. He could only watch helplessly as he walked towards Ma Yin step by step.

"Leonai, what are you doing? Don't make trouble. You are on alert!" Ma Yin was hugged by Leonai controlled by Anze. Just as she was about to struggle, Leonai had already activated the Lion King. The huge power gap made it difficult for her to She couldn't break free.

Then Leonai's claws cut her throat, and blood spurted out like running water. She fell to the ground weakly, looking at Leonai in front of her, her eyes full of disbelief.

"Thunder woo woo,..." A series of vague sounds flowed out from its leaky throat. Until she died, she was still staring at Leone.

After confirming that the person in front of him must be completely dead, Anze, who had a bad taste, let go of control of Leonai. She threw herself on Ma Yin's body like a madman, crying bitterly while holding the gradually cold body.

 To further explain, the reason why the abyss energy looks so weak in the protagonist's hands is that the protagonist is controlling the erosion and dissipation of the abyss power, because the park does not allow the protagonist to throw away the abyss power casually, which will cause the credibility to drop. So now the erosion effect here of the protagonist is passive erosion after contact with the crystal. So it will look less classy.



(End of this chapter)

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