Chapter 75 Ancient Torrent

Anze checked the attributes of Murasame in his hand and found that Murasame's quality had dropped a little.


Quality: purple

Type: Weapon/Teigu

Attack power: 30~42

Durability: 40/40

Equipment requirements: Intelligence 15 or above, recognized by Murasame (due to special reasons, this requirement is temporarily lifted)

Equipment effect: Poison (Sealed): People injured by Murasame will be contaminated by Murasame's poison. People who fall into the poison state need to make an attribute determination. Failure to determine will trigger an instant death effect.

Soul Poison: The souls of people killed by Murasame will be contained by Murasame, and the resentment in the soul will be extracted and turned into the internal curse poison of Murasame.

Equipment introduction: Kill with one hit - Murasame

Rating: 104

Price: 15000 paradise coins

Although the two weapons of Hatfang and Murasame are not the spears that Ronin Anze is good at using, they will not be used by Anze as weapons.

But the power of both is of great use to Anze. It can only be said that two good main weapons are used by Anze as special props.

After putting away Murasame on the ground, Anze left. Murasame had become an empty shell. He thought that Esdeath wouldn't mind leaving Murasame and Bafang to him.

As for Bafang's approval, Anze is not worried about it. If Bafang does not approve it, Anze will let it do so.

Putting away the village rain on the ground, Anze rushed in the direction of the imperial capital. If he didn't expect it, the night attack would be in name only in the next period of time.

However, it is impossible for Anze to kill the remaining members of the night attack. Chelsea has run out of Anze's perception range, and Anze has never felt the fluctuations in her soul. .

After thinking about it, Anze chose to submit the main task (1) Phase , and then improved the completion level. Anze could no longer do it.

[Checking the completion of the Hunter’s main mission]

[The hunter mission completion rate is 500%, the night raid organization has been destroyed, and the hunter participation rate is 100%]

[The hunter obtains attribute points*3, soul crystal (small)*1, and paradise coins 10000]

[Detection of hunters triggers hidden conditions and triggers hidden main tasks]

Hidden Main Quest: The Ancient Torrent

Mission level: lv15 (nightmare)

Mission introduction: Maintain the rule of the empire and let the glory of the empire last forever.

Mission content: Continue the rule of the empire and extend the life of the empire.

Completion: 6.8%

Basic mission reward: 6 attribute points, soul crystal (small)*5

Because the hidden main quest is too difficult, it can be settled after the completion level reaches 50%. After completing the task with a minimum completion level of 50%, you will get the basic task reward.

The higher the task completion level, the reward for the task will be increased by the same amount.

Limited time: 60 days

Abandon the mission without penalty.

When looking at the tasks that appeared on the task panel, Anze admitted that his brain was pumped for a moment. This task was very scary.

This is tantamount to fighting against the wave of the times in Zhanchi World. You must know that the ending of this world is that the empire will eventually be overthrown, and it will be under the force of the Supreme Emperor.

The sentence "There is no penalty for giving up the task" already shows the difficulty, but Anze still accepted the task without hesitation. This is the rule of the paradise. If you want to become stronger, you must work hard to grab it.

Although this task is difficult, in Anze's view, it is not completely hopeless...

However, Anze doesn't care much about the impact of this task, or in other words, those things are not important to Anze at all.

Since the paradise gave him the task, he dared to do it. Anze sighed and planned to go back to Haztec's lair to find the egg. He planned to spawn a monster...

With the harvest, Anze returned to the base of the night attack and found Esdeath and others.

Esdeath was cleaning the night attack base at this time. Because the attack of several people was too hasty, there was still a lot of information in the night attack base that was too late to be destroyed and taken away. However, these had nothing to do with Anze.

"Bring all this information, um, Dark Soul, are you back? How is the situation over there?"

"Oh, almost all the existing members and new members of Night Raid have been killed." Anze said softly.

"Well, okay, eh? What did you say?" Esdeath's expression changed from calm to incredible, staring at Anze.

"Except for the guy named Najiexitan, I have killed all the people in the document you gave me. I also killed all the people who blocked us."

"Where's the Teigu?"

"It was recovered by their teammates. I didn't have time, so I only brought back Murasame." Anze took out Murasame, who had become an empty shell, from behind and showed it to Esdeath.

Seeing the knife, Esdeath was stunned for a moment, then took the weapon and gave Anze a facial cleanser.

To be honest, the facial cleanser is very comfortable, but Esdeath won't stop using it once I started using it. Anze was almost out of breath.

After breaking free from Esdeath's facial cleanser, Anze took two deep breaths.

"Do you need anything? I'll give you whatever I can get." Esdeath was obviously so happy that she forgot about herself, and said something that was extremely out of character for her.

A pair of blue eyes stared at Anze, with Anze's shadow inside them. To be honest, Anze was a little embarrassed by being stared at.

In this battle, except for the battle with the group of contractors, Anze basically did it through less than aboveboard means.

Of course, Anze wouldn't feel embarrassed because of this, but Esdeath's eyes were a little too hot, which made Anze, a virgin who was born solo, really unable to resist.

"Well, just give Bafang and Murasame. Murasame, I tried it, I can use it. For Bafang, let me try it too."

"Two pieces of imperial equipment? Are you sure you can bear it?" Esdeath's eyes were a little concerned. Anze turned his head and did not directly meet Esdeath's eyes.

This was the first time Anze saw Esdeath's eyes so bright, so bright that it dazzled them.

"I will use them separately, don't worry." Anze explained to reassure Esdeath.

"Okay, here, Bafang." Esdeath took Bafang off from his waist and handed it directly to Anze without any hesitation.

"Thank you." Anze took the eighth room from Esdeath. When the two handed over the eighth room, Esdeath held Anze's hand tightly.

Anze tried to break free but was grabbed tightly by Esdeath, which caused red marks on Anze's palms.

After finding that he couldn't resist, Anze just let it go and let Esdeath hold his hand and pull him towards the crowd.

After packing up the bodies and materials, the group prepared to return to the Imperial Capital. When they saw the... between Esdeath and Anze, the originally depressing atmosphere became more relaxed, and a group of people showed knowing expressions on their faces. smile.

Especially Sai Liu, the corners of his mouth almost reached the back of his head, and his face was filled with an aunt's smile.

Anze looked at it and had the urge to twist her head off.

A few people found the horses that had been left behind at the beginning, and the group got on their horses. However, when they arrived at Anze and Esdeath, something went wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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