Chapter 76 Eighth Room

Anze wanted to ride the horse by himself, but Esdeath refused, and a small dispute broke out between the two.

Along the way, Anze tried to break away from Esdeath's hand, but with little success. There was not much difference in strength attributes between the two, and Anze still held the eighth room in his hand.

Even when she was going to ride a horse, Esdeath never relaxed her hand.

"General Esdeath, can you let go?" Anze smiled and twitched his hand without any trace.

Esdeath did not answer Anze's question, but just "held" Anze's hand: "Dark Soul, ride with me."

The words were cold and commanding, but Esdeath's tone was particularly soft, and Anze could hear a hint of pleading.

Because of the small conflict between Anze and Esdeath, the atmosphere was a bit awkward, and no one else dared to speak. After all, both of them were big daddies who couldn't afford to offend.

We can only wait for the two big dads to solve it themselves.

Feeling the warmth in the palm of his hand, Anze felt a little soft-hearted, but thinking about the identity of himself and Esdeath, he still didn't let go.

"General Esdeath, no." Anze did not use a very cold tone. He was smiling and shook his head slightly, showing an expression that he had never shown in this world.

After receiving Anze's negative reply, Esdeath's eyes flickered, but he still didn't give up. He still looked at Anze. Anze didn't say anything more, but shook his head slightly again.

Esdeath let go of Anze's hand, and there was a thin trickle of sweat on the back of Anze's hand and her palm.

In front of his subordinates, Esdeath maintained the majesty of his general, but Anze saw a flash of loneliness in her eyes.

Okay, sure, I took Tazmi's position, didn't Esdeath like people weaker than him? Doesn’t she like to dominate others? Why has it changed now! What’s going on with that expression of pretending nothing is wrong!

Anze took a deep breath to calm down his mind that was shocked by the contrast between Esdeath.

Then he got on his horse and galloped towards the imperial capital. Anze was going to prepare for the remaining two main tasks.

Holding the Bafang in his hand, Anze took a look at the properties of the Bafang.

【Eight rooms】

Quality: purple

Type; Weapon/Teigu

Attack power: 24~40

Durability: 40/40

Equipment requirements: 12 points of physical strength, 14 points of intelligence, recognized by the eighth room

Equipment effect: March of the Dead: The sword of the Eighth Room is cursed. The dead killed by the Eighth Room will be enslaved by the Eighth Room. The user of the Eighth Room can control the dead to fight. The maximum number of dead that the Eighth Room can accommodate is 8.

Equipment Introduction: March of the Dead - Eight Rooms

Equipment score: 141

Price: 21200 paradise coins.

Anze raised his hand to pull out Bafang, but Bafang didn't seem to recognize him. Anze felt a sense of resistance coming from Bafang in his hand.

Wisps of abyss power and soul energy pressed on it, and Bafang, who had been resisting just now, became obedient, and Anze pulled out half of it effortlessly.

After confirming that he could use the eighth room, Anze withdrew the abyss energy. The horse under him was already trembling on its feet.

The group of people dispersed after returning to the imperial capital. The two teams of men directly affiliated with Esdeath were very discerning and fled with important items without stopping.

Esdeath and Anze were left to ride side by side back to Esdeath's mansion.

When they returned to the living room of Esdeath's mansion, Esdeath shunned the servants, and Anze also followed them out, trying to get away with it. But he was still grabbed by Esdeath. After all the servants left, Esdeath looked at Anze pitifully with a pair of watery eyes, put his hands around Anze's waist, and leaned against him. On Anze.

When Anze was approached by Esdeath, his whole body was stiff, and an electric shock-like touch spread from the point of contact to his whole body.

But after stiffening, Anze still pushed away Esdeath who was hugging him, even though Esdeath once again looked at Anze with the eyes of an "abandoned little animal".

"General Esdeath, I am very tired from today's mission. I hope to have a good rest." Anze took a deep breath and said with a smile.

He was ready to run away tomorrow and come back later to prepare for the next mission.

"Can't I rest with you?" A voice full of tenderness echoed in Anze's ears. Esdeath hugged Anze again. Anze now wondered how Tazmi could resist back then.

Taking a deep breath, Anze pushed away the "Succubus" Esdeath in front of him, and then ran towards his room, using the speed of fighting, not giving Esdeath a chance to save him.

Anze suppressed his restless heart with a cold shower and went to bed early to prepare for getting up early tomorrow.

But...he was awakened by someone in the middle of the night.

To be honest, Anze really hates his vigilant passivity sometimes, like now...

Anze looked at Esdeath, who was already standing beside his bed. Looking at the dazzling white of Esdeath's pajamas under the moonlight, Anze sighed helplessly.

Before Anze could speak, Esdeath consciously got into Anze's quilt, closed Anze's eyes forcefully, and hugged Anze's waist.

"Let's rest together..."

This nm was considered a rest. Anze felt the hot soul fluctuations beside him. He couldn't sleep, not at all.

Anze stood up and planned to leave, but was held down by Esdeath. There was not much difference in strength between the two. Esdeath wanted to stop Anze, but Anze really couldn't get away.

A pair of hands tightly wrapped around Anze's waist, and his whole body was pressed against Anze's body. The scene was very erotic, but Anze felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

Esdeath's sleeping posture was not good, let alone when he was still asleep. Anze closed his eyes and endured all kinds of hands on his body.

Esdeath rested her head on Anze's shoulder. After a while, her breathing gradually became steady and she fell asleep slowly.

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely have a sound sleep this time. With the beauty by his side and the soft fragrance in his arms, Anze really couldn't sleep, even though he tried his best to treat Esdeath as a pillow.

But the soul perception still stimulated his senses all the time, and the soul fluctuations around him made Anze unable to sleep at all.

Early the next morning, Anze, who only slept for a while before Esdeath's arrival, carefully pulled his body out of the sleeping Esdeath's arms, changed his clothes and left the imperial capital.

He doesn't need to report anything to Esdeath, he can just leave, although this kind of behavior has some scumbag tendencies.

Taking the notes he wrote a few days ago, Anze prepared to hunt down the recorded dangerous species.

However, the first person he wanted to see was Haztec. He remembered that there was an egg there, and he was wondering if the power of the abyss could help him create a boost...

 Murasame’s previous rating was incorrect and has been corrected.



(End of this chapter)

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