Chapter 77 Servant Contract

Returning to the cave where he killed Haztec, it had not been a few days since Anze killed Haztec. Haztec's body had not even been eaten by wild beasts.

By the time Anze arrived, Haztec's cave had not yet been occupied, but the corpses were used as food by some bold beasts.

Anze killed several beasts and went to look for the eggs she had left behind. She originally planned to let the little guy fend for itself, but she later decided to do so after receiving a hidden mission.

"Oh, I didn't get eaten and smashed..."

Anze found the original egg. It was no longer in its original place. It was obviously caused by those wild beasts. Anze checked it and found that except for some cracks on the surface of the eggshell, there was no big impact.

Anze also felt the soul fluctuations in it, and he was still alive.

After confirming the little guy's vital signs, Anze took out an abyss energy crystal and prepared to use the power of the abyss to give birth to a monster.

However, organisms in the incubation stage are the most malleable. With the dangerous eggs right in front of him, Anze will naturally not spend any more time looking for them.

As for the success rate, Anze is just betting that it will either succeed and create a monster under Anze's control, or it will fail...

As for the power of the abyss, if it succeeds, it will naturally be worth the investment. As for the failure, Anze has not seen anything that can fully absorb the power of the abyss. The loss will definitely not be too great, and Anze can accept it.

The power of the abyss was brought out by Anze, and then prepared to be injected into the eggs of dangerous species. When Anze injected a little less than an ounce, a scarlet alarm appeared in front of him.

[Warning, the hunter releases the power of the abyss in the derived world, please stop the current behavior! 】

Anze didn't speak, but just added a little bit of abyss energy. This kind of warning could only be said to be harmless. Anze didn't care. If the credibility of Samsara Paradise was lost, he could find a way to improve it back later.

[The act of detecting a hunter is to complete the main mission]

[This ability is the hunter's own ability, and provides the power of the abyss as an item for the hunter]

[Please ask the hunter to stop the current behavior. After stopping, the park will give the hunter a certain amount of compensation to assist the hunter in completing the task]

Hearing this reminder, Anze stopped what he was doing. He now planned to blackmail Yishou Paradise and ask Paradise to give a suitable price.

[Detected that the hunter has stopped]

[The hunter is now given a four-star temporary title*2, and the main attribute of the title is left to the hunter to choose]

Four stars... well, that's about it, any more would be too much.

Anze received Paradise's help, felt happy, and moved his hand away from Haztec's egg. No longer injecting the power of the abyss, Anze has decided what title he wants. He is wondering if he can get Su Xiao's war lord first.

In this case, plus Esdeath, he has the opportunity to nominally command a considerable number of troops. In this case, Anze's success rate will be much higher.

As for the other title, Anze plans to use it to strengthen elite units, but this one must be given after testing the ability of the eight rooms. Otherwise, Anze will use both titles to fight against war.

Feeling the active vitality in the biological egg, Anze was a little surprised. The power of the abyss was slowly being absorbed, which made Anze very interested.

Was the power of the abyss I put in absorbed? Well, this little guy has something, take it, take it!

Anze was surprised. Although Anze invested very little abyss energy, it was the power of the abyss after all. Anze was very curious about what this little guy would become in the future.

With this doubt, Anze asked Paradise and asked if the egg could be notarized.

Then the answer I got was that it can be recognized as a servant or a summoned object, but both require flower paradise coins. "Servant, summoned object?" Anze hesitated for a while and asked Paradise for permission. He needed to see how far the "egg" in front of him could reach.

Anze took out the crystal of the power of the abyss placed in the storage space, and slowly extracted the power of the abyss and injected it into it.

The Haztec egg absorbs the energy of the abyss very slowly, as if it is working hard to digest some food. The patterns on the eggshell slowly change as it slowly absorbs the power of the abyss.

The light green patterns turned into ink color, and the white gaps turned into light green.

Here is the part of the abyss energy that the Haztec cub cannot absorb. After it hatches, it can only absorb it by eating the egg shell.

By the end, it had probably absorbed nearly 10 ounces of the power of the abyss, and there were five ounces left in the eggshell.

Don't think that 15 ounces of abyssal energy is very little. You must know that even 0.01 ounces of abyssal power entering the body at the first level is fatal.

With the injection of abyss energy, the size of the eggshell is getting smaller, and it is at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the end, from the original size of a person, it is now about as high as An Ze's calf.

Good guy, what level of abyss resistance is this? Is the assimilation ability of the cub stage so strong?

Anze cast a detection again and got a series of information.

Unknown creature (boss-level unit)

Health: 100%

Status: Biological egg (about to hatch)

Introduction: Originally a young species of the super dangerous species Haztec, it mutated after absorbing a large amount of the power of the abyss.

[The Hunter has assisted in the creation of unknown creatures, because this species is extremely dangerous and will pose a great threat to the derived world]

[Now assists the hunter in signing a servant/fixed summons contract]

Anze was silent for a while, and chose the Servant Contract. A species that can absorb the power of the abyss would not be a loss in being a Servant.

[In view of the low level of the hunter and the contract object, the servant contract requires 10000 paradise coins]

【Yes/No Payment】

Anze was furious. His savings amounted to more than 10,000 paradise coins. He felt that the paradise seemed to have settled the matter.

After paying the paradise coins, a sheepskin scroll appeared in front of Anze, and countless red chains spread out in the sky, and the chains were tied to the two of them.

Anze felt as if his soul had been pulled out for a moment. A drop of blood flowed from his fingertips, and a drop of black-green blood squeezed out of the eggshell.

A green light fell on the eggshell, and Anze felt the egg's faintness from the fluctuations in his soul.

Two drops of blood fell on the sheepskin scroll, and the scroll turned into a stream of light and poured into the "body" of one person and one egg. Through the servant contract, Anze felt the sound coming from inside the egg.

Anze couldn't quite understand what he was saying, but he probably understood what he meant by asking Anze to take him with him.

Anze was thinking, will he carry this egg around with him in the future?

Suddenly, thin cracks appeared on the surface of the eggshell, some dark green mucus flowed out, and the eggshell shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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