Chapter 78 Servant: Yuan Yu

A small black head emerged from the eggshell, covered in dark green sticky mucus.

Anze glanced at it and did not help the little guy break free from the eggshell. It was better to let it do this kind of thing by itself.

Anze stood watching on the side. Anze also found the birth of this new life quite interesting and watched it with great enthusiasm.

But Anze's interest did not last long. The little guy in front of him had already broken out of his shell. Anze took a closer look.

It is indeed very different from Haztec's appearance.

The whole body is dark green, and the general shape of the body is similar to that of Haztec, both looking like a Western dragon. There are two pairs of tender-looking fleshy wings on the back. There is thin fuzz on the back, and in the center is a bone spur that has not yet grown.

He looks like a handsome guy.

It had just crawled out of the egg and was still covered in thick mucus. Anze watched the little guy, who was less than half the height of his calf, swallowing the eggshell.

The fragments of eggshells scattered on the ground were eaten by the little guy in front of him in several bites. It had a good appetite, but after eating the eggshells, it still looked like it was full.

Anze threw another probe at this time.

Unnamed creature (boss unit)

Type: Creature/Follower (Follower unit. Affiliated to Dark Soul)

Status: infancy

HP: 300%

Power of the Abyss: 60/60

Strength: 2 (growing rapidly)

Agility: 2 (growing rapidly)

Physical strength: 2 (growing rapidly)

Intelligence: 2 (growing rapidly)

Charm: 2 (growing rapidly)

Luck: 1

Skill 1: Abyss Life (Passive): This creature is affected by the power of the abyss, has strong resistance to the power of the abyss, and has extremely strong vitality. The upper limit of health is increased by 200%, the energy in the body is the power of the low-purity abyss, the abnormal resistance is increased by 50%, and the physical defense is increased by 100%.

Because this creature is in its infancy and has not yet acquired other skills.

Introduction: A creature with great growth potential, it is still growing and is extremely fragile.

Anze looked at the little guy in front of him and fell into silence. The little guy's attributes made Anze very envious. Anze also wanted the skill of Abyss Life.

After watching for a while, Anze thought about how to call the little guy in front of him, but he couldn't just call him little guy. Anze squatted down and picked up the little guy who was covered in mucus.

Anze is a bad namer. After hesitating for a while, he said, "Then you will be called Yuan Yu from now on, right?"

After deciding on the name of the servant in front of him, Anze observed its reaction. Anze knew that it understood what he meant.

A gentle cry, a milky sound, very characteristic of a creature in its infancy. Through the servant contract, Anze read the joy in it.

"Then it's decided." Anze gently touched Yuan Yu's head in his arms with his hand. The little guy followed Anze's hand and climbed onto Anze's shoulder, sitting on it like a pet.

Yes, I have become a mount. I originally wanted to get myself a mount...

Anze laughed and left with Yuan Yu who was pressing on his shoulders.

His original idea was to create a monster under his control, but unexpectedly, he created such a little guy by mistake.

Part of the original plan was overturned, and Anze could only proceed with the other part, using the eight rooms to hunt dangerous species...

The ability of Bafang is a great help for Anze to complete this task. There are eight super dangerous species. Anze is looking forward to whether this power can threaten those guys who are eyeing them. This idea floated in Anze's mind for a while, and Anze continued to look at his current situation.

Looking at the body of the little guy's mother, Anze was silent for a moment, and finally decided to bury it.

After spending some time digging a pit big enough to bury its body, Anze buried it hastily.

This is respect for the little guy on the shoulder. Maybe it doesn't know why Anze did what it did, but Anze decided to do it anyway.

Because there is an extra little guy, Anze's plan needs to be changed. The little guy is currently quite docile in front of Anze, and Anze plans to temporarily foster it for a while.

Yuan Yu is not very weak, and it may even become stronger than Anze over time, but now that he has just been born, he is undoubtedly the most vulnerable time.

When Anze was fighting the dangerous species, he couldn't care about this little guy, so Anze wanted to put it in a safe place.

Although he really doesn't want to mention this matter, in Anze's current view, the safest place in Zhanchi's world is Esdeath's mansion, both for him and this little guy.

No place is safer than Esdeath's mansion.

Thinking of this, Anze sighed. He originally left in a hurry just to leave Esdeath's mansion, but he didn't expect...

Therefore, Anze felt that he needed to consider his words when facing Esdeath.

Anze glanced at the sky outside the cave. It was completely dark because he was waiting for Yuan Yu. Now he would definitely be too late to go back.

Don't think about it, when Anze goes back tomorrow, the female general will definitely become very angry because of Anze's sneaking away.

Facing the angry Esdeath, Anze felt that the possibility of him agreeing to take care of Yuan Yu would become very low.

So Anze needs to think about his words to appease Esdeath, but Anze always feels that he will show off his appearance, so he is very hesitant. He really doesn't want to have too much involvement with Esdeath.

This is not good for either of them. Anze will definitely not come to this world again. Leaving a bond in this world out of thin air will be harmful to both of them.

This is why Anze clearly thinks Esdeath is very good and has no intention of accepting Esdeath's emotions.

Anze took out some spare resting places from the storage space, laid them out on the ground, and laid them out for Yuan Yu at the same time.

In the cave, Anze fell into a deep sleep. Despite Yuan Yu's soul fluctuation, Anze still slept soundly.

This is not because Anze's passiveness has failed, but because of the servant contract, Anze subconsciously regards Xiao Yuanyu as a companion and can be trusted. This is the same as when Anze sleeps in an exclusive room. Because people nearby can believe it.

But Esdeath is different. Although Anze understands her feelings, subconsciously, Anze still only believes in himself, so he will not let down his guard because of her.

After waking up, Anze took Xiao Yuanyu towards the imperial capital early in the morning. In the afternoon, he returned to Esdeath's mansion.

Because the night attack had been wiped out, Esdeath had nothing to do in the imperial capital and was extremely leisurely. When Anze returned to her mansion, she happened to bump into Esdeath training.

Esdeath, who was holding a skate in his hand, looked at Anze with cold eyes. Anze swallowed, feeling the murderous aura in Esdeath's body.

The Xiaoyuanyu on Anze's shoulder shrank behind Anze. Its sense of murderous intent and danger was even more sensitive than Anze's.

"Dark Soul, come here." Esdeath said coldly.

Anze, who wanted to be tough, found that he couldn't be tough at all. After all, he still had someone to ask for, so he could only silently walk to Esdeath.

Esdeath waved away the people and walked towards Anze with a frosty face...

(End of this chapter)

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