Chapter 79 Minotaur

An Ze patted Yuan Yu's head on his shoulder and signaled it to get off An Ze. Yuan Yu was also very obedient. He flapped a pair of small fleshy wings on his back and fluttered to the ground, then puffed towards safety. walk to the place.

To be honest, it was very cute. When Esdeath saw Yuan Yu's action, she could hardly move her eyes away. Even Esdeath also liked cute things.

A weapon appeared in Anze's hand, as if he was ready to attack. He knew that Esdeath was going to fight with him and he would be at fault, but Anze would never let go.

This kind of behavior will not make Esdeath angry. On the contrary, if Anze stood and let her vent, she might be even more angry.

The two stood on opposite platforms. A thin layer of ice spread on the ground. Anze crushed it with his feet to prevent the ice from affecting his movement.

The fine ice fragments crushed by Anze are heading towards Anze. Anze is far inferior to Esdeath in terms of the development of the energy-shaping system.

Fine pieces of ice stuck into Anze's body. This level of attack was not enough to injure Anze. Anze kept his feet steady and broke them step by step to avoid the impact of the ice on the ground.

Holding the black spear tightly, Anze raised his hand and swept across, shattering a string of ice spikes pulled up by Esdeath from the ground. The ice spikes shattered, and the ice on the ground thickened a lot. Anze wanted to do it without affecting It's a little difficult to crush it when you're moving by yourself.

Anze suddenly swayed, and the ice under his feet was melted away by Esdeath, causing him to lose his balance. Even though Anze reacted quickly and stabilized his center of gravity, he still gave Esdeath a chance.

The ice knife appeared in front of Anze. Due to the length limit of the spear, Anze's counterattack was blocked, and he could only change to a long knife in a hurry.

Esdeath raised his leg, kicked it diagonally, and brought out a sharp ice thorn from his toe, attacking Anze's not-so-vital place.

Anze raised his hand to grab Esdeath's leg, lowered his body and swept it away. A layer of ice suddenly rose under Esdeath's feet. Anze's attempt to destroy her center of gravity failed.


Because of the particularity of Anze's ability, he would hold back a little during a simple sparring session, which gave him some natural disadvantages when facing Esdeath. Coupled with Esdeath's angry attack, the result was obvious. Anze was beaten without being beaten.

With some scars scratched by sharp weapons on his body, Anze held Yuan Yu and sat not far from Esdeath, his hand caressing Yuan Yu's back.

A hand was stretched out in front of Anze, and Esdeath was already close to him: "Is this your new prey? Why do you like living so much?"

Very Esdeath's style, Anze couldn't think of how to complain for a moment, and raised Yuan Yu in his arms: "It's not prey, now it's a pet."

Esdeath's hand was still placed in front of Anze, and the palm shook slightly. Anze looked at Esdeath, and Esdeath looked at Yuan Yu in Anze's arms.

Sensing Esdeath's eyes, Anze shook Yuan Yu in his arms, and Esdeath nodded.

Anze handed Yuan Yu to Esdeath, and Esdeath hugged the clumsy little guy and placed it on his lap.

"Is this what you're doing for this little guy?"

"No, go out to hunt dangerous species. This is the descendant of a certain dangerous species. It is an unexpected harvest." Anze sat on the chair and watched Esdeath quietly teasing Yuan Yu in his arms.

"Descendants of dangerous species..." After Esdeath heard this, she touched Yuan Yu's hand and paused.

I don’t know why, but the little guy in front of me is particularly calm, much calmer than most beasts in their infancy. They usually lie down somewhere quietly.

For example, now, Yuan Yu is lying quietly on Esdeath's lap. "So, when do you plan to leave?" Esdeath did not interfere with Anze's actions, she just asked silently.

"Well, in two days, I'll ask you to take care of this little guy for me."

"No help." Esdeath heard Anze's words and still touched the little guy's body. The corners of Anze's mouth twitched slightly, and he reached out to take the little guy back.

Anze's stretched out hand was dodged by Esdeath, who hugged him and avoided it: "I'll go with you, this little guy can't be kept in captivity."

"Descendants of dangerous species will see blood no matter what."

After a moment of silence, Anze nodded. When Esdeath said these words, he knew that he could no longer stop Esdeath.

Either he lets Esdeath go with him, or Esdeath goes with him, there is no other possibility.

"Well, then while I'm fighting, I'll leave it to you, little guy."

"Yes." Esdeath nodded and smiled, with a loving expression on his face, and his eyes were full of kindness when he looked at the little guy.

"By the way, don't come and rest with me. If you do this, I really won't be able to sleep." Anze emphasized to Esdeath seriously that he really didn't want to stay up all night again.

"What will we do together in the future? Don't you have to adapt to it?"

Anze fell into silence. He didn't want to answer Esdeath's question. He turned away with a dark face. Esdeath showed a cheerful smile, as if he had won.

There is nothing to say about the time in Esdeath Mansion. The general has been particularly leisurely during this time. The aliens in the north have just been suppressed, and the revolutionary army will not make any moves in the short term due to night attacks.

Therefore, except for some military duties, she basically has nothing to do now.

In the past, she would have been upset and wanted to do something, but now, she felt that this kind of time was quite good.

After a day's rest, Anze and Esdeath left the imperial capital with Yuan Yu, preparing to hunt dangerous species.

The two of them only targeted super dangerous species. Only such enemies were worth taking action against. Because they were working together, Esdeath also brought more detailed information.

Based on the characteristics of the target, Anze identified the first hunting target, a super dangerous species - the Minotaur.

Most of the dangerous species in Zhanchi World are named after names from various myths and stories. The Minotaur that Anze is going to hunt is this kind of dangerous species.

According to the information Esdeath showed to Anze, this dangerous species has the body of an ox and the head of a human, and is huge in size. Its main ability is a certain degree of gravity control and powerful strength.

The reason why Anze hunted him was because he was eyeing this gravity control ability, which would be of great help to Anze in hunting down other dangerous species in the future.

The Minotaur's haunt is in a mountain range far away from the imperial capital. The data mentions that the Minotaur's lair is a canyon in that mountain range.

Because of the terrain, it has never been conquered, which indirectly led to the fact that there are no human settlements near that mountain range.

(End of this chapter)

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