Reincarnation Paradise: Do you understand what a clone is?

Chapter 81 About early plot modifications and Esdeath

Chapter 81 About early plot modifications and Esdeath

Many people think that my writing is not good, but I will try my best to correct it after seeing it, so readers who think there are problems with the plot don't have to endure it, just say it directly.

I don’t guarantee that I will change it 100% after seeing it, but I will definitely refer to it and modify it, which is a guarantee.

By the way, let’s talk about Esdeath. This section is simply a test of my ability to write emotional scenes.

After thinking about all the characters, only the identity of this female general seems not too out of the ordinary.

Everyone can discuss what to do, and then we will listen to opinions and develop.

Developing into a comrade-in-arms type is the development I prefer.

By the way, there was some scrapped manuscript about Esdeath before, which was about the relationship between the protagonist and her, but it didn’t work well at the time and I killed it. If readers want to read it, I can post the scrapped manuscript. No. Counted in the word count, it will still be updated normally.

(End of this chapter)

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