Chapter 82 Mistake

The huge black war scythe was swung, and Anze's figure shuttled under the Minotaur's limbs.

The war scythe sliced ​​through the flesh, cutting out bloodstains, but to this giant monster, these were just superficial wounds.

The extremely thin power of the abyss invaded the body of the giant monster in front of him. This level of erosion could not even make the guy in front of him lose blood.

A roar rang out, and Anze didn't even cover his ears. This kind of ability to abuse vegetables had no effect on Anze.

On the contrary, Esdeath in the distance covered Yuan Yu's ears. This voice was still too powerful for this little guy who was still in his infancy.

A huge cow's hoof was lifted up, and then fell hard. A huge hole was trampled on the ground, and the shock wave spread along the ground.

Every attack from the giant monster in front of him was difficult for Anze to bear, but Anze's attacks were only superficial injuries to him.

Dark green flames burned on Anze's weapon. During the battle, Anze still did not relax his mobilization of external forces. He understood that with his current method, it was impossible to completely hurt the giant in front of him. weird.

Esdeath watched Anze fight the monster in front of her from a distance, but she did not participate. In her impression, Anze did not like others to interfere in his battle, and she respected Anze.

If Anze knew what Esdeath was thinking, he would have given himself a few slaps in his heart. He wanted to shout to Esdeath now: "Come and help me, I can't beat him, woo woo woo!"

But when Esdeath really wants to join the war, Anze will be particularly hesitant.

The ground is riddled with holes, and every move of a large creature causes serious damage to the earth.

Anze flew over the ground that had been broken into pieces. With the fire weapon in his hand, he cut the skin on the Minotaur's limbs again and again. The Minotaur's nearly ten-meter-long leg was the lowest one-fifth. There are scars all over.

As for why it is one-fifth, it’s because Anze can’t reach higher places.

The only way is to jump up and slash, but when facing a monster that can control gravity, jumping up is no different from seeking death.

Anze would naturally not make such a sick decision. His preparation was to continuously accumulate energy and deal a cruel blow to the monster in front of him.

But before Anze could take action, the Minotaur took action. Anze suddenly felt his whole body sinking, his feet stopped as he stepped forward, and he almost fell to the ground.

Anze's feet dug deeply into the ground. Due to the sudden increase in gravity, Anze's movement speed was greatly affected. Before he could adapt, he was overtaken by Minotaur's blow.

The huge bone club hit hard, and the weapon in Anze's hand disappeared immediately, and a thick black barrier was blocked above Anze at an angle of about 35 degrees.

There was a crisp sound, and some fine cracks appeared in the Abyss Power barrier. The stick almost smashed the barrier.

This is not because of the power of the abyss, but because Anze is too weak and cannot fully utilize the various characteristics of the power of the abyss. Now it is only used in a very superficial way.

After the barrier blocked the attack, Anze continued to run and adapt to the soaring gravity.

After a little adaptation, Anze's speed recovered by about 70%. The impact of doubled gravity on Anze's speed was actually not as great as Anze imagined.

After adapting, you can recover quickly. Of course, this has something to do with the small increase in gravity.

The ground was covered with blood from the giant beast in front of him, and became extremely slippery. Red blood seeped into the earth along the cracks in the ground. The power of the abyss slowly gathered here, and the cold and dangerous aura made both Esdeath and Minotaur feel uncomfortable. Esdeath looked at Anze's position and swallowed.

"How did the Dark Soul obtain this kind of ability? Even the Teigu can't compare with it..." Esdeath has lamented countless times in private. No matter how many times she sees Anze's ability, she still can't Still feeling shocked.

Anze touched the eighth chamber on his waist to confirm the condition of the eighth chamber. If he wanted to conquer the Minotaur in front of him, the eighth chamber was an indispensable part.

Taking a deep breath, Anze began to slowly control the huge amount of gathered power of the abyss. Anze roughly estimated that about a thousand ounces of the power of the abyss was drawn by Anze and gathered around Anze.

And this is the abyss energy that Anze obtained by draining the surrounding area of ​​about four or five kilometers. This amount is already quite terrifying in a world like Zhanchi.

This level of abyss energy is definitely enough for Anze to kill the monster in front of him.

Anze took out two abyss energy crystals from his storage space. The flowing power of the abyss lingered around him. A flash of dark green flowed out of Anze's eyes. This was his first time trying it.

Wrapping soul energy into the abyss energy allows him to control the abyss energy more precisely. This was Anze's idea after entering the world of Zhanchi. Previously, because he was worried about the possible consequences of this method, Anze did not try it. Pass.

This time, with Esdeath at his side, Anze decided to give it a try.

A transparent light flows through the dark green energy, and a thin layer of abyss power flows on Anze's body, which Anze uses to defend against attacks.

The power of the abyss gathered in the air, and a huge dark green spear with a length of seven or eight meters slowly took shape. From the ground, seven or eight dark green chains with a thickness of one or two meters came out, and they were tied one by one to the meters. On Nuotao.

Originally, Anze's ability was not supported. He could control several places of the power of the abyss at once, which would also make his control over the power of the abyss decline.

But when he mixed a large amount of soul energy into the power of the abyss, this shortcoming was filled to a large extent.

However, the price is...

Soul energy value: 42/585

Now, Anze's desire to use any more soul-based abilities is basically just a dream.

The spear pierced the Minotaur's upper body, and the black spear point emerged from its back. Dark green lines spread across the Minotaur's body, spreading inch by inch from the wound to his whole body.

The abyss chains tied the Minotaur's body and forced it to fall to the ground. If Anze was going to kill this guy with Bafang, it was necessary to lower its height.

Because of his injuries, the Minotaur was pulled to the ground by the chains of the abyss, but he did not fall completely.

Anze's figure flew up from the ground and ran towards the Minotaur, but halfway through, Anze's footsteps came to a standstill, and a huge gravity pressed on him.

Originally, Anze would not be affected, but just because he was running, when he was hit by a sudden increase in gravity, his center of gravity was unbalanced and he fell to the ground.

What follows is stronger gravity...

(End of this chapter)

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