Chapter 83 Mokobotemo

When Anze fell to the ground, gravity that was stronger than before hit from all directions, as if to crush Anze.

Anze quickly understood that this was the Minotaur's fifth skill, which killed enemies through gravity, but now it has become an extremely powerful control skill.

The attributes of skills are never fixed, just like Anze's development of energy spider webs. Originally it could only be used as an ability to lay traps, but it worked wonders when Anze killed Chi Tong.

Although the force did not flatten him, it still forced him to the ground. Minotaur half-knelt on the ground, raised the big stick in his hands, and swung it down fiercely towards Anze.

Anze quickly drew out the power of the abyss condensed into a black spear and turned it into a thick barrier in front of him, but due to some hasty reasons, some of it was not gathered properly.

Under the hammer of the huge bone club, the hastily formed abyss barrier in front of Anze was shattered, and many wounds burst out on Minotaur's hands, and the momentum of the bone club was completely stopped.

The collision between the bone rod and the barrier caused sound waves to rush away. The huge impact force brought Anze closer to the ground, and the ground was shattered by the earthquake.

The Minotaur's eyes were burning with angry flames, and regardless of the injuries on his body, he smashed the bone club down again.

Anze's control slowly faded away, and Anze reluctantly stood up. He could no longer dodge the blow, so he could only pull off the abyss chain to block again.

However, this time it was obviously too late. The bone rod had already fallen before the abyss barrier was completely condensed.

"Mo Ke Bo Te Mo!" A cold female voice came from behind An Ze.

Anze felt a cold feeling permeate his whole body, and then he lost consciousness.

An icy blue ripple filled the air, and Esdeath slowly stepped forward to appear next to Anze. Countless frosts floated in the air, and a huge ice gun and the prototype of an ice wall suddenly took shape in the air.

The cold feeling subsided, and a huge ice wall suddenly stood up in front of Anze, and a huge ice gun that was far larger than Anze's just condensed crashed down.

From Anze's perspective, an ice wall suddenly appeared in front of him and his abyss power barrier blocked the Minotaur's attack.

At the same time, the lower abdomen of the Minotaur's upper body and its cow-shaped body were pierced by a huge ice spear and nailed to the ground. Although he could not die, he could not move for the time being.

"Next time, I won't be by your side. You can't be so careless." Esdeath panted slightly and walked to Anze to speak. Yuan Yu was temporarily left behind by her.

Esdeath cared more about Anze than a pet. After discovering that Anze might be injured, Esdeath immediately used his strongest ability to help Anze out.

Without Esdeath's help, Anze would definitely not have suffered this wave. The power of the abyss was gathered in a hurry, and it was very likely that he would not be able to block the Minotaur's attack.

Although Anze won't die after being hit by this buffered attack, he will definitely be miserable.

Anze stood up, looked at Esdeath's face, his eyes were a little dazed, and then smiled: "Esdeath, thank you."

"Yeah." Esdeath smiled, her smile was like a melting iceberg.

Anze stepped forward. Esdeath saw his intention and paved the way for him at Anze's feet. A huge ramp made of solid ice appeared, and Anze pulled out the eighth chamber from his waist.

The figure flashed, and the Minotaur's neck was inserted into the Minotaur's neck except for the handle of the knife. Anze took the Eight Fang and pulled hard to the left, slicing open most of the Minotaur's neck.

A corpse in the eighth room had long been removed by Anze. A huge force spread from the eighth room, and a force that Anze couldn't explain wrapped around Minotaur's body. Minotaur's body disappeared in front of Anze and Esdeath, leaving behind an eight-room stick stuck in the ground. Of course, Anze also saw a purple treasure box and a huge floating soul.

[You and the plot character: Esdeath cooperate to kill the super dangerous species: Minotaur, and obtain 4.6% of the source of the world, and obtain a total of 58% of the source of the world]

Anze controlled the eighth room and summoned the Minotaur. The somewhat broken body that had just been attacked by the two men had recovered a lot of visible injuries, and the wounds on the body were completely gone.

Injecting the remaining soul energy in his body into the Minotaur's soul, Anze tried to stuff the Minotaur's soul into his original body.

The moment the soul and body collided, the soul merged into the Minotaur's soul. The giant beast in front of him seemed to come to life. He roared, then knelt down in front of Anze and lowered his head.

From the soul fluctuations, Anze felt the surrender of the giant beast in front of him. The control spread from the eighth room and the soul made Anze control it easily.

However, because of the infusion of soul, it also has its own consciousness.

"Master..." A loud buzzing sound echoed in their ears. The Minotaur in front of them could speak human language...

Anze then remembered that in Zhanchi's world, some dangerous species with extremely high intelligence could speak human language, but the Minotaur, who seemed to have nothing to do with intelligence, could speak human language, and Anze didn't quite understand.

"Can you speak human language?" Anze frowned and fell into deep thought after seeing Minotaur's 15 points of intelligence during his lifetime.

"Of course, I'm just too lazy to say, after all, and..." Minotaur noticed the two of them, immediately interrupted himself, and then spoke.

"Ahem, anyway, Master, after I recover from my injury, can you please let me out? I really don't want to stay in that dark place..." The Minoan pottery in front of me is a person who has not spoken for many years. One glance and endless chatter.

Anze was a little annoyed by him. He raised his head and looked up at him who was kneeling on the ground: "If you don't shut up, I will make you disappear now."

After one sentence, the Minotaur instantly became obedient and said nothing.

"Listen, you should also feel that you are just a doll to me now. If I want you to disappear, you have to disappear. I can also forcefully control you."

"But, this will consume my mind. I don't want to do this. You obey yourself. What I say, you do, do you understand?"

"Okay, Master." The Minotaur in front of him clearly knew how to be a henchman, and his huge head shook up and down.

Anze picked up the eighth room, and with a thought, the huge Minotaur disappeared in front of the two of them. Anze walked over and picked up the blue treasure box on the ground.

This blue treasure box is a scam. Anze knows that because of Esdeath's help, this treasure box has been contaminated.

This test proved Anze's guess, yes, and the summoning of the Minotaur just consumed not physical strength, but the combination of mental power and soul energy.

This is why the equipment requirements for the Bafang are physical strength and intelligence. The average person's soul is not strong enough to support the use of the Bafang, and can only be used by overdrafting the body.

And Anze's soul strength... In the low-level world, he is a living, enhanced version of the eighth room.

However, the eighth room will make Anze's control less labor-intensive and easier.

(End of this chapter)

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