Chapter 87 Temporary Title

[You have killed the super dangerous species: Nidhogg, obtained 8.6% of the source of the world, and obtained a total of 76.2% of the source of the world]

Anze raised his hand to wipe the blood from his nose. The mission of hunting dangerous species was over for Anze.

Next, Anze and Esdeath will return to the imperial capital to deal with the dangerous factors that affect the empire's rule, such as the revolutionary army, aliens, and other countries...

What Anze has to do is to cripple these guys who have ideas about this decadent empire in the next month.

Therefore, Anze and Esdeath rushed back towards the imperial capital without staying too long.

However, on the way back to the imperial capital, the two of them received news that the revolutionary armies in various parts of the empire had rebelled.

To be honest, this was what Anze expected, but Anze didn't expect it to happen so soon. He had just made preparations on his side, and the other side was rebelling and preparing to fight.

In addition, the two also received some other news.

Another imperial general, Bude, had already led part of the army to counter the rebellion. As for why there was only one part, it was because the other part was Esdeath's direct lineage and others could not control it.

Because of this, when the two of them returned to the imperial capital, they were hurriedly taken to the palace.

Looking at the anxious little emperor on the throne and a certain minister with a heavy expression, Anze was a little funny.

"General Esdeath, General Bude has gone to the front line, but the situation now... is not good. You should quickly bring your troops to support."

"General Esdeath, your army's military expenditure will be increased by 50%. Please go to the battlefield as soon as possible..."

The anxiety of the two of them was almost overflowing. Looking at Esdeath, who looked calm and unhurried, they were worried.

Some people are like this. They only know that something is urgent when a knife is placed on their neck.

Esdeath had discussed these topics with Anze before. These two rulers never took precautions against counterinsurgency. Only when something really happened would they send Esdeath to put out the fire.

Therefore, Anze felt that the minister was not a qualified powerful minister, and could only be called a traitorous minister at best.

"I know, I will lead the troops." Esdeath responded softly. To be honest, she didn't want to deal with this matter. Now she has entered the state of the battle in the imperial capital in the original plot.

She quite enjoyed the hunting life during this period and wanted to take care of the bad things in the empire.

And her hunting with Anze was actually hunting, basically just wandering around the empire with Anze.

After all, the actual difficulty of hunting was basically zero after Anze made use of Bafang, and most of the time was spent on the road.

After appeasing the eager two people, Anze and Esdeath left the palace.

Due to growth, Yuan Yu's size and weight have also increased rapidly, and his current size is almost the same as that of ordinary medium and large dogs.

With this size, it is difficult for both Anze and Esdeath to hold it, so it usually stays close to them.

This time was no exception. He followed the two of them walking around the palace, like a dog walking with its owner.

"Are you hunting dangerous species during this period just to prepare for now?" Esdeath asked, tilting his head, and Anze nodded.


He felt that if he didn't say that, Esdeath might not be very focused on fighting.

"I didn't expect you to be more loyal than me." Esdeath smiled, with a hint of teasing in her tone. "I just need a stable environment. A turbulent environment will affect my hunting." Anze's answer is in line with his character.

The revolutionary army is certainly not the only factor that threatens the stability of the empire, but it is currently the biggest factor that Anze can solve.

This is also the fastest way to improve task completion, and other means can only be used after this.

"Then get ready and set off with me tomorrow. Do you need command authority?" Esdeath asked. She now believed in Anze.

The description of "listening to words" is always a bit too much, but nine times out of ten, she will listen to Anze's words.

"What do you think I need? Don't you just want those guys to listen to me and dare to follow me to kill?" Anze asked back. Does he look like someone who understands the art of war?

Esdeath choked with one sentence and glared at Anze angrily.

It's time for the title authority... I haven't tried it before, forget it, eight dangerous species are enough. Just think of it as an extra success rate...

Anze was a little worried about whether the effect of the title could be activated, because he didn't know whether the summoning effect of the eighth room could take effect, and he didn't know whether the command power he wanted from Esdeath could take effect.

[Hunters are asked to choose temporary titles, abilities and tendencies...]

[Elite biological bonus type, legion type ability enhancement type]

To be honest, if the paradise had not allowed Anze to choose his aptitude, Anze would have wanted to choose the war lord directly by name, because the war lord is too powerful for fighting.

[The hunter has obtained the title: Behemoth Lord (four stars) Blood and Fire Commander (four stars)]

Behemoth Lord (four stars)

Equipment requirements: Command more than one large creature

Large creatures: more than 30 meters in length

Effect 1 (Unlocked by commanding 50 large creature) The behemoth is terrifying; the maximum health of the large creature you command increases by 25%, and the physical defense increases by %.

Effect 5 (unlocked by commanding large creatures) Power of Behemoth: The large creatures you control will gain Power of Behemoth (passive)

Power of the Behemoth: Large-area attack ability increases attack range by 200%, abnormal resistance increases by 30%

Leader of Blood and Fire (four stars)

Equipment requirements: Control more than 10000 soldier units

Effect 1: Blood and Fire Trial: Your soldiers and soldiers gain the effect of Blood and Fire Trial.

Training of Blood and Fire: The probability of comprehending skills and abilities below the proficiency level is increased, combat intuition is improved, and the effect of improving skills and abilities is increased by 50%.

Effect 100000 (unlocked when the number of commanding soldier units reaches ): Power of blood and fire: Your soldiers and soldiers gain the effect of power of blood and fire.

Power of blood and fire: When attacking, additional damage of physical strength*1+strength*1 will be added.

Looking at the effects of the two titles, Anze was ready to test whether they had any effect. Compared with the two, he was more inclined to choose the Behemoth Lord. The effect of the Blood and Fire Commandery was very suitable for the early stage of the legion's growth.

But it is not suitable for the already formed legion under Esdeath, and the effect of the Behemoth Lord can be truly added to the group of dangerous species under Anze.

Thinking about the eight strengthened war beasts, Anze felt sad for the soldiers of the revolutionary army.

Especially the ability to increase the attack range more than doubled the destructive power of this group of dangerous species to the legion.

"What's wrong? You're so happy, what's wrong with you?" Esdeath heard Anze's subconscious chuckle, and she asked after sensing Anze's emotions.

"Nothing..." Anze shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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