Chapter 88 Revolutionary Army

The next day, Esdeath's direct troops who were stationed outside the imperial capital marched towards the southern part of the empire. The two of them had not been to the southern part of the empire for a while. It was relatively stable and there were no dangerous species there.

Because of what they wanted to do, Yuan Yu was left in the imperial capital by the two of them. This little guy was very well-behaved, so he didn't have to worry about anything.

"General..." One of Esdeath's generals looked at Anze beside Esdeath, hesitant. He was a little worried that Esdeath's decision was not rational enough.

He was not worried about Anze's strength, but he had objections to the fact that Anze had the right to command them.

As for Anze, he didn't dare to comment at all.

Anze and Esdeath's affair has been severely exposed in the eyes of Liwa and others. Although Anze is speechless about this, these rumors are naturally unavoidable.

Of course, these things will be passed from the mouths of the three beast warriors to the military camp below. After all, their generals are not hiding it, so they are naturally willing to discuss it.

These people did not dare to question Anze's strength, but as for Anze's command..., they were afraid that Anze would make the wrong command and cost them their lives in vain.

Although the generals of the empire generally do not value human lives very much, due to the influence of Esdeath, these generals still value the lives of their soldiers more or less.

How could Anze not see what he was thinking and speak before Esdeath: "Don't worry, I won't order you or anything. At most, I will let you follow me and I will be at the front."

After hearing Anze's assurance, the general was still a little worried.

"Believe in Dark Soul..." Esdeath glanced at the general and said coldly to help Anze guarantee.

The general couldn't say much because of Esdeath's majesty, so he could only give up and retreat.

Anze had expected this to happen, so it was not surprising at all. It can only be said that there are still two bold people in Esdeath's army.

Originally, Anze thought that no one would dare to speak.

"How are you feeling?" Esdeath looked at Anze with some curiosity. He believed in Anze's ability, but it didn't mean that he could make others recognize Anze's ability.

"Fortunately, it's normal that they don't believe me. If they do, I think you should probably change a group of subordinates." Anze smiled nonchalantly, and then rode off with Esdeath.

The direct troops under Esdeath account for three-fifths of the empire's army, about three to four hundred thousand troops. This level of military power means that Esdeath does not want to rebel, otherwise the empire would have been replaced long ago.

Minister? What the hell is that? Politics is useless in the face of absolute force.

The army marched towards the southern part of the empire. Of course, the speed of this march was naturally much slower than that of Anze and Esdeath alone.

It took about three or four days for the army to reach the front line, and Anze finally saw the imperial general whose name he had heard for a long time for the first time.

He has blond hair, a resolute face, and a battlefield look.

"General Esdeath, you have arrived... His Majesty has ordered me to take my subordinates back to the Imperial Capital after you arrive. Therefore, the two of us should hand over the affairs of the front."

Bude ignored Anze beside Esdeath and spoke directly.

"Okay." Esdeath didn't say much, nodded to Anze beside him, and walked aside with Bude.

In such a hurry, the minister is really...     Anze doesn't know how to describe the minister who is far away in the imperial capital. Anze admires his political ability, but in this regard, this guy is a bit too ignorant.

The right thing to do now is to let Bude take some of the people away, not all of them. The current focus is on the revolutionary army.

Of course, these are all based on the absence of Anze. With the eight dangerous species under Anze, there is nothing wrong with them doing this.

But the two of them didn't know this information, so Anze felt that they were stupid and helpless.

In the military camp, a serious atmosphere gradually spread, and the whole army was very nervous, except for Anze and Esdeath.

The two of them even had time to hang out nearby. Of course, it was Esdeath who dragged Anze there.

Anze already had a plan in his mind, and the plan was simple and crude.

Esdeath sent people to find the revolutionary army's camp. Anze led eight dangerous species in front and tried his best to destroy it. Then Esdeath led some troops to support Anze behind him.

It's very simple, but it will definitely be very effective. As long as no monsters appear on the opposite side of the revolutionary army, they will basically be hammered to death by this hand.

The following days were the days when Esdeath sent out scouts to investigate the camp of the revolutionary army on the opposite side to gather intelligence.

Of course, things will not go so smoothly. The revolutionary army on the opposite side is more anxious than Anze and others. There is not only one revolutionary army, but they are the first to take action.

After all, everyone has the same purpose, so it is naturally impossible for them to get along harmoniously.

In the Zhanchi world of the previous life, it was just because this revolutionary army was the strongest and the fastest. If this group of people were blocked, the outcome might be uncertain.

This is also the reason why the minister hurriedly pulled Bude back to the imperial capital. After all, other revolutionary armies were also watching.

There is a reason why the camps are divided into the Empire and the Revolutionary Army. Before the Empire is completely destroyed, the Revolutionary Army has the same purpose. Although they all understand each other's ideas, they can still cooperate.

Therefore, no matter which revolutionary army you join, the tasks are similar, except that the others cannot be related to the protagonist group.

Because other revolutionary army units have also assembled, the group in front of them is particularly impatient. They are unwilling to be blocked and lose the opportunity to divide the victory.

After all, the imperial capital is where wealth gathers, and revolution, revolution... also needs some motivation.

Therefore, within a few days of Anze and Esdeath's stable life, there was no need to go to the Revolutionary Army's camp. The Revolutionary Army had already appeared in front of Esdeath's troops in a swaggering manner.

Now there is only one situation on this battlefield, either the revolutionary army will kill Esdeath's troops, or Esdeath will be killed by the revolutionary army.

But now Esdeath is not a parallel import who took advantage of a certain protagonist, but the empire's famous God of War, plus the eight super dangerous species brought by Anze.

With a bunch of big guns gathered, it seemed a bit ridiculous that the Revolutionary Army had gathered far more than two or three times the strength of Esdeath's troops.

If Esdeath was alone, this level of strength gap might really make Esdeath powerless, but......

Eight super dangerous species, even eight incomplete ones, are enough to seriously tilt the balance of war, not to mention that the existence of Esdeath would have greatly tilted the balance of war in favor of one's own side.

(End of this chapter)

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