Chapter 89 Massacre

Anze and Esdeath were far away from the army, standing at the front of the army, looking at the enemy army that was gradually approaching them.

Esdeath's battle is like this. He will go first. After all, Esdeath's ability is there. It is impossible not to take the lead in a military-level special attack.

Therefore, command on the battlefield is usually carried out by Esdeath's subordinates.

"Are you nervous?" Esdeath glanced at Anze beside him. Most people would definitely become quite nervous and scared when they see someone in this posture.

This is also the reason why many new recruits die easily on the battlefield. The brutality of the battlefield will make the young people who have just joined feel uncomfortable and unable to exert the effects of normal training.

"It's okay." Anze smiled softly. It was also the first time for Anze to face such a huge crowd. It would be a lie to say that he wasn't nervous, but Anze was more excited than nervous.

after all…………

The eighth room was pulled out by Anze. Anze stretched out his hand and waved it. The eighth room exuded a dark luster, and eight behemoths appeared behind Anze and Esdeath.

"Go ahead and kill all the guys in front of you. Until you have fun."

Several long roars appeared. Anze climbed onto Nidhogg's back. Nidhogg flapped his wings and seven dangerous species rushed forward. Except for Clotho, it started from where it was. Growth, after all, his abilities can only be useful after growing up.

Esdeath stepped back. In the real world, there was no concept of accidental injury by teammates. Any damage was real. Esdeath did not want to die under the bombardment of eight dangerous species.

The arrival of the eight giant beasts obviously caused the opposite revolutionary army to panic. However, the military discipline and the number of people around them gave them some comfort, but soon they no longer thought so.

And Anze also discovered that the title blackmailed from Paradise can add bonuses to these eight dangerous species.

A mighty wave of water spewed out from Yagulit's mouth, and it rushed toward the opposite side. Two giant dragons flew in the sky, and scorching flames fell on the ground.

After the water tide surged, the mighty thunder light fell down and fell on the wet ground. The electric current spread along the surging water tide, and the sound of electric current was heard in the air.

Anze looked down from a high altitude and saw that the water flow was full of moving black shadows, some of which were no longer moving due to the spread of current.

The ground cracked, and huge rock thorns emerged from the ground. Hermelesus slapped his bear paw, and the rocks in the sky fell towards the ground. The Minotaur waved the bone stick in his hand, and the rocks fell at a faster speed. Much faster.

The two giant dragons grilled themselves on the rocks, and huge boulders filled with flames crashed down, causing red and white objects to splash everywhere.

From the rear, there was a wave of arrow rain. Even in the face of such a strong headwind, the army in front of them made a slight response, but it was obvious that these were of little use.

Anze raised his hand, and the arrow rain was stopped by the black barrier across the horizon. Then with the help of the Minotaur, he successfully killed a wave of their own companions.

Jörmungandr rushed out along the current, his huge body crushed pieces of revolutionary soldiers, and he opened his mouth to bite them. A large group of soldiers, together with a piece of soil, was swallowed into his belly.

Green poisonous flames sprayed down from the sky. Nidhogg and Anze glided over the battlefield together, spitting out flames from his mouth, and bursts of screams could be heard from the ground.

Clotto's vines also grew into the crowd at this moment, and the vines with mucus wrapped around each body. The green vines surged forward like a tide, and each living person was swallowed into the vines.

At first, it was quiet in the vines, but later there were sad howls as the flesh and blood of those who were swallowed were corroded. The eight dangerous species moved forward steadily, and the number of the revolutionary army was declining to a degree visible to the naked eye. The originally crowded black tide was scattered and turned into balls of meat pie, which were swallowed up by the eight dangerous species. .

Nidhogg slashed across the ground, grabbing two people with his huge dragon claws and swallowing them into his mouth. Anze, who was very close, heard the sound of thin bones cracking.

A mixed red and green mist filled the ground, which was caused by Nidhogg's poisonous mist and the blood mist in the air.

The earth has become devastated due to the wanton behavior of the eight dangerous species. The huge crowd of people retreated backwards, each one fighting harder than the other.

Countless people were pushed to the ground by the people behind, and then stepped on by pairs of feet. Under the crowd, each person became a bloody mess and was trampled into meat patties, with less air coming in and more air coming out.

The patties staying on the ground were devoured by Clotho, and the eight dangerous species advanced the battle line step by step.

Within half an hour, the spirit of the revolutionary army had been completely dispersed. Even if the army was gathered again, it was completely impossible to unite and rebel again.

The ground was shattered. Anze stepped off Nidhogg's back. There were no more revolutionary soldiers on this battlefield. They had either turned into corpses on the ground or had escaped long ago.

On the battlefield, several Teigu users tried to block the advance of the dangerous species, but to no avail...

The only result is that there are just a few more Teigu on the ground. Most people in Zhanchi World are still ordinary people, who appear fragile and insignificant when facing a super dangerous species that can represent a natural disaster.

Not to mention, Anze dragged eight dangerous species to sweep them away.

Anze stepped on the bloody battlefield, and there were transparent souls floating in the sky. Anze led them into his hands. Anze did not dare to swallow souls of this level, because he was afraid of pushing himself to death.

It's very simple to keep these souls temporarily to prevent them from dissipating too quickly, and wait for Anze to find a way to save them.

Then, Anze packed these souls and stuffed them into Curayu, and pressed them in forcefully, regardless of whether Curayu pretended to be able to hold them.

The war ended hastily and naturally. Anze took back the eight dangerous species and turned back towards the camp behind, leaving behind a pile of corpses and broken ground.

Esdeath's soldiers were dumbfounded. They originally thought it would be a hard battle, but they didn't expect it to be so easy.

The tens of thousands of people in front watched Anze walking back step by step from the center of the battlefield, not daring to take a breath.

"Clean the battlefield." Looking at the battle that was over, Esdeath ordered. She was originally prepared to meet Anze in the rear, but now...

In fact, many soldiers did not die at the hands of dangerous people, but died under their fear. They were afraid because of fear, then fled, and finally died at the feet of their comrades.

When a soldier starts to flee, it means that the outcome of the battle has been decided. The fleeing soldiers will flee with more people, and in the end, it will turn into a rout.

After the defeat, there was pushing and crushing, and many people died under the trampling...

(End of this chapter)

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