Chapter 90 Escape

This huge battle that may be recorded in the history of the empire ended in an anticlimactic manner.

Sloppy, messy, but poignantly true.

The world of Zhanchi has not developed any means to target high-level extraordinary beings, so crushing powerful ones will greatly affect the balance of the war.

Half of Esdeath's victory was due to this reason.

Therefore, when facing the eight dangerous species dragged out by Anze, the revolutionary army appeared so fragile and powerless that it was massacred one-sidedly.

After the war, Anze checked the progress of his mission. Due to the death of the revolutionary army or other reasons, Anze's mission progress jumped to 43.1%.

The sudden surprise made Anze very uncomfortable. He was wondering why his mission progress had jumped so much. It was clear that the revolutionary army in front of him would not pose a fatal danger to the empire with Esdeath.

You want to ask why the empire was overthrown so easily in the original timeline of Zhanchi World.

It was obviously Esdeath who was paddling like crazy at the last moment. He only wanted to be with Tazmi, so he didn't stop the revolutionary army at all.

Otherwise, with Esdeath's strength, which is no less than that of any super dangerous species, and the supreme imperial gear that protects the imperial capital, there is a big question mark as to whether the revolutionary army can enter the imperial capital.

But now, Anze is dragging out a group of weapons that are no less lethal than Esdeath, which will naturally be a fatal blow to the revolutionary army.

After cleaning up the group of revolutionary troops in front of them, Anze and Esdeath led the army back to the imperial capital, preparing to welcome other guests.

There was more than one force rebelling against the empire. After returning to the imperial capital, Esdeath's men received new information, and the aliens in the north who had just been subdued by Esdeath began to become restless again.

Other countries in the south have also taken action, and everyone has pushed down the wall. This is the current situation in the empire. If there is no mission, Anze must be moisturized first when facing this situation, but now, he can only bring his guys.


On the other side, most of the contractors on the Revolutionary Army side have received new tasks.

After all, the camp was almost destroyed, and they had to find something new to do.

This includes the team that was nearly wiped out by Anze before.

"Sister Yunyun, look at the new missions..." said the short loli who was still following Najexitan and Chelsea to reorganize the night attack.

The woman she called Sister Yunyun had a solemn look on her face. She was originally the vice-captain of the Crimson Team, but she left alone for a while because she had her own mission.

But because of Anze, when she was performing her mission, half of the team died, and even their captain Scarlet was hacked to death by Anze.

"There is no penalty for preventing the empire from returning to stability. You only lose a few attributes when you return? Isn't the empire destined to be destroyed? No? How could such a task come about?" The expression of the guy called Sister Yunyun suddenly changed, and he looked at what had just appeared. The expression on the task announcement was a little dull.

"Sister Yun, I just asked the group of people over at 30, didn't they go to the battlefield with the revolutionary army? They told me that the revolutionary army's army was bulldozed by one person... their team members Four died..." A strong man beside him said.

He was rushing to support Crimson, but on the way, their captain died, and Fuyun who was left behind spoke and let them go.

"One person, bulldozed? Is it Esdeath? No, judging from the performance in the plot, it stands to reason that Esdeath is not that strong..."

"No, it's another guy. That guy brought eight super dangerous species and crushed the revolutionary army. Now the leader of the revolutionary army can't even bring back the original soldiers."

Fuyun took a deep breath and calmed down her mood. Now she wanted to say mmp. She originally thought that her team came to Zhanchi World to get rewards.

I never expected that the story would develop to such an outrageous level. Not only had the night attack organization been wiped out, but now a guy had bulldozed the revolutionary army's troops. Fuyun was a little messy, and she couldn't accept the news for a while.

"Are there any contractors in the empire? Is there any news? What's going on?" Fuyun suppressed the irritability in her heart and asked.

"No, Sister Yun, you know that in this kind of situation where victory or defeat is determined, the contractors will never go to the side of the loser, so most of the contractors are on the side of the revolutionary army, including those lone wolves."

"Sister Yun, is it possible that the gun man did this..."

As soon as the word "gun man" was mentioned, the five people present fell silent for an instant, like ducks being pinched by the throat.

Recalling what happened back then, they also had speculations in their minds.

"It should be the gun man who did it. What kind of monster is he? Even the Eight Fangs... can't control eight super dangerous species at the same time..." She hesitated as she said that, looking at the main mission in front of her. .

"Everyone, drop your attributes. We won't do this task. Let's go back. It's important to save your life." There was no blood on Fuyun's face, and she showed a forced smile.

In the paradise, losing attributes to avoid risks will not only not make it stable and safe, but will lead to chronic death.

They knew this very well, so they were a little hesitant, but thinking about Anze's existence, they suddenly became firm again. Rather than dying directly, they would still have a chance to work hard in the next world.

After all, only by living can you have the opportunity for revenge and...

There was silence for a while. After a minute, several white lights flashed and a group of contractors left the world.


In a woods, a tall man wearing a long black trench coat and a shotgun on his waist shattered the head of the enemy in front of him with one shot.

He pounced on the enemy's corpse and gnawed away the remaining flesh and blood of the enemy, including the brand on the contractor's hand.

This is the violator that Anze needs to hunt. This guy was originally a hunter, but...

He ate the brand on the back of the contractor's hand, and the brand appeared from his hand. There were more than ten complete brands on the back of his hand.

In addition to these complete imprints, there are many incomplete ones.

"It's really good. This guy's brand has been completely swallowed... I can get 10% more rewards for the mission..."

He grinned his blood-stained mouth and smiled maniacally.

Suddenly, a majestic giant red eye appeared in the sky, and countless chains descended.

[Your main mission has failed and is being forcibly erased]

"What, how could my main plot happen? Isn't this inevitable in the plot..." His voice slowly faded, just like his body shape.

As the chains were lowered, his body completely dissipated, leaving no trace behind.

(End of this chapter)

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