Reincarnation Paradise: Do you understand what a clone is?

Chapter 91 Mission Completed, Paradise Recruitment

Chapter 91 Mission Completed, Paradise Recruitment

[Due to hunter reasons, violator No. 15763 failed the main mission and has now been forcibly executed]

[The hunter’s hunting mission was completed and he received the Bronze Medal of Honor*1]

What an unexpected surprise, this is...

Anze was already ready to let Esdeath use manpower to find someone for him, but he didn't expect it to be done so easily now.

This undoubtedly solved a big problem for Anze. He didn't want to be a temporary arbiter in some war world.

He was about to be promoted in the next world. If he went to the war world to be a judge, he didn't dare to think how difficult his task would be.

Thinking that this hunting mission was completed inexplicably, Anze happily picked up Yuan Yu on the ground and spun around twice.

Esdeath looked on with a look of doubt and curiosity in her eyes, but she didn't ask. She walked up to Anze and stretched out her hands.

Anze looked at her doubtfully, and Esdeath said softly: "You're happy, right? You've already hugged the little one, why can't you hug me?"

Hearing Esdeath's matter-of-fact look, Anze fell silent, silently put the little guy down, patted it, and then turned around and left.

Then he was hugged by Esdeath.

After the silence, Anze didn't say much and let Esdeath hug him. After all, there was not much time for the two of them to continue to get along like this.

[Checking the completion of the Hunter’s main mission]

[Hunters killed two super dangerous species alone, killed seven using special props, and cooperated to kill the super dangerous species: Nidhogg. 】

[The hunter obtains attribute points*8 and paradise coins*30000]

After handing over the main mission (2), Anze basically only needs to clear out the various enemies that have emerged, which means that his mission in the world of Zhanchi is completed.

This relaxed Anze's tense nerves since he entered the world.

However, others did not intend to let Anze rest. Not long after the two returned to the capital, several other revolutionary armies had already reached the capital far away.

It can only be said that the minister is really sitting still and has not sent anyone to attack him now.

Moreover, the foreign races from the north have returned to the empire, and they have forgotten the lesson Esdeath just taught them.

Anze doesn't mind teaching them another profound lesson.

The two people who returned to the imperial capital began to prepare for the next battle. They said they were preparing, but in fact they meant letting people block their escape route and let Anze kill them all.

The strength of these revolutionary armies was not as strong as the one that Anze faced at the beginning. It was just because of the journey that they absorbed many people and grew stronger.

However, Anze's evaluation is that the more people there are, the easier it will be for him to kill.

After all, these guys are the guys who can fight with the wind. If they really encounter the Imperial City's army, they will be crushed to the point where they are unable to fight back.

The army values ​​elites rather than numbers. If there are too many mobs, the originally elite troops will become incapable of fighting.

About three to five days later, the revolutionary army besieged the imperial capital, and they received news that the revolutionary army had been defeated.

But why it failed and how it failed, they had no idea. After all, Esdeath on the empire side deliberately suppressed the news, and the revolutionary army was completely dispersed.

Naturally, this group of grassroots people had no reliable information. They only felt that both sides suffered losses. The revolutionary army was repulsed, but Esdeath's men were also seriously injured.

The troops besieging the imperial capital roared outside the city.

Eight dangerous species appeared in front of them. Anze did not leave the city and stood on the city wall to watch the show.

This time, Anze was more relaxed than what he had seen before. When the dangerous species appeared, many people were too scared to move forward and cowered.

In the end, fewer people were killed, and more people were trampled to death or escaped by rolling and crawling.

Anze did not let the dangerous species deliberately kill those who escaped. After all, only by letting the news spread, fear would remain deeply in the hearts of the people of the empire, and this rotten ship would become more stable. .

This time, Anze's mission completion rate is slowly increasing. It did not jump up like it did at the beginning. Instead, it increased by about 5% at first, and then slowly increased little by little. Anze knows why this is, because the spread of the news surged at the beginning because Anze has eliminated the biggest source of current turmoil.

Now let the possible buds of the future be slowly extinguished, and it is naturally impossible for the two to grow in the same way.

Anze estimated that his task would be completed in another three to five days.

The news spread, and the foreigners who originally went south were frightened back. Within a few days, envoys were sent to pay tribute to the young emperor and express their submission.

Other countries in the south also sent envoys, hoping to restore previous relations with the empire.

Under the absolute threat of force, the empire, which was on the verge of old age and death, briefly exuded vitality.

Of course, these things are not without cost, and the price is that Esdeath is remembered by the minister.

A force that could overturn the rule made the minister very uneasy, but now he could only comfort Esdeath.


Anze opened his task panel and fell into silence looking at the task in front of him.

His affiliated existence returned to the paradise yesterday, and he never left because he was waiting for the task completion level to increase.

Hidden Main Quest: The Ancient Torrent

Mission level: lv15 (nightmare)

Mission introduction: Maintain the rule of the empire and let the glory of the empire last forever.

Mission content: Continue the rule of the empire and extend the life of the empire.

Completion: 67.2%

Mission time: 11 days

The completion rate of the mission progress has become slower and slower, because Anze knows that this has reached the limit. It is the limit of what he can do to keep the empire alive for another few decades.

The decayed empire will not be able to regain its vitality unless Anze launches a revolution.

But it is simply impossible for this kind of revolution to be completed in the remaining time.

You ask why Anze didn't start a revolution when he first accepted the mission?

Anyone with a little bit of brains knows that it is not about saving the empire, it is about kicking it off the edge of the cliff.

There was already internal strife and foreign enemies around, but you are still launching a revolution in the center of power because you are worried that the empire will not be destroyed quickly enough or thoroughly enough.

Now there are conditions for revolution, but there is not enough time, and Anze is too lazy to continue.

After choosing to settle the mission, I planned to leave this world.

[Setting up tasks]

[Hunter hidden main quest completion rate 67.2%]

[Acquire attribute points*8, soul crystal (small)*7]

[Detection that the plot of this world has been significantly subverted, in which case this world has additional derivative value]

[After the contractor returns, the world will be sliced...]

[Due to the hunter’s behavior, the hunter receives additional rewards]

[It has been detected that there are characters with extremely high growth potential in this world and we are recruiting]

[It has been detected that this existence is extremely unsuitable for the role of judge and is being recruited to become a hunter/contractor]

When he heard the reminder of Paradise in his mind, Anze admitted that he was stunned and glanced at Esdeath not far away.

Esdeath also happened to look over...

 The update speed of the next new world may be a little slower. Because it is writing the native world, it will be more labor-intensive. There are still many settings to consider, so the update frequency may be a little lower. I hope everyone will bear with me.



(End of this chapter)

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