Chapter 102 "Shadow Controller".

It doesn’t matter what the specific reason for the feud is.

Everything is in service of His plan.

What Chen Miao and others didn't know was that not long after Chen Miao and others left the noodle shop, the pools of flesh and blood on the ground turned into piles of paper ash and scattered in the wind in full view of everyone, leaving not even a trace of blood behind.

"have to."

After seeing this, several police officers who had just arrived at the scene and were preparing to clean up quietly put away the tools in their hands and looked at their colleagues beside them: "Notify the Extraordinary Department."

In a small box in the "Eula Club", a man in a white shirt was looking pale, with a trace of fear flashing in his eyes. He was gasping for air and suddenly woke up, as if he was waking up from a nightmare.

"How about it?"

Others in the box laughed loudly: "Then what did Chen Miao say? Did he endure it on the spot, or did he admit his mistake?"

This man in a white shirt didn't speak, he just kept breathing heavily and couldn't react for a while. He was the cousin of Chijia Yu'er, and he was the hidden profession of the warlock, "Shadow Controller".

The ability of this hidden profession is to control people's shadows, including your own shadow. The controlled shadow is almost exactly the same as the real person, and has the same abilities as the main body. The props in the main body's backpack will also be completely copied.

However, when controlling one's own shadow or the shadow of others, the body of the controlled shadow will stay in place and cannot move.

Just now, he controlled his own shadow and the shadows of his three followers to look for Chen Miao, preparing to scare Chen Miao. In fact, Yu'er's parents did not know that Yu'er and Chen Miao were communicating. It was also what Tao'er told him.

It is unlikely that the Chi family will go to trouble Chen Miao because of this matter. After all, Chen Miao has been vaguely selected by the Fengtian Municipal Government team. It is impossible for the Chi family to attack Chen Miao at this time, which will arouse the resentment of those people.

What's more, the Chi family has never been in the habit of warning, and they basically take action directly.

Just now, he was just having fun making a bet with the other people in the box, but what he didn't expect was that Chen Miao actually dared to shoot directly! !

No hesitation at all!

He was from the Chi family. How could Chen Miao dare to shoot like this? Wasn't Chen Miao afraid of the Chi family's revenge?

At this time, other people in the box also noticed the paleness on the man's face, and felt that something was not right. They tentatively said, "Then Chen Miao won't do anything, right?"


Tao'er's cousin looked a little pale before he recovered: "Give me a shuttle and kill all my shadows."

The fear of instantaneous death was also conveyed to him through the shadow.

He can control up to 5 shadows. Controlling other people's shadows requires the consent of others. The feelings of the shadows and the images they see will be transmitted to him in real time. This is a very powerful hidden profession.

At this time, his three followers outside the box did not react at all. Although their shadows were controlled by the man, the shadow's feelings and images would not be transmitted to them. They could only see their own shadow return to their feet, and they I can move again.

The man said this.

Everyone in the box realized the seriousness, and the laughter dissipated instantly. Everyone was silent. They thought of countless possibilities, but they did not expect that Chen Miao would take action directly.

Chen Miao actually dared to attack a member of the Chi family in the street.

What does this mean?

It means that if Chen Miao is not a brainless person who is easily fooled, it means that Chen Miao has enough confidence in his heart to block the revenge of the Chi family. But according to their investigation, Chen Miao is just a little person without any background. This Where does this kind of person have the confidence to think that he can stop the Chi family. Are you just relying on your own abilities?

That's not enough.

No one in the box spoke anymore, but everyone was thoughtful and didn't know what they were thinking. This news had to be passed back to their family, and the family had to re-judge Chen Miao's strength.

At this time, Yu'er's cousin also woke up and realized what he had done and that he was being used. Cold sweat broke out on his back. This matter must be suppressed like this. Go down.

Revenge is definitely not possible.

If the Chi family knows that he has been used to do such a stupid thing, his authority and status will definitely be greatly reduced. The news that the Fengtian Municipal Government team is preparing to praise Chen Miao is faintly spread. If it is true, the Chi family will definitely We must stand on the same line as Fengtian City.

His move is tantamount to pushing Chen Miao to the opposite side of the Chi family, and also pushing the Chi family to the opposite side of Fengtian City.

Even if Fengtian City wants to praise Chen Miao, it is impossible to praise someone who kills people on the street. This will have a very bad impact.

Fengtian City will naturally destroy Chen Miao's Chi family based on this grudge, and the Chi family will also kill him.

The man who thought of this immediately strode out of the box, preparing to save the matter and minimize the loss.

After a few minutes.

Tao'er's cousin showed up at the noodle shop with three of his followers with a smile on his face. At this time, the place had been stopped, and everyone knew that someone had been killed here.

And it seems that the murderer was Chen Miao.

Chen Miao has become very popular in Fengtian City. Even if Chen Miao’s face cannot be remembered, the special-looking Thompson submachine gun is still impressive. After it appeared that day, many people searched for it. Unfortunately, no one has found Chen Miao’s skin of the same Thomson gun.

Many police officers are busy collecting evidence here. According to surveillance, the dead person should be a member of the Chi family, named Chi Qiu.

This problem is even bigger.

At that time, many diners in the store who witnessed the entire scene were giving statements to the police officers.

But just then——

Someone noticed Chi Qiu in the crowd and rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Then he grabbed the police officer next to him and said in a trembling voice: "Officer, these are the people who were killed just now. They are alive again." !”


The policeman who was recording the confession looked at the dead person in the surveillance video, and then looked at the four people walking towards them. He was suddenly confused. They were exactly the same. Are they really alive?

And at this time.

Chi Qiu also looked at everyone and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, something went wrong and I came a little late. What you just saw was a large-scale magic trick of mine, resurrection from the dead. How do you like it?"

"There was no homicide at all."

"It's just a performance on my part."

At this time, Chi Qiu felt as uncomfortable as eating shit. How had he been deceived into looking for trouble? Now he has to wipe his own ass. If his ass cannot be wiped clean, the Chi family will be the first to deal with him!

Why bother.

(End of this chapter)

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