I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world

Chapter 103 "Good news, the matter is resolved perfectly."

Chapter 103 "Good news, the matter is resolved perfectly."


The police officers who were handling the case at the scene of the crime were silent when they saw this scene and were a little confused about how to deal with it.

A murder was committed in a downtown area, and then the body flew away. Not long after, the body came back to life on its own and said it was a magic show.


Do you think their law enforcement bureau is idle all day?

This case was definitely unsolvable, but I didn’t know what to do with the follow-up handling. At this time, an experienced police captain stood up, coughed lightly and said, "Now that it's over, let's Close the team and don’t play like this in the downtown area again, it will have a bad impact.”

Zhou Shen, who was sitting in the incident bureau office after receiving the news, took a deep breath and then dialed the phone number for Chen Miao.

"Good news, things have been resolved perfectly."

"Bad news, the corpse has been resurrected. Brother Miao, you probably didn't kill him completely."

"not dead?"

Sitting in the "Eula Club", Chen Miao frowned slightly and thought without speaking. His body was smashed to pieces by the shuttle. He can't die? Is life so hard?

Can the body disappear?

It seems that there is a high probability that the person he killed was a clone or a puppet.

The auction is about to begin.

He was already sitting in the lobby and waiting. At this time, many people had begun to enter the venue one after another. There were no private rooms and everyone was sitting in the lobby. Those who did not want to show their faces could arrange for someone to come and participate in the auction on their behalf.

To a certain extent, everyone is equal.

He didn't think about it again. Since he didn't kill them all, he would just kill them again later.

What Chen Miao didn't know was that the government team of Fengtian City, the top group of people in the center of power in Fengtian City, were discussing him at this time.

"I deny this proposal."

The deputy mayor, who was sitting on the side of the long table, took off his reading glasses and put them on the table. His voice was filled with vicissitudes of life and he said, "I do not agree with the selection of Chen Miao as the spokesperson for the Fengtian City Gunners."

"Almost all of this person's file information is false. There is no trace of his life experience in the first half of his life in Fengtian City. We can't even find where he lived before, what job he did, and where he lived."

"The homeless people in Fengtian City and the major welfare institutions have never seen this person."

"It's like they appeared out of nowhere. They are most likely from other city-states. They have no sense of belonging or contribution to Fengtian City, let alone a sense of collective honor."

"Secondly, this person was unruly and lawless. He shot and killed the criminal police captain of the Xisan Law Enforcement Bureau. He was a gangster, openly sold AI pills, and he had no scruples in shooting his family members in the downtown area. Even if such a person is praised, he is not Virtue is unworthy and unworthy of this position.”

"The people who will be lost will be the people from Fengtian City."

"His character cannot afford to be the spokesperson of Fengtian City."

"I suggest that the spokesman for the Gunners in Fengtian City remains the same. It is still Sangbiao. Sangbiao is a native of Fengtian City. In terms of sense of honor, sense of belonging, and character, he is countless times better than this Chen Miao. We cannot be single. Determine the representative based on strength.”

"Otherwise, if one day a heinous criminal appears, who will burn, kill, and loot everything, but is an extremely talented shooter, will we also praise him?"

These words are extremely strong and contain many things that cannot be said. For example, Chen Miao once shot and killed the criminal police captain.

We can know about this matter, but we cannot talk about it. Now that we have talked about it, we have to deal with it. However, this meeting is a small internal meeting and there is no meeting transcript. These things that cannot be discussed openly can be mentioned here. .

This is indeed Chen Miao's black spot, which cannot be refuted.

But soon, a middle-aged man sitting on the other side took a sip from his tea cup and said calmly: "Chen Miao has not contributed to Fengtian City? Who is the winner of this major event? It is Chen Miao."

"It has brought a one-year limited city-state effect to the entire Fengtian City. It is also a general city-state effect that is not just for a certain profession, but applies to all extraordinary people, so that everyone can get more rewards after coming out of the secret realm."

"Isn't this called a contribution? Isn't this a big contribution?"

"I killed the siege boss alone, avoiding possible casualties from the incident bureau. In the past, which incident bureau handled the siege boss without casualties? Especially if Chen Miao hadn't dealt with it early and allowed the gravedigger boss to arrive at the Tomb of Conservation. After the garden summons countless corpses, can you guess what kind of disaster will happen?"

"Aren't these contributions?"

"As for the shooting of the criminal police officer, it goes without saying here. Then the criminal police captain framed Chen Miao, but Chen Miao was not allowed to fight back? Don't mention that the federal government has federal laws. If you really want to tear up the fig leaf and talk, everyone is sitting here. Whose butt is clean?”

"Or to put it bluntly, can you get to this position step by step with a clean butt?"

"Are you pretending to be aloof now?"

"Is that called being a gangster? No, that's secretly dealing with the chaotic forces in Fengtian City, and is there openly selling AI pills? It's even more of a fallacy. It's obviously the AI ​​pills sold by Chen Miao's subordinates, but Chen Miao didn't sell them himself. Yes, not to mention not openly, haven't you always been secretive?"

"You are right about another sentence. If there is a gunman who can overwhelm other city-states, even if he is heinous, we must praise him. What we need is a transcendent who is representative and strong enough, not A saint."

"What is the use of a saint? Can it help Fengtian City achieve good results in the upcoming city-state competition?"

“Or can it improve Fengtian City’s reputation?”

"Sang Biao has a good character, but what about his strength? In last year's city-state competition, he was treated like a dog and killed indiscriminately. Do you think he was embarrassed by the mayor of Fengtian?"

The City-State Competition is a major annual event.

People from each city will send a representative from their city to participate in this event. Many things will be determined based on the ranking, including next year's policy support, funding tilt, the pursuit of major capital, the city's popularity, etc.

There is a lot of competition between every city.

The city-state competition is also a very important part of the competition between cities. Every year, 128 main cities participate in this event. Last year, Fengtian City came in 119th. Sangbiao, who had high hopes, had very strong firepower, but it was a pity that he only had one bullet. None of them hit anyone, and they were defeated in a trick.

Fengtian City lost a lot of people.

For the sake of fairness, the city-state competition only allows people no more than level 40 to participate. This is also to make the competition between cities more fair, otherwise who can stop the monsters in Jingjiu City.

But even so, Jingjiu City continues to rank first every year.

This is the oppression from Jingjiu City.

(End of this chapter)

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