I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 104 "Don't even think about jumping and killing me, damn it!"

Chapter 104 "Don't even think about jumping and killing me, damn it!"

In Jingjiu City, even a dog would be respectfully called Jingye in other cities.

The local wealthy families in Fengtian City are located in Jingjiu City. Not to mention inconspicuous, they really can't make any waves.

Maybe the level of the owner of his family is not as high as that of the drivers from the wealthy families in Beijing-Kowloon City.

The middle-aged man's words were even more offensive. Fortunately, Sang Biao was not here, otherwise Sang Biao would have been completely offended by these words. The sharp confrontation between the two also made the atmosphere of the scene extremely tense for a time.

The other people sitting on both sides of the table also looked at each other, pretending not to hear anything.

Sitting here are the core members of the Fengtian Municipal Government, as well as the heads of various wealthy families in Fengtian City, such as the head of the Chi family and the leader of the Black Hand Gang. At this time, these people seemed to have heard nothing and were silent. hair.

Although they are in a good position, they do not have much qualifications to intervene here.

No matter how strong the local forces are, it is difficult to outdo the local government. Except for some cities, such as Lambei City, which is already a city completely controlled by local forces. In Fengtian City, they do not have such means.

The atmosphere did not remain tense for long before a man with gold-rimmed glasses said softly: "The city-state competition will only start in a month. No matter how fast Chen Miao upgrades in this month, his combat power should not exceed Sang Biao."

"Sang Biao should still be the representative of Fengtian City this year, but Chen Miao has the potential to serve as the representative of Fengtian City next year."

“It’s not too late to decide on this matter next year.”

"Actually, it's time to consider putting aside Fengtian City's past glory for a while. If Sang Biao's brother Sang De is allowed to compete on behalf of Fengtian City, he will definitely achieve better results."

Sang Biao has an older brother named Sang De, who ranks first in Fengtian City's combat power rankings. He is nearly twice as powerful as Sang Biao, but he is not a gunman, but a fighter.

Fengtian City was well-known a long time ago and was famous for its gunmen.

He performed very well in the city-state competition and was well-known among the people.

But later on, the profession of gunman gradually fell into decline, and few extraordinary people chose this profession. This also caused Fengtian City to gradually decline. The reason why Fengtian City was so eager to find a strong enough gunman.

the reason is simple.

First, use the name of the gunman to reaffirm the power of Fengtian!

Second, attract more extraordinary people to choose to become popular, thereby revitalizing the entire Fengtian City. Fengtian City has an environment that is extremely conducive to the growth of gunmen. These extraordinary people need a large amount of gunner-related materials, skill books, job transfer books, etc., these things Fengtian City The warehouses are almost full, and there are too many to overflow. It can bring extremely high financial revenue to Fengtian City.

The more people there are, the more expensive the land will be.

This will completely bring Fengtian City to life.

This is why Fengtian City has always insisted on sending gunmen to participate in the competition, even though there are clearly stronger transcendent beings in hand.

If there really is any extraordinary person who can do this for Fengtian City, let alone a heinous person, as long as he is not named and banned by the federal leader, they will all praise him. Sitting in their position, they all understand that a rising tide lifts all boats. Only when Fengtian City is strong enough will the power in their hands be strong enough.

at this time--

The mayor, who had been silent until now, spoke.

"Before the competition starts, let Sang Biao and Chen Miao compete to see who is stronger and who represents Fengtian City."

"Tell Chen Miao."

"If he can defeat Sangbiao and represent Fengtian City in the top 100 in the competition, next year the entire Fengtian City will serve him and give him all the resources. Hundreds of shooter warehouses in Fengtian City will open up a free selection for him. , and strive to achieve a better ranking next year.”

Although the mayor was a bowl of water at first, the meaning of his words was also very clear, and he believed in Chen Miao's potential. After all, Sang Biao has been supported by the entire Fengtian City for two years and is still like this. It is really difficult to repay What a hope.

In the federal official system, the mayor is the largest position in a city and the most powerful position. Every mayor has gone to Beijing to personally meet the current federal leader. It can be said that anyone with less luck would have reached this position. Can't sit down. This sentence can be regarded as setting the tone for this meeting.

Other people at the table also began to bow their heads and leave. Many people did not say a word during the entire meeting, such as the head of the Chi family, but in fact they did not need to speak. They were called just to let them understand. Don't conflict with Chen Miao during this period.

Interesting point.

Fengtian City needs Chen Miao.

A meeting started and ended quietly in this way. Chen Miao, who was sitting in the "Eula Club" at this time, was completely unaware of this. He was the only one in the city government, Zhou Shen. Unfortunately, Zhou Shen Shen's level is still a bit low, and he was not invited to participate in this internal meeting.

At this time, he was staring intently at the woman wearing a cheongsam on the auction stage.

The auction has begun.

The auctioneer is constantly introducing the lots.

To be honest, they are all excellent products.

For example, he just took a photo of this sought-after exclusive prop.

"Item name": Place of confinement.

"Item level": D level.

"Prop Effect": After activating this prop, any sprinting methods such as teleportation, teleportation, jumping, and impact will be prohibited within a radius of ten meters for 10 seconds. The prop has a 10-minute cooldown.

"Item Restrictions": It can only be used by "Gunner" and its promotion series professions, and the player level must be above lv.3.

"Item Description": "Don't even think about jumping and killing me, damn it!"

A god-level life-saving tool for gunners.

What a gunner fears most is close combat. Don’t say that guns are faster within seven steps. When a fighter wearing high-level protective clothing activates various damage-free skills and buffs, he can jump and slash above your head. When you engage in close combat.

You find that as soon as you go down, even the fighter's protective clothing is broken, and you start to despair when you look at the big sword hitting you.

I began to reflect on why I chose the profession of shooter.

This prop can ensure that he will not be jumped by the fighter. Of course, it can only last for 10 seconds, but these 10 seconds are enough to increase the distance.

He bought it for 300 million credits.


If it was him before, it would be impossible to afford it.

Chen Miao, who originally had a huge sum of 1700 million credit points in his pocket, immediately abandoned the idea of ​​booking the auction after discovering that a prop directly ate up 300 million of his credit points.

Don't have this strength.

The strength is still a bit lacking.

Chen Miao looked at what looked like a bracelet in his hand with some pain. It looked a bit like golden nan. It was made of wood and felt good to the touch. This bracelet was the D-level prop "Land of Confinement" he just bought. .

(End of this chapter)

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