I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 110 16 billion to buy a meter-tall rock giant?

Chapter 110 1.6 million to buy a -meter-tall rock giant?

Level 14 Gun Demon vs Level 19 Zerg Priest.

It was a great fight.

As Zhou Shen said, the moment the battle started, the Zerg priest summoned thousands of Zerg pets of all kinds, almost crowding the entire arena, and there was no room for any of them. .

Just such a move would cost at least 2 star coins.

After all, summoning higher-level Zerg pets also costs more Star Coins.

Ordinary people can't afford to play like this.

The exchange ratio of star coins and credits is 1:20.

2 star coins are 40 credits.

Taking the down payment of a house to fight a war, and there is a high probability that the benefits will not exceed this amount. How can ordinary people afford it? Many people say that "Zerg Priest" and "Giant Rider" are very rich.

In fact, it’s not that people in these two professions are rich, but that people without money simply won’t choose these two professions.

For an ordinary transcendent, even if the job transfer books for these two hidden professions are given to them, they will sell them for money instead of changing jobs. Even if they change jobs, they will not be able to afford it.

As soon as the battle began, the appearance of the Zerg Priest was extremely eye-catching. Thousands of Zerg monsters were summoned, some were long-range, some were melee, and some were auxiliary. After taking their respective positions, they launched an attack on Chen Miao. The performance was extremely eye-catching. .

Just like a legion that strictly follows orders, ordinary extraordinary people will be extremely stressed when faced with this scene.

There is no desire to resist the enemy at all.

If he wasn't in the "virtual arena" and knew he couldn't die, he would have run as far as he could.

Chen Miao, on the other hand, acted more simply, without any dazzling features, and followed the same old rules.

The dense metal storm protects against ranged attacks.

Thomson, who fired 2 bullets per second, began to clear the area. After a few seconds, the "Zerg Priest" was reduced to ashes along with the Zerg monsters he had summoned.


Zhou Shen looked at Chen Miao who came down from the virtual arena, and remained silent again. Suddenly it seemed that the virtual arena had lost its original function, but he soon arranged an opponent for Chen Miao again.

"The next opponent is the level 18 "Giant Rider". His rock giant has been strengthened to level lv98 and is quite powerful. "

A new battle begins again.

Chen Miao, who reappeared on the ring, looked at the rock giant in front of him, which was a hundred meters tall. He was slightly shocked and froze in place. The strength of this profession seemed to be very high. It had only been strengthened to level 98, and it was already a hundred meters tall. .

Looking up, the feeling of oppression was overwhelming.

If this is used for sieges or large-scale legion battles, the performance will definitely be very impressive. If nothing else, at least it feels that if it is used for demolition, it will definitely be much better than an excavator or something.

One punch and it was completely demolished.


Even if the enemy changes, we will remain the same, odd and even seek quadrants.

No matter what kind of enemy it was, Chen Miao still used the old two-axe, metal storm defense, and Thomson began to clear the field.

It's just that something unexpected happened this time. The rock giant's fist came down from the air with strong wind, smashing the metal storm surrounding his body with one punch. If he hadn't been able to dodge quickly, this punch wouldn't have hit him. It has to be dried and crushed.     “Is this right?”

Zhou Shen, who was standing outside watching the live broadcast, nodded with satisfaction. Brother Miao must encounter some setbacks in order to reflect the role of the virtual arena. The purpose of the virtual arena is to increase combat experience. It has always been about how to increase combat by crushing. experience.

Going back and forth is the fastest way to increase combat experience.


The next second, this extremely intimidating looking rock giant began to disintegrate out of thin air, without even a chance to throw a second punch.

Chen Miao slowly walked out of the white halo, looked at the replay of the battle he had just played and nodded thoughtfully: "This profession is very powerful. This rock giant is indeed very difficult, but the disadvantages seem to be huge."

"After all, as long as the rock giant's own transcendent dies, won't this summoned object also disintegrate on its own?"

Although his all-conquering metal storm defense was broken in the battle just now, that transcendent person couldn't resist his thrust into his mouth.


Zhou Shen was silent for a while with a dark expression on his face, and then he said in a hoarse voice: "In the virtual arena in Fengtian City, the highest-level opponent in the "Giant Rider" profession is this level 19 opponent. If you pass level 20 three times, After that, you will be able to control your own rock giant from a super long distance, and you can share the field of view with your own rock giant, and the summoner can hide in a safe place. "

"After the fourth turn at level 30, I can still sit in the head of the rock giant. Before the rock giant dies, I will definitely not be injured."

“The drawbacks wouldn’t exist then.”

"But before the third turn, the intensity in the arena competition was indeed not high enough."

"not bad."

Chen Miao smiled and nodded, looking at the nearly 98-meter-tall rock giant in the battle replay: "In this profession, it takes more star coins to strengthen a rock giant to level ?"

To be honest, this rock giant left quite an impression on him.

Just now he tried to hit the rock giant's arm with a shuttle, but it only knocked away some stone chips and potholes, basically not breaking the defense. He could even beat the siege boss of more than ten levels in seconds, but this rock giant couldn't break the defense.

Even he can't break through the defense. You can imagine the strength of this rock giant. Basically, there is no problem in defeating the boss alone. Just let the rock giant and the boss fight hand-to-hand. Isn't this equivalent to carrying a boss with you? ?

"There is general information on the Internet. I don't know how many star coins it takes to strengthen to level 98, but the number of star coins required to strengthen from level 0 to level 100 is about 800 million star coins. A normal warlock can only strengthen to level 9, which can make rocks The giant's height reaches 9 meters, and the star coins required for strengthening are 9 star coins."

"But generally speaking, ordinary warlocks rarely strengthen rock giants. They will strengthen other pets with higher levels."

"800 star coins?"

The moment Chen Miao heard this number, he was suddenly a little confused. He couldn't convert it in his mind. According to the ratio of one to twenty, 800 million star coins is 1.6 million credit points?

1.6 billion.

1.6 million to buy a -meter-tall rock giant? Is this worthwhile or not?

"and many more."

Chen Miao suddenly reacted, frowned and said, "Did you just say that there is a "Giant Rider" in Jingjiu City who has strengthened the rock giant to level 999? How many star coins are needed to upgrade to level 999? "

"That's not clear."

Zhou Shen shook his head: "Even if the star coins required for each enhancement after level 100 are the same as the enhancement to level 100, it would still require at least 8000 million star coins, but in fact the star coins for each enhancement will be higher than the last time. many."

(End of this chapter)

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