I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 111 If you have money, you can do whatever you want.

Chapter 111 If you have money, you can do whatever you want.

"If you really want to calculate it carefully, it feels like it's at least 2 million star coins."

"And this level 999 information is from a long time ago. That time, the news that a young man from Jingjiu City brought his thousand-meter-tall rock giant to blow up the streets spread throughout the federation, and most people paid attention to this matter."

"On the current ranking list, the highest-level rock giant is level 1999."

"It should be 2000 meters tall. The rock giant will grow one meter taller every time it levels up."


Chen Miao didn't speak, but just stood there and was lost in thought. No matter how poor a poor person is, he can't be poor. After all, there is a bottom line. Even if he is in debt, he can't owe much.

After all, poor people cannot borrow much money.

But there seems to be no upper limit for rich people, and it seems that they can always be rich to the point of being ridiculously rich.

For example, with this 1999-level rock giant, he could no longer imagine how much money it would cost to strengthen a rock giant to such a level.


The hungry monkey on the side looked strange and said: "Do you think there is a possibility that that person is a stooge? Deliberately consuming to stimulate our consumption? Just like the stooges of the official companies in the game?"

"How can it be."

Zhou Shen shook his head helplessly and said: "This is reality and not trust. These people are really rich. It is accumulated over several generations. Each generation starts to snowball based on the previous generation. When a family reaches a certain level of wealth, As long as you don’t make some fatal mistakes, you will basically not be depressed, and you will always get richer and richer.”

"There was no ranking list before, and everyone had no access to any useful information, nor did they have any specific concepts. However, it was not until the world became extraordinary that there was a ranking list, and everyone had a specific concept."

Chen Miao sighed and did not speak. He just rubbed his temples with a headache. He felt that there were many monsters in the world. Although he had a golden finger "Nothing Space", he felt that the strength of his golden finger was not as strong as these. " "The proud son of heaven".

"Brother Miao, your next opponent is a level 19 gunner. Brother Miao, give it a try."


Without delving too much into this issue, the virtual arena was opened again.

In front of Chen Miao, the gunman seemed like a toy. The Hell Gatling he held was very powerful, but none of it hit Chen Miao. All the bullets began to surround Chen Miao, turning into a metal storm. a member of.

There will be no fish slipping through the net.

In the face of Gun Demon's professional effects, no bullets can hit him.

And he also figured out how to use this professional effect. As long as he was prepared in advance, when the bullet was shot within 100 meters of him, it would follow the trajectory of his heartbeat.

But if he takes out a sniper rifle and shoots him from a high place without any mental preparation, the bullet will hit him directly.

This is an active effect.

Although there is no cooling down, it still needs to be actively activated. It is very useful when facing the battlefield, but it is somewhat useless when encountering an assassination by a gunman. After all, he cannot focus on this all the time every day.

The fight ended with nothing to watch.

The gunman had no temper at all towards Chen Miao.

Zhou Shen looked at Chen Miao who was walking out of the virtual arena, with a hint of disbelief in his eyes and said with a trembling voice: "Brother Miao, you can't control all the bullets, can you? Whether they are shot by you or the enemy?"


Chen Miao said vaguely and casually: "Absolutely. When facing a gunman, there is no pressure."


Zhou Shen couldn't help but jumped up from where he was in excitement: "Then it's completely stable now. That Sang Biao will definitely not be able to defeat Brother Miao. In one month, Brother Miao, you will represent Fengtian City in the city-state competition."

"As long as you get excellent results, Brother Miao, you can basically do well in Fengtian City from now on."

"The Chi family and other gangsters will have to lower their heads when they see you. The government team of Fengtian City is your biggest backer, Brother Miao."


Chen Miao smiled and nodded, and then looked at Zhou Shen: "You go ahead and work on it, I'll explore it by myself."

"Okay." Zhou Shen had no point in staying, because he found that no matter what kind of opponent he was, it seemed that it was basically impossible to increase Brother Miao's combat experience, and Brother Miao didn't seem to need any combat experience at all, just crush him all the way. Press through.

Then a string of codes was sent to Chen Miao's watch: "This string of codes will activate the permissions on your watch, Brother Miao. Brother Miao, you don't need to pay anything to use your watch to open the virtual arena. This is from the Fengtian Municipal Government." Just be careful not to spread it out if you send it to me."


After Zhou Shen left, Chen Miao opened a virtual arena for Hungry Monkey to enter. He entered the virtual arena again and began to select opponents. He found that this thing had many uses. There are too many extraordinary professions in the Federation.

There are 13 basic extraordinary professions in total, such as swordsmen, gunners, archers, fighters, and warlocks.

Plus a variety of hidden professions.

In addition to basic skills, there are special skills, general skills, unique skills, and various props.

Almost every opponent you encounter has a different playstyle and has its own exclusive skill chain and prop group. Once a conflict occurs, if it is not overwhelmed by combat power, it will indeed be easy to capsize.

And this virtual arena can help him meet many such extraordinary people, which greatly expands his horizons.

Fengtian City still gave him some privileges, allowing him to use this virtual arena for free. Ordinary people need 10 credit points to use it once, which is impossible to afford. However, this thing is not for ordinary people, so ordinary people It doesn't matter whether people can afford it or not.

"Cousin, why are you here to pick me up today?"

At the entrance of "Fengtian Chaofan No. 1 Middle School", Yu'er was sitting in a stretched luxury car. She looked at her cousin Chi Qiu next to her with a smile and said, "The teacher taught a lot of things today. I feel like talking to my father." It’s a little different.”

"Didn't my father choose the extraordinary profession of warlock? But the teacher said today that warlock is a very weak extraordinary profession. But cousin, you are also a warlock. Since warlocks are so weak, why did you choose warlocks for us?"


Chi Qiu looked at his cousin Tao'er with a complex expression, and touched his head: "The normal warlock profession is very weak, but the family master has prepared a hidden career "Zerg Priest" for you. This time, the family master wants to let you enter the big world. Didn't the event clear your level? When you reach level 3 this time, you can switch to "Zerg Priest". This warlock's hidden profession is not weak. "

"Is it strong?"

"Very strong."

"Then why don't others choose this career?"

"Because other people don't have money, not everyone has a ruler behind them."

Chi Qiu interrupted the topic. He didn't come here today for this matter. After hesitating for a moment, he hesitated and said: "Tao'er, have you and Chen Miao been in contact much recently?"

"Chen Miao?"

Tuo'er shook her head in confusion: "I have never chatted with Chen Miao. Brother Biao, which Chen Miao are you talking about?"

"But cousin, you remind me of the Chen Miao in the big incident."

Thinking of this, Yu'er pouted with some dissatisfaction and said angrily: "Did you watch the live broadcast? He hit me very painfully. So many bullets were shot into my body. He didn't show mercy at all. I hate him to death. Cousin, you Go teach him a lesson for me!"

For a 16-year-old girl, Chen Miao's attack was indeed a bit rough.

Stuffed directly.


Chi Qiu looked a little embarrassed for a moment. He actually wanted to say that he couldn't defeat Chen Miao. He sent his shadow to find Chen Miao, but Chen Miao killed him directly and mercilessly. He was just trying to settle this case this time. Things happen.

But there seems to be something wrong with his information. Isn't Yu'er chatting with Chen Miao?

Wasn't this the conversation we had after the wrong phone call last time?

Something went wrong.

There can't be any misunderstanding or misunderstanding, right?

"Didn't you chat with Chen Miao? Then who told you that the most delicious food in winter is roasted fried potatoes?"

"Oh, cousin, you are talking about that person. That person said his name is Hungry Monkey. He is a very interesting person."

"Hungry monkey"

Chi Qiu had been having some twitching recently. He knew that this man was originally an ordinary laborer, but later he became Chen Miao's confidant, which meant that he had found the wrong person at the beginning, and Chen Miao might not even know about this.

But now the meeting in Fengtian City has been completed. As long as Chen Miao wins the match against Sang Biao in a month, he will become the spokesperson of Fengtian City. By then, his status will be completely different. These frictions between him and Chen Miao It will become a hidden danger in Chen Miao's relationship with the Chi family, and it will also become a hidden danger for him.

His status in the Chi family is not high.

Otherwise, he would not have chosen the profession of "Shadow Controller" and would have directly chosen "Zerg Priest" or "Giant Rider". Could it be that he didn't choose it because he didn't like it? Of course not, it was because he was not qualified to let the Chi family be there. He spent so much money on him.

Although it is not certain whether Chen Miao will definitely win, the sooner these misunderstandings are eliminated, the better. Otherwise, it will be too late to eliminate these misunderstandings after Chen Miao actually wins Sang Biao.

"Ahem, that taro."

Chi Qiu coughed lightly and then tentatively said: "Can you send a message to that hungry monkey netizen of yours? I will send you the specific text. Just say that it was Chi Qiu who was at the noodle shop today who sent it to you."


Tuo'er looked at the long paragraph sent by Chi Qiu, and looked up at her cousin with some confusion: "3829 words? Is this paragraph so long? Or is it a letter of apology? And cousin, do you know Hungry Monkey?"

(End of this chapter)

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