I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world

Chapter 112 "Where are you going, Brother Miao?"

Chapter 112 "Where are you going, Brother Miao?"

“It seems more sincere.”

Chi Qiu said with a resentful tone, what kind of temper could he have when things have developed to this point? When his head got hot, he directly took it to his head under the instigation of some bad friends, causing the current situation. In order to prevent things from getting worse later, He could only lower his face and do this.

Losing a few people is not a big deal.

The big problem is that if Chen Miao rejects him or doesn't intend to reconcile with him at all, then the problem will be huge.

"Okay, sister, I haven't asked you for anything. Just this one thing, please help my cousin. Don't tell anyone else."

"That's it."

Taro'er nodded thoughtfully, then rolled his eyes in a circle, with a trace of expectation flashing in his eyes: "As a condition, cousin, can you buy me a baked potato?"

"This way I will definitely not tell anyone and will definitely keep it a secret for you."


Chi Qiu remained silent with a complex expression and did not answer. Why was this such a bad fucking choice? If Tuo'er's parents knew that he bought this kind of food for Tuo'er, wouldn't they scold him to death?

But between completely offending Chen Miao and being insulted by Tu'er's parents, he decisively chose the latter.

At least the latter will not lose his life. The former is likely to be sacrificed by the Chi family in order to ease the relationship with Chen Miao.


When it was getting dark, Chen Miao left the Secret Building and prepared to go home.

There were thirty or forty battles today. Extraordinaries of different professions brought a big surprise to Chen Miao. It has to be said that each extraordinary person has his or her own special skills. Even if they are two extraordinary people with the same profession, fighting The way to get up is also completely different.



He all chose the same tactic.

On the bus, Hungry Monkey leaned against the window and fell asleep. Perhaps it was late at night. There was not a single passenger on the bus, only the two of them, and a driver who was silent and focused on doing his job.

The in-car TV broadcasts boring news.

The host's calm tone made the sleepiness in the carriage even more intense.

Chen Miao glanced at the inside of the bus strangely. He didn't know why, but he always felt a little strange in his heart.

He is not short of money now, and rarely chooses buses anymore. Generally speaking, he chooses taxis to travel between Eternal Cemetery and Fengtian City, which is faster and more comfortable. There won’t be any stops along the way.

It's just that today may be a holiday, but there is not a taxi on the busy streets. After waiting for dozens of minutes, a bus heading to the Eternal Cemetery just pulled into the station.

Too lazy to wait any longer, I took the hungry monkey on the bus.

The bus route was no different from usual. The terminal was still the Eternal Cemetery. However, the bus kept stopping and stopping along the way. No one got on the bus. There were only two of them from the beginning to the end.

There are many residential areas between Fengtian City and Eternal Cemetery. In the past, even the last bus would not be empty of people.

The strange situation made Chen Miao's sleepiness disappear instantly, and she had a vague feeling of bad premonition.

But the hungry monkey taking a nap next to him made him feel that everything was normal, as if it was nothing.


Chen Miao looked at the route map and saw that he would arrive at the Eternal Cemetery in two stops. However, the uneasiness in his heart became more intense. An indescribable feeling made him feel that he could not wait like this. He woke up and was still dozing off. The hungry monkey frowned and said hoarsely: "Stop sleeping, wake up, why don't we get out of the car first."    "Huh?"

Hungry Monkey woke up from his sleep in a daze, rubbed his sleepy eyes and said feebly: "We're only two stops away, aren't we? Brother Miao, what are you doing when you get off the bus?"

"Suddenly I want to enjoy the night breeze."

Just at this time, the bus arrived and stopped. Chen Miao took the opportunity to get up and walk down. Although he didn't know what the situation was, a hunch in his heart told him that it would be better to leave this damn bus quickly.

If it were in his original world, he might just think that there happened to be no one there tonight.

But in this chaotic world, he vaguely felt as if he was involved in some unknown random event.

Even if he is not weak now, he does not want to be rashly involved in such uncontrollable random events, which means that everything is unknown, and the unknown represents the risk of death.

But just then——

Another piece of news suddenly started playing on the car's TV.

"Emergency notice: On November 11, at 24:22 in the evening, a No. 21 bus with license plate number Feng·GA182 drove into a bridge pit outside the suburbs because the driver was dozing. There were only two people on the bus. All three passengers, including the driver, died."

"The bodies of the two passengers were unrecognizable. We would like to inform our families and ask their families to come to the Xisan Law Enforcement Bureau to claim the bodies."


Chen Miao, who had just stood up, suddenly stopped and looked up expressionlessly at the TV hanging on the roof of the car not far away. Although the two corpses on the TV were mosaic and the bloody look was a bit oozing, they could still pass. The clothes clearly revealed that the two corpses were the clothes of him and the hungry monkey.

"Where are you going, Brother Miao?"

At this time, the hungry monkey's voice sounded behind him.

I saw Hungry Hou standing up from his seat at some point, with a strange smile on his lips, and looked at Chen Miao uncharacteristically: "Brother Miao, we are here in two stops, why do you have to get off the car?"


Chen Miao took a deep breath, ignored everything around him, took out the Thompson submachine gun from his pocket and held it in his hand. At this time, this was the only thing that could make him feel safe. He didn't want to care about what the situation was. He just wanted to get out of here. car.

Anyone who stands in his way will die.

At this time, the hungry monkey was obviously not the hungry monkey he knew. Whether it was possessed or whatever, it was obvious that the current hungry monkey was a great source of danger.


"It's finally here, damn, I've been waiting for so long."

A cursing voice sounded from outside the bus, and a middle-aged man wearing a raincoat and a bamboo hat was seen. He was wet and grabbed the door of the bus and squeezed in. When he saw Chen Miao who was about to get off the bus, he was slightly stunned, and then Then he laughed.

"Hey, there's a lucky guy tonight. Now that you've come up, don't even think about getting off. You won't be able to get off."

"Sit down, there are still a few stops ahead, let's chat for a while."

As if he was familiar with himself, the man found a seat and sat down. Regardless of his wet raincoat, he fumbled for a pack of cigarettes from his arms, took one out, put it in his mouth, lit it, and then handed it to Chen. Miao Yiyi: "Want one?"

From start to finish.

This man didn't even look at Hungry Monkey, he just talked to Chen Miao the whole time.

(End of this chapter)

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