I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 114 "Number 128, fixed event named Hell Bus."

Chapter 114 "Number 128, fixed event named Hell Bus."

It's such a shame. He is the deputy director of the Incident Bureau, and he is in charge of random incidents in Fengtian City. However, such an incident happened in Fengtian City, but he did not receive any news at all.

It was only through the news from Hungry Monkey that I discovered this matter.

This is outrageous.

But Zhou Shen did not feel that he had lost face, but hoarsely said with a heavy face: "There are many random incidents that happen in Fengtian City every year, such as the boss siege incident you experienced last time, and the incident bureau is responsible for this kind of thing."

"But such events often require early warning. For example, in the boss siege incident, there will be an announcement saying that a random event will occur. There is only one kind of event like this without any warning."

"It's a fixed event!"

"Fixed events are a very simple concept, that is, a certain event will continue to repeat, and fixed events are generally not fixed in a certain city, but will randomly occur in one city or between several cities."

"Fixed events have their own numbers. The numbers from small to large mean difficulty from high to low. The smaller the number, the higher the difficulty and the greater the mortality rate."

"I have experienced a fixed event, the number is 3***** and the name is Wilderness Train."

"According to my guess, Brother Miao is most likely involved in a fixed incident."

Hungry Monkey said anxiously: "How did you feel at that fixed event?"


With a complex expression, Zhou Shen untied his clothes and exposed his chest. He saw an extremely hideous wound on his chest. The skin and flesh were opened, and white fat and thick blood could be seen. It looked extremely... Infiltrate people.

The shirt inside was already stained red with blood.

"I almost died in that incident. Although I survived by luck, it also left a curse. The curse is this wound that will never kill me but will never heal. This wound tortures me every moment. The pain was so severe that I felt worse than death."

"If my mission in life hadn't been completed, I would have chosen to end my life."

"Under this curse, people are no longer individuals."

Hungry Monkey looked at the extremely scary-looking wound on Zhou Shen's chest with slight shock. This was the first time he knew that Zhou Shen had such a wound. So Zhou Shen also brought Yuan Buping and the others to explore the secret realm?

With such a big wound, one punch would hurt for a whole day, right?

"The fabric of the clothes is customized to ensure that blood will not penetrate to the greatest extent."

Zhou Shen re-buttoned his shirt and sighed softly, saying with some worry: "If Brother Miao is really involved in a fixed incident, we can only expect that Brother Miao will encounter this fixed incident number. Don’t be too young, or you may have a hard time surviving.”

Although the words didn't sound good, he still said it.

Although Brother Miao is very strong, in fixed events, it doesn’t just have to be strong. There are too many factors that determine whether a person can survive, among which luck is a very important factor. In comparison, strength is not so important. Important factor.

In the Wilderness Train fixed incident numbered 389 that he experienced, his strength was the worst. There were too many people who were stronger than him, but many people who were stronger than him died, but he survived. .

Although he carries a lifelong curse that cannot be removed, at least he survived.

If the secret realm has certain dangers and a high death rate, then fixed events like this basically have a certain survival rate.

"Number 128, a fixed event called Hell Bus?"

After Chen Miao repeated the middle-aged man's words and extracted the key information, he remained silent and did not speak. Through the conversation with the middle-aged man just now, he got a lot of information.

Of course, the authenticity of this information still needs to be questioned for the time being.

He subconsciously opened his watch as if searching for information about a fixed event, but his watch had already been disconnected, unable to search for anything, and completely cut off from the outside world.

This was his first introduction to the concept of fixed events.

According to what this man said, he took the initiative to get on the bus. The fixed event numbered 128 Hell Bus is an event that will be predicted in advance and then take the initiative to get on the bus. A small group of people will be selected in advance and invitations will be sent to these people.

You can choose to agree or refuse.

If you choose to agree, after the 128 Hell Bus fixed event starts, the bus will stop in front of you. You only need to get on the bus to participate. However, if you choose to agree but get cold feet, you will be responsible for the consequences.

The man didn't say what the consequences would be, but he could imagine the consequences with his butt.

This fixed event is a large event in multiple cities. Only one person will be selected from each city. The more cities it passes through and the more people get on the bus, the more difficult this fixed event will be.

The difficulty of the 128 Hell Bus fixed events is not consistent, it is different every time, depending on how many people are on the bus.

According to this middle-aged man, before getting on the bus, he was walking in the heavy rain wearing a raincoat and a bamboo hat, and then a bus with the license plate number Feng·GA182 stopped behind him without knowing when it flashed double flashes. .

After getting on the bus, I saw Chen Miao who was about to get off.

Chen Miao brushed his memory. At that time, he was on the bus and did not feel that the scene outside did not belong to the suburbs of Fengtian City.

There was soon no sound in the bus again.

The middle-aged man did not speak. He just closed his eyes and leaned on the chair as if he had fallen asleep. Until now, this man has not even glanced in the direction of the hungry monkey. He has not even looked back and sat quietly in his seat. at every turn. Chen Miao also sat in the single seat opposite the middle-aged man, silent and did not speak. The information the man told him was very limited. He only knew that he was involved in a fixed incident, but what exactly would he face? He didn't know.

He subconsciously looked back at Hungry Monkey.

Hungry Monkey was already sitting in the back seat, dozing sleepily by the window.

It seemed like it was back to normal.

at this time--

The bus stopped again.

A young man in casual clothes strolled onto the bus. I don’t know whether he suddenly became rich or was young and flamboyant. The clothes this young man chose had exaggerated logos.

And these logos are the logos of some luxury brands.

Even if Chen Miao didn't know much about luxury brands in this world, he could tell at a glance that they looked expensive.

Chen Miao specifically looked out the window this time. It looked like he was on a rural road. There was nothing special about it. The sky was dark, the moon could not be seen, and the dark clouds were a bit thick.

There was no rain on the young man's body and he looked clean and tidy. When he got on the bus, he glanced at the middle-aged man and Chen Miao, then looked at the route map and chuckled without saying anything. He just sat in the front row minding his own business. On the window seat.

The location closest to the driver.

Then the bus closed the door and started again, and the route map changed again.

Previous stop "Laobei City" - Current stop "Beijing-Kowloon City" - Next stop "Broken Can Market" - Next stop "Non-fish market" -

Only a maximum of 4 stations can be shown on the display.

At present, there is at least one stop behind the non-fish market.

That means there must be at least 6 stops.

So far, two people have gotten on the bus, and there are four people in the bus, no. Chen Miao suddenly realized something and looked up at the front of the bus. The driver who didn't speak a word from beginning to end.

Including the driver, there should be five people.

At this time, the driver was still sitting there, as if he had not moved from the beginning to the end, focusing on his own work with peace of mind. But whether he was still a talkative middle-aged man or this young man from Beijing-Kowloon City, he had not moved from beginning to end. No one even bothered to talk to the driver.

They know more information that they don’t know.

Since they didn't go, there must be some taboo involved. At this time, his information was almost completely blank. When he didn't know anything, he tried his best to stay quiet and not make unnecessary moves.

When the young man got on the bus, he specifically observed the young man's eyes. After getting on the bus, the young man only glanced at the two of them and looked at the route map, and then his eyes did not drift anywhere.

Like the middle-aged man, neither looked in the direction of the hungry monkey.


Chen Miao suddenly felt something in his heart. Normal people would look around when they get on the bus. How could they only look to their right and not to the left? He originally guessed that the two of them couldn't see the hungry monkey.

But now it looks more like avoiding the direction of hungry monkeys.

Avoid seeing hungry monkeys yourself.

He subconsciously turned his head and looked behind him again. Unexpectedly, the hungry monkey he was sitting in the back seat stood behind him. He bent down and put his head almost on his forehead, and said hoarsely with a weird smile on his lips. .

"Brother Miao, I want to sit with you."

The unprepared situation made Chen Miao's heart stop almost instantly. He looked at this hungry monkey that could no longer be described as weird. He did not answer immediately, but looked at the other two people.

At this time, the two men seemed to be half asleep, sitting in their seats and leaning against the window motionless.

But from the extremely steady breathing of the two of them, he could clearly judge that the two of them were not asleep, but just pretending to doze.


Chen Miao took a deep breath and stood up slowly, looking down at the hungry monkey in front of him. Although he really wanted to stuff Thomson into the monkey's mouth and fuck him, when the situation was not clear, he still chose Forbearance.

He was about to say a few words, but the hungry monkey now made him a little bit intrusive.

But before he could say anything, Hungry Monkey suddenly muttered a few times, returned to his seat in the back seat, and continued to doze drowsily.


As soon as Hungry Monkey sat down, the middle-aged man in a raincoat sitting opposite Chen Miao suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the young man sitting at the front of the bus: "That little guy who got on the bus from Jingjiu City, tell me about his career." and rank.”

"The difficulty will obviously be very high this time, so let's make sure it's low in advance so that we can survive together."

(End of this chapter)

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