I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 115 "No one survived, how was it recorded?"

Chapter 115 "No one survived, how was it recorded?"

Chen Miao narrowed his eyes and said nothing. This middle-aged man never asked about his rank or occupation from beginning to end, as if he had acquiesced that he was already mortal.

Just like what this middle-aged man said, he was the only one who boarded the bus without knowing it, and he was one of the lucky ones, or a mascot.

"Zerg Priest, level 34."

The young man sitting at the front of the bus did not look back, but his voice still drifted to the back.

"Ho ho ho."

There was an unexplained laugh from the middle-aged man's throat, and after a while he said hoarsely: "Fighter, level 24."

These two people are of a higher level than him.

Chen Miao leaned on the chair and looked at the back of the young man at the front, thoughtfully without speaking. This was the first time he saw a person from Jingjiu City, a Zerg priest. He had just learned about this warlock from Zhou Shen. Hidden profession, I didn’t expect to meet it now.

A profession where as long as you have money, your combat power is almost unlimited.

Perfect for those young men in Jingjiu City.

No wonder this middle-aged man let out such a strange laugh. Looking at the luxury goods on this young man, you can tell that he is someone who is not short of money. With such a person in the team, the sense of security is doubled.

Can you afford so many luxuries, but in times of crisis, you are not allowed to directly summon the sea of ​​insects?

He didn't wait to think too much.

"Broken Jar Market" has arrived.


The person who got on the bus this time made Chen Miao slightly stunned.

"Doctor Gou?"

The scene outside the bus was still the same as that outside the last stop. If the bus could not clearly see the outside scenery moving during the journey, otherwise he would still feel that the bus was spinning in place.

But at this stop at the Broken Can Market, the person who got on the bus turned out to be his old acquaintance, Doctor Gou!

I saw Dr. Gou wearing a white coat and walking up from the car door with an obviously ugly expression. He was obviously a little shocked when he saw Chen Miao. Obviously he did not expect to meet Chen Miao here.

"Why are you here?"

Doctor Gou sat on the seat behind Chen Miao and spoke subconsciously.

"I was the first one on the bus."

Chen Miao sighed softly and said helplessly: "I was originally taking the bus home. As I was sitting there, I noticed that there was no one on the bus. It was strange. When I reacted, I found that I had been involved."

"It's you, why are you up here?"

"Aren't you planning to retire in Broken Jar City? Why are you still working so hard?"

According to the meaning of the middle-aged man's words, he already understood that the mortality rate of this fixed event code-named 128 Hell Bus was extremely high. Under such circumstances, Doctor Gou would be willing to go, which made him a little confused. After all, Dr. Gou had made it clear to him before that he would retire and stop wandering around in the world.

This fixed event is invitation-only. Those invited can choose to refuse or agree. There will be no penalty for refusal. He can't find any reason why Dr. Gou must agree.

Speaking of this, Dr. Gou's expression turned slightly ugly: "I have refused once before, and this is the second time."

The words fell. The middle-aged man in the bus couldn't help laughing: "Everyone can only refuse once, and the second time they will be forced to agree. However, theoretically speaking, most people will not be invited to 128 fixed events in their lifetime, but will be invited continuously. The probability of it happening twice is extremely low.”

"In a sense, this eldest brother is lucky."

Doctor Gou ignored the middle-aged man, but looked at Chen Miao with a frown and said, "You just said you were not invited, and by the time you realized it, you were already on this bus?"


When receiving a confirmed answer from Chen Miao, Dr. Gou looked at Chen Miao with a complex expression: "This is not good."

"Can you elaborate?"

He didn't ask too many questions about the middle-aged man. It was difficult for him to completely trust this stranger. He just collected some information. If the other party gave him some wrong information, he would misguide him and influence him at the critical moment. his decision making.

Dr. Gou is basically trustworthy.

Old friends.

"After I declined the invitation to this event last time, I have been investigating the relevant information of this fixed event for a long time." Dr. Gou first glanced at the interior of the vehicle and the route map on the display screen, and then also did not look at the seat in the back. The hungry monkey on the chair whispered.

"This fixed event occurs approximately 18-22 times a year in the Federation."

"Compared to other fixed events, the frequency is not low."

"The bus has a capacity limit of 18 people. In most cases, only 3 to 4 passengers choose to get on the bus. Before each 128 fixed event is started, invitations will be randomly sent to 18 people. How many people accept the invitation will determine How many people are going to get on the bus.”

"The more people get on the bus, the higher the risk."

"Among the 128 recorded incidents, there are many cases where only one person got on the bus. It is said that if this is the case, not only will the difficulty be lower, but the rewards will also be extremely generous."

"All the 18 people invited agreed. It is rare for them all to get on the bus. Since the emergence of the 128 Incident in the past many years, the world's extraordinary world has only occurred 11 times. Each time, they were all wiped out and no one survived."

Chen Miao raised his eyebrows slightly: "No one survived, how was it recorded?"

"I don't know. I also searched the information in the database. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing for you is that every time before the 128 incident starts, basically no one will be in the car in advance. If there is a lucky person After getting on the bus early without being invited, that’s a jackpot.”

"You will be assumed to be the conductor by default."

"The conductor is responsible for collecting fares from some guests after the bus officially goes on the road, and has the obligation to protect the safety of the bus and its passengers. This is a rare situation, and you can understand it as a hidden role."

"This character is picked randomly. When the bus leaves the initial city, it will randomly find a lucky person who gets on the bus and start the journey."

"Chen Miao, you are the lucky one."

"The good news is that as a conductor you are part of the bus. Like the driver, you do not need to step out of the bus under any circumstances. Under special circumstances, you are in a basically absolutely safe position."

"The bad news is that if you encounter a crisis while the bus is driving, you need to get off the bus to face the enemy. No one can get off the bus to help you until you die."


Chen Miao nodded and remained silent. He probably understood what was going on. The reason why he felt that there was nothing special about this bus apart from being a little weird could be roughly understood to be that he was still in the process of matching teammates. It hasn't officially started yet.

(End of this chapter)

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