Chapter 119 Life Flower is the ability.

Chen Miao ignored the movement behind him and just silently put his finger on Thomson's trigger in his arms. Then he stepped off the bus, counting the time in his mind, and aimed at the dazed back of the middle-aged woman in the mist.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Pull the trigger.

The next second—

Tens of thousands of bullets, like tigers emerging from the forest or thousands of families setting off fireworks at the same time, rushed into the fog with dazzling light, shrouding the middle-aged woman in the fog.

There was no scream, and the middle-aged woman didn't even have time to react. Her body was still puddles of minced meat. On the ground, a large number of bullets were mixed with a small amount of minced meat.

At the last second when the bus closed, Chen Miao put away her gun and returned to the bus, sitting in her seat.

The bus slowly began to move again.

On the field, the middle-aged woman no longer breathed.

Seeing this, Chen Miao was slightly relieved. Originally, he had no intention of getting involved in this matter, and he had no ability to bring the person back within a minute. But the moment the car door closed, he suddenly realized a problem.

What would happen if this woman couldn't get into the car?

Will he die?

This is destined, but how he will die is a question.

His identity is a conductor, responsible for collecting tickets from some guests, and who are those guests? It seemed like a ghost but not a ghost. In a flash of inspiration, a possibility suddenly appeared in his mind.

When this woman cannot return to the bus and is left in the fog forever, she may turn into a guest and board the bus at the next stop or the next stop.

At that time, he might pretend that he was in a normal state and nothing had happened to confuse him. When he arrived at the terminal, he found that the woman had become a guest, but he did not charge the fare to the woman, thus ending up in a violent situation. killing situation.

It is also possible that this woman's abilities will be greatly enhanced, and she will stop the moving bus out of strong resentment because no one saves her. As a conductor, his duty is to solve the problem when the bus is stopped.

After some speculation, he got an answer.

This woman may not get in the car, but she must die. She cannot be left in the wilderness like this.

Otherwise, it will definitely cause him huge trouble in the next few stops.

This is a guess and may not be correct, but in this fixed event with such a low survival rate, even if he kills the wrong person, he cannot let it go. What's more, even if he doesn't do it, the woman will still die.

The difference is just a matter of how to die. You can still die happily in his hands. From a certain perspective, this can be regarded as a good deed and a good thing.

Chen Miao sat in her seat, minding her own information and speculations in her mind. She didn't pay attention to what she had just done, leaving everyone else in the bus stunned.

Confused: Is this little guy so powerful? Aren't you the unlucky lucky guy? Why doesn't the strength seem weak?

Confused 2: What are you doing? What happened when you shot that woman to death for no reason?

Even the man from Lambei City who had talked to Chen Miao the most had a complex expression and remained silent for a long time before he looked at Chen Miao and said, "Well, little brother, I just forgot to ask, what level of occupation do you have?" ah."

The title also changed inadvertently, from the little guy to the little brother.

Obviously, Chen Miao's firepower just now has been recognized by this man.

"Gunner, level 14."

Chen Miao looked up at Lao Lamb and said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm just a conductor. I just received a panel saying that players who didn't get on the bus in time will turn into special guests and wait for us at one stop."

"I didn't tell you guys because I was pressed for time, so I just took action myself." He explained his motives by the way, not bothering to say that these were just his speculations, so as not to waste anyone's words with him, he simply said that this was stipulated in the panel. Do you still want to see his panel?

If you insist on watching, I’ll fuck you!


Lao Zao was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to suddenly realize something. He slapped his thigh with excitement: "Yes, damn, I suddenly remembered that there were only 11 times in history that the Hell Bus was full. Every time They were all annihilated, but I remember there were no conductors in these 11 times, right?"

"Why does the greater the number of people, the higher the difficulty? I think a big reason is that people who do not return to the bus in time will become guests, which will cause a big crisis at the next stop. In other words, we only need to ensure that no one will be left behind. It can greatly reduce the difficulty.”


Others also kept chiming in. Apparently everyone felt that this suggestion was highly executable, and they started discussing it emotionally.

Chen Miao did not interrupt anymore, but turned to look out the window. The bus had already started. Through the rearview mirror of the bus, he saw on the road behind him a hungry monkey with red eyes holding a lot of treasure boxes with a ferocious look on his face. He kept running towards the bus.

Obviously trying to get on the bus.

It's just that I can't catch up with the speed of the bus, and the bus has no intention of stopping.

He could see the hungry monkey's mouth opening and closing, but the bus was so soundproof that he couldn't hear the sound coming from the hungry monkey's mouth.

It didn't take long for the hungry monkey to be gradually left behind, and the hungry monkey was completely invisible.

This was his first customer, but he got off the bus just like that.

He turned to look at the dog with its body coiled up on the seat not far away. He was very curious about what the dog saw in the deepest place and what it gained. However, he did not ask, even if he asked about such things. , the other party won’t speak either.

What's more, no matter how good the things are, they are useless and cannot be used now. They are temporarily stored in the trunk of the bus and can only be obtained smoothly when the bus arrives at the terminal.

Just like that middle-aged woman, she probably got a lot of good things, but what's the use?

It's not about making money.

The flower of destiny is the ability.

The people in the car were still discussing in high spirits. Perhaps it was because the rewards everyone received in the first level were good, and in addition, they did not feel that it was difficult. Everyone gradually let go of their fear and began to be more concerned about survival. I have higher expectations for this matter.

But it didn't take long.

The speed of the bus gradually slowed down.

Before anyone could react, a panel popped up in front of everyone again.

"Second stop": Ziwu Road.

"Platform information": After arriving at the station, everyone on the bus needs to cross this dangerous Ziwu Road, get the token 300 meters away, and return the same way. Try to get back to the bus before the bus starts again.


The bus stopped again.

The information on the panel is very simple, but the information can be clearly understood. If it is explained in game terms, then this level is a parkour level.

(End of this chapter)

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