I am cleaning the ground with artillery in the extraordinary world.

Chapter 120 "Don't panic, take your time!"

Chapter 120 "Don't panic, take your time!"

But the competition is not just about how many miles you can run, there are many crises along the way, and it is estimated that the ability to face crises will be tested, and the specific crises there will be are completely unknown.

At some point the bus reached a steep cliff.

There are no other roads around.

There are only nine suspension bridges that connect to the other side of the cliff. The suspension bridge is not long, only a few dozen meters. There are other checkpoints behind the suspension bridge. According to the prompts on the panel, the suspension bridge in front of you is part of Ziwu Road.

They need to rush through this suspension bridge, the stone pillars behind it, and other levels, obtain the tokens, and return at the critical time.


Chen Miao, who was sitting alone on the bus, glanced at the driver sitting in the driver's seat. Instead of approaching him to talk, he lit a cigarette and looked at the people walking up in pairs in the swirling smoke. People on the suspension bridge.

As a conductor.

He doesn't need to get off the bus to participate in these dangerous levels. This is one of the conductor's few advantages. At least he is completely safe without leaving the bus.

You can't attack in the bus, which is why he opened fire just now when he got off the bus.

Doctor Gou was holding the arm of the man in the raincoat from Lambei City with a vigilant expression, and the two men stepped cautiously on the suspension bridge.

There are nine suspension bridges in total.

Fixed events are automatically assigned, two to one level, such as the first level "Concentric Suspension Bridge".

Two people who are divided into teammates must maintain the same stepping frequency, step their left foot together, and then step their right foot together. If there is even the slightest mistake, the suspension bridge will break, and then the two of them will fall into the cliff together.

This is actually a very simple thing. Even if it doesn’t require training, there are many people in primary schools who can do it.

But even a simple thing becomes not so simple when it has such serious consequences.

"Don't panic, take your time!"

Doctor Gou took a deep breath while grabbing Lao Lamb's arm, staring at their feet without blinking, for fear of taking a wrong step. Life will take many paths and many wrong paths, but absolutely Can't go wrong at this time.

If you make a mistake at this time, it will be the last step in your life.

At this time, Lao Lamb also knew what the moment was, and nodded seriously, without any extra thoughts, staring directly at the feet of the two of them.

The suspension bridge is on a cliff.

The wind is a bit strong, and the suspension bridge is constantly shaking. Although it is not too big and will not shake people down, it brings a lot of pressure in the heart. What's more, you can guarantee that you will not make mistakes, and you can guarantee that your companions will not make mistakes. Won't something go wrong?

If your companion makes a wrong move, you will die soon after.

It should take some time before you fall to the bottom of the abyss. This time should be enough for you to beat up the pig teammate who killed you in the air, if you still have the leisure and elegance at that time.

A total of 18 passengers were divided into 9 groups in pairs, which was originally just right.

But one died at the last stop.

As a result, there were only 17 passengers, one of whom was alone. The wolf dog quickly ran across the suspension bridge and rushed towards the second level by himself. If there were no companions, the rule of concentric suspension bridges could be ignored.


All 17 passengers arrived at the other side of the cliff safely. Everyone looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief, but there was not much time left for them. The bus would only stay for 10 minutes.

They must fight back and forth within 10 minutes. The total round trip distance is 600 meters.

Not long ago, everyone is a senior extraordinary person. They can run 10 meters in 600 minutes, to put it bluntly, with their hands. Their physical fitness has long been far superior to ordinary people. Extraordinary people and extraordinary people have naturally surpassed ordinary people.

But in the face of so many agencies and rules, this is not easy.

Soon we came to the second level "Lava Stone Pillar" on Ziwu Road.

This level has hundreds of stone pillars suspended in mid-air. The distance between each stone pillar is about one meter. Through these stone pillars, you can reach the opposite cliff, which is the third level.

After clearing the second level panel, you can learn that only one-third of the stone pillars here can be stepped on.

The remaining two-thirds of the stone pillars will break if stepped on.

If you unfortunately step on a stone pillar that will break into pieces, you will naturally fall into the abyss. Different stone pillars have different patterns. Obviously, through these patterns, you can find some rules for identifying real stone pillars.

"Oh shit!"

Doctor Gou couldn't help but lowered his head and cursed secretly. He glanced at his watch subconsciously, suppressed the irritability and anxiety in his heart, and forced himself to calm down to observe the patterns of different patterns on the stone pillars.

The 10-minute countdown hung above his head like a reminder, and one and a half minutes had passed.

It has been a long time since he entered the secret realm. To be honest, his hands are a little raw. He has entered countless secret realms before. If he was still at his peak state and his consciousness was in place at that time, he would probably soon discover the rules here.

But now, he is a little old. He has not experienced this kind of moment in the secret realm for a long time, and he can't control his emotions.

Except for the dog, everyone stood at the starting point of the second level and began to anxiously observe the patterns on the stone pillars. Obviously everyone was in a hurry, and the dog was already preparing to go to the fourth level.

Relying on its extremely fast speed, the dog passed directly over the stone pillar. Even if it stepped on the broken stone pillar, it could use the force to jump away just before the stone pillar shattered.

But just then——

I saw nearly a thousand Zerg monsters suddenly appearing behind everyone. However, they did not attack everyone, but rushed towards the stone pillars suspended in mid-air.

Along with these Zerg monsters, they landed on the stone pillars.

Many stone pillars began to break into pieces and fell into the abyss together with the Zerg monsters.

Only some solid stone pillars are left suspended in mid-air, and these stone pillars form the real road.

Everyone suddenly realized something and subconsciously looked at the young man from Jingjiu City.

"Zerg Priest"!

"stop looking."

The young man dressed in luxury goods shook his head and took the lead, jumping lightly onto a stone pillar and rushing towards the third level. His voice was slightly higher and he said: "Don't waste time, 10 minutes is not long."

Obviously, it was this young man who summoned a large number of Zerg monsters just now, and then spent the lives of these Zerg monsters to explore their paths. It must be said that this profession is really a good pathfinder.

Many people also cast their gratitude towards the back of this young man.

This saved them a lot of time, which was tantamount to saving their lives. You must know that this person from Jingjiu City can only explore the way to his own level, and there is no need to explore theirs.

The levels of each team exist independently and side by side.

(End of this chapter)

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